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Germany to offer 1.09 billion euro loan to India

Weren't to preaching earlier that loans which have to paid back isn't the same as 'aid'.

The only assistance that i know of was to build those houses for the Tamils, as far as i know, it hasn't materialized yet.

That assistance plays no part in the SL economy.

Pathetic baboon, you need assistance with your pathetic mental faculties...
Loans are fine as long as they are used with a long-term strategy in mind, such as to inject capital into development projects for a long-term increase in national output or employment. As in this case.

Loans are bad when they are used as a short-term measure to cover up deficits and financial mismanagement.

This is what happense to people who do not get along with Tamilians

Strange move on Germany's part given the fact that India didn't help them during the floods they had last year.:rofl:

@MarkusS :pop:

8 deaths from Germany, doesn't seem like Germany needed any help
Strange move on Germany's part given the fact that India didn't help them during the floods they had last year.:rofl:

@MarkusS :pop:

You are from romania? Is the loan we give india bigger than your annual GDP? What does Romania produce anyways?
You are from romania? Is the loan we give india bigger than your annual GDP? What does Romania produce anyways?

Nothing/Nada/Rien.We get by on Germoney's money while we sit round swinging our d###s and sipping Mai Thai's. :chilli:
Nothing/Nada/Rien.We get by on Germoney's money while we sit round swinging our d###s and sipping Mai Thai's. :chilli:

What money? Your people aren´t even allowed to get welfare in germany. :D
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