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Germany to offer 1.09 billion euro loan to India

This is old news, like most indian plans never materialized.

Toilet Nadu shoved this deal down governments throat.

GoI begged GoSL to accept their offer.

:rofl: The World Factbook

The country your taking your begging bowl to has a higher public debt than SL.

You have no understanding of economics and commerce.

Sri lanka is no longer eligible for development assistance because it's income is too high.

Please take your begging bowl somewhere else.
i just don't understand why is it that your a$$ is on fire hearing this news.it's a normal thing for a country like India to take Loan from another country or from IMF/World Bank to fund it's development projects.mind it that Germany isn't doing any charity,it will receive due interest each year from India.
OTOH,India has provided $billions as aid to SL for re-developing your war ravaged country.so why don't you ask your Govt. to stop taking Indian aid and take the money as Loan from somewhere else!!
the reality is that no other country is willing to help your war ravaged nation because of all the human rights violation perpetrated by the SL Govt. and hence your country has no other option than to take our aid for the rehabilitation and development projects.Period!!
Its a loan and Germany will earn interest, we welcome friendly gestures. :tup:

More money means more development. :angel:
Well, let's see how it goes, India should be able to get more European investment in the Southern Corridors. We have China investing in the Mekong Corridor. Japan in the DMIC and CBIC. The future looks bright as long as all this is executed properly.
See, that is the thing.
Japan was actually the one who proposed the concept of Infra and manufacturing corridors to India. They pitched the idea in the first place to GoI and gave examples of Osaka Tokyo and China's Eastern coast corridors as examples.

GoI accepted yet Japan was and remains the prime mover in this massive project - nudging GoI constantly. They started the lines of credit to push the project. They have basically given an open wallet to India.

If the Japanese were not that driven, we wont have any such projects.

Now GoI liked the idea, but to start new corridors where Japan is not investing, they need to tie up investments, they are not used to doing this. Neither are they intrinsically driven on this.

UK also offered it on its own, India has till now only talked with a couple of Arab countries to invest in these projects.

You can understand why I remain skeptical if they are able to tie up financing on their own.
i just don't understand why is it that your a$$ is on fire hearing this news.it's a normal thing for a country like India to take Loan from another country or from IMF/World Bank to fund it's development projects.mind it that Germany isn't doing any charity,it will receive due interest each year from India.
OTOH,India has provided $billions as aid to SL for re-developing your war ravaged country.so why don't you ask your Govt. to stop taking Indian aid and take the money as Loan from somewhere else!!
the reality is that no other country is willing to help your war ravaged nation because of all the human rights violation perpetrated by the SL Govt. and hence your country has no other option than to take our aid for the rehabilitation and development projects.Period!!

If you think india provided "$billions as aid" to SL i have nothing more to say :lol:

If you think india provided "$billions as aid" to SL i have nothing more to say :lol:


Go ahead show me some proof of this Indian 'aid'

India increases aid to Sri Lanka

One must never never go full retard, :o:

Even as the anti-Sri Lanka mood in Tamil Nadu is getting more belligerent, the Centre has increased its annual grant to the island nation in the Union Budget. The allocation has gone up to Rs 500 crore for 2013-2014 from Rs 290 crore last year. It was Rs 181.94 crore in 2011-2012. The Budget has allocated Rs 5,550 crore as aid for foreign governments and organizations

Go ahead show me some proof of this Indian 'aid'

India is the second largest aid giver to Srilanka after China
the amount is in millions of $ if you are considering the grant assistance
if you consider the loan assitance also then the amount is in billion $

here is 1 article

India second largest development aid giver to Sri Lanka

COLOMBO: India was the second largest development aid giver to Sri Lanka last year behind China, providing over $700 million to the island nation, according to latest official figures.
This was contained in the Ministry of finance and Planning's External Resources Department's 2012 'Global Partnership Towards Development' report issued recently.

The Chinese commitment stood at $1.05 billion. "The total assistance extended by India during the last 5 year period was $1.45 billion of which $1.12 billion was loan assistance and $326 million was grant assistance," the report said.
See, that is the thing.
Japan was actually the one who proposed the concept of Infra and manufacturing corridors to India. They pitched the idea in the first place to GoI and gave examples of Osaka Tokyo and China's Eastern coast corridors as examples.

GoI accepted yet Japan was and remains the prime mover in this massive project - nudging GoI constantly. They started the lines of credit to push the project. They have basically given an open wallet to India.

If the Japanese were not that driven, we wont have any such projects.

Now GoI liked the idea, but to start new corridors where Japan is not investing, they need to tie up investments, they are not used to doing this. Neither are they intrinsically driven on this.

UK also offered it on its own, India has till now only talked with a couple of Arab countries to invest in these projects.

You can understand why I remain skeptical if they are able to tie up financing on their own.

Its a win-win situation.

India gets the loan Japanese gets the contracts (as its the prerequisite of the loan)

India gets the infrastructure, jobs and our industry & economy grows, Japanese companies builds factories they gets the Indian market and also get the cheap labor.
Weren't to preaching earlier that loans which have to paid back isn't the same as 'aid'.

The only assistance that i know of was to build those houses for the Tamils, as far as i know, it hasn't materialized yet.

That assistance plays no part in the SL economy.

Shut up and enjoy that egg on your face Mr "I have inside connections with Rajpakasa" :rofl:
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