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Germany to offer 1.09 billion euro loan to India

All countries take and give loans my dear boy.

At the end of the day, while India is bill gating, Sir Lanka is sinking down and down in dumps.

Too low.

Our target should be to get all European countries to invest in our infrastructure. Particularly infra corridors being developed now.

The Delhi-Bombay Corridor is being financed by Japan.

At the very least we need to get the Bombay-Bangalore corridor financed by European countries, it is an orphan and unless we fix up financing, we wont be able to build it. UK is partially investing in it.

Bangalore-China corridor is again being financed by Japan.
Its loan for Infrastructure and power projects like Japanese Loans for C-B, D-M corridors. The beneficiaries of the loan would be private companies by the most.

India to build 50k homes for displaced SL Tamils - Times Of India

Shoo Shoo begger..!

This is old news, like most indian plans never materialized.

Toilet Nadu shoved this deal down governments throat.

GoI begged GoSL to accept their offer.

Bit rich coming from a Sri Lankan.

Public debt as a percent of GDP


:rofl: The World Factbook

The country your taking your begging bowl to has a higher public debt than SL.

You have no understanding of economics and commerce.

Sri lanka is no longer eligible for development assistance because it's income is too high.

Please take your begging bowl somewhere else.
This is old news, like most indian plans never materialized.

Toilet Nadu shoved this deal down governments throat.

GoI begged GoSL to accept their offer.

:rofl: The World Factbook

The country your taking your begging bowl to has a higher public debt than SL.

You have no understanding of economics and commerce.

Sri lanka is no longer eligible for development assistance because it's income is too high.

Please take your begging bowl somewhere else.

I am starting to LOVE SL as much as I LOVE BD :D
Too low.

Our target should be to get all European countries to invest in our infrastructure. Particularly infra corridors being developed now.

The Delhi-Bombay Corridor is being financed by Japan.

At the very least we need to get the Bombay-Bangalore corridor financed by European countries, it is an orphan and unless we fix up financing, we wont be able to build it. UK is partially investing in it.

Bangalore-China corridor is again being financed by Japan.

I believe the UK is investing in the Southern Corridors.
A request folks - please dont get side tracked by quoting the troll.

Remain focused on the topic.

I believe the UK is investing in the Southern Corridors.
Their investment is only for the Bombay - Bangalore corridor, and as of now even that is in limbo on account of their own financing problems.

The other Southern corridor - Bangalore to Chennai is being financed by Japan.
This is old news, like most indian plans never materialized.

Toilet Nadu shoved this deal down governments throat.

GoI begged GoSL to accept their offer.

:rofl: The World Factbook

The country your taking your begging bowl to has a higher public debt than SL.

You have no understanding of economics and commerce.

Sri lanka is no longer eligible for development assistance because it's income is too high.

Please take your begging bowl somewhere else.
:rofl: The World Factbook

The country your taking your begging bowl to has a higher public debt than SL.

You have no understanding of economics and commerce.

Sri lanka is no longer eligible for development assistance because it's income is too high.

Please take your begging bowl somewhere else.

External DEbt to GDP ratio :lol:


Point is Sri Lanka is the beggar in the neighborhood if anyone is :coffee:
A request folks - please dont get side tracked by quoting the troll.

Remain focused on the topic.

Their investment is only for the Bombay - Bangalore corridor, and as of now even that is in limbo on account of their own financing problems.

The other Southern corridor - Bangalore to Chennai is being financed by Japan.

Well, let's see how it goes, India should be able to get more European investment in the Southern Corridors. We have China investing in the Mekong Corridor. Japan in the DMIC and CBIC. The future looks bright as long as all this is executed properly.
When you learn economics get back to me.

SL is the same color as most European countries.

You are the one who brought begging into all this, taking loan is no begging, so maybe its you who should learn some economics.

Sri Lanka of all country should know that, it has the highest external debt to gdp ratio(the biggest beggar according to your logic) in all of South Asia.

Now no need to whine :lol:
Loan is a kind of investment only and we need to attract more europian countries for direct or indirect investment in india.
And india also have 1 trillion dollar plan for infrastructure project in future
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