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Geography’s Curse: India’s Vulnerable ‘Chicken’s Neck’

Bangladeshi's saying Chinese and NE population (if and when majority of them want independence) will do it.
Indians saying we will beat up Bangladesh so bad.
What we have to do with it? We are in no way involved. It is only China, China or China and of course if NE population want independence.

But we can sure as hell talk about this absolutely real and persistent threat and danger for "mainland" India to keep its colonial rule over NE India. No one can stop us from freely expressing our views about a very real future possibility.

Once again, China and NE population (when and if majority of them want independence) is your problems. We are not involved in this problem, we are merely expressing our views since this is in our immediate neighborhood. And I am glad that it bothers Indian till no end and make them spout nonsense, as we see in this thread.
If we kick off pole ventures of your country from NE then no one else want independence from India.

So you are saying Indian rule cannot stop Bangladesh infiltration? So whats the worry then, NE will soon be another Bangladesh.

And NE population want independence because they are sick of illegal Bangladeshi's? Great, you failed in that case as well, because they will get their independence and break free from India, so they can manage their own affairs.

In either case, it is India's incompetence and failure that NE population is tired of and they should seek their own future separately, that is the only logical course. If Pakistan can separate from India, if Bangladesh can separate from Pakistan, then surely NE can and should separate from incompetent "mainland" Indians who cannot manage their own affairs.
So you are saying Indian rule cannot stop Bangladesh infiltration? So whats the worry then, NE will soon be another Bangladesh.

And NE population want independence because they are sick of illegal Bangladeshi's? Great, you failed in that case as well, because they will get their independence and break free from India, so they can manage their own affairs.

In either case, it is India's incompetence and failure that NE population is tired of and they should seek their own future separately, that is the only logical course. If Pakistan can separate from India, if Bangladesh can separate from Pakistan, then surely NE can and should separate from incompetent "mainland" Indians who cannot manage their own affairs.

First tell me how many people of NE want independence (almost all separatist movements were dead), all problems in NE states are created because of low life pole ventures, as we all know they shelters by congress because of their vote bank politics.

But now people of NE want to clear these scums and even ULFA want to kick Bangladeshi from NE (next gov will surely do something, we all are waiting for modi to throw all of them in Bay of Bangal)

So basically people of NE want to kick Bangladeshi out from their land not Independence.
Bangladeshi's saying Chinese and NE population (if and when majority of them want independence) will do it.
Indians saying we will beat up Bangladesh so bad.
What we have to do with it? We are in no way involved. It is only China, China or China and of course if NE population want independence.

But we can sure as hell talk about this absolutely real and persistent threat and danger for "mainland" India to keep its colonial rule over NE India. No one can stop us from freely expressing our views about a very real future possibility.

Once again, China and NE population (when and if majority of them want independence) is your problems. We are not involved in this problem, we are merely expressing our views since this is in our immediate neighborhood. And I am glad that it bothers Indian till no end and make them spout nonsense, as we see in this thread.

Its just an open minded idea. Kind of like you Indians have at times when you people think that Bangladesh is a park where you can just walk in anytime you want and have a picnic thinking that nothing is going to happen. I see no bad in it. And as per mentioning Indians to not focus on Bangladesh was related to the link given about how Bangladesh and China is being shown related here. And does Nobel Laureate Dr. Yunus ring a bell to your name? Bangladeshi being the 7th most happiest race of people in the world? And then Bangladesh being the largest UN troops contributor? Am sure you must have noticed such news. You cant deny the facts. And if you havent. Then all am gonna say is get a better cable operator. Or just atleast listen to the news properly :yahoo:
Its just an open minded idea. Kind of like you Indians have at times when you people think that Bangladesh is a park where you can just walk in anytime you want and have a picnic thinking that nothing is going to happen. I see no bad in it. And as per mentioning Indians to not focus on Bangladesh was related to the link given about how Bangladesh and China is being shown related here. And does Nobel Laureate Dr. Yunus ring a bell to your name? Bangladeshi being the 7th most happiest race of people in the world? And then Bangladesh being the largest UN troops contributor? Am sure you must have noticed such news. You cant deny the facts. And if you havent. Then all am gonna say is get a better cable operator. Or just atleast listen to the news properly :yahoo:

Are you sure you did not quote the wrong person, because if you look at my flag, I am originally from Bangladesh.
China is geographically not in a favorable position to do anything with the "chicken neck" and talking about Bangladesh, any misadventure from Bangladesh will only result in the chicken neck becoming an elephant neck.
Guerrilla warfare takes long time to get its footing and even more to take any significant toll on the enemy.
It took Vietnam 1.5 decades, Afghans one decade to cause any considerable damage to Americans and Soviets respectively that they would even consider changing their policies.That too when they were fighting in their own country(had local support). Here according to what you are suggesting, bangladeshi guerrillas will fighting in enemy territory, possibly without any local support..how long would that take??

How long would Bangladesh last against Indian blockade , before its resources end,its economy shatters, riots break loose for even most meager resources??

I think it easier than you think especially since Bangladesh does have a population of 160 million people ..... there will also be pockets of support from within India from various groups.
I think it easier than you think especially since Bangladesh does have a population of 160 million people ..... there will also be pockets of support from within India from various groups.

Didn't indians are harping india surrounds Bangladesh from three sides? Looks like "karma is a b i t c h". There is endless supply of independent seekers in india and fighting against indian occupation. It is in our best interest people in NE and elsewhere in India get help to pursue their independence inspiration.
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USA will collapse in a matter of time. The current military expenditure is not sustainable in long run.

How long after the US will collapse? Is it a million years? However, even after a million years, the JATPAT infested Indian society will remain a backward and a very hungry country.
I think it easier than you think especially since Bangladesh does have a population of 160 million people ..... there will also be pockets of support from within India from various groups.

A common man needs a very strong reason to uproot his life, leave his family and go to foreign country towards certain death.
Reason dictates that he will first blame his troubles on his govt for getting into a war with a much larger nation. You will have riots and revolts in your country before Indians will have insurgency in theirs.

Plus if insurgency is the only problem it can always minimized by deploying troops on the border(which they will already be)..shooting everyone trying to cross...take LOC for example.

It has been three decades since Pakistan(and they have much more resources than you) been trying to bring India to its knees with tactics like insurgency.Yet India has not yielded an inch.

Does Bangladesh have resources to last three decades absent foreign trade? How long before every system in your country breaks down.If you still have a functioning govt in your country after couple of weeks of blockade, either you will declare a full scale war on India(which you will loose) or you will stand down.
Bold part: Yes, you are right that IA troops will try to move into BD territory. But, this is why BA has mobilized much of its artillery and tanks in our NW near that corridor. Note that MBTs are operable only in the NW.

BA will certainly not give any shelter to the IA troops and a demoralized IA will lose ground witha PLA attack. So, I do not think IA will force-enter into BD territory. Can IA counter a two-front attack? One from north and the from BA in the south?

We held off west pakistan while liberating east pakistan all the while maintaining a force in north east to counter any chinese moves .When could hold three fronts and still liberate a country do you still doubt whether we can hold off a two front attack? what we did in 1971 is reality that is bangladesh.
China will decide to get BD's indirect help and will choke the Chicken Neck. IA cannot send men and equipment anymore, and IA will give up Arunachal. No amount of fortification will help IA. So, CN is a geographical curse for India.

And then you wake up!!! dang what a dream
Dude if thats the only time you see Bangladesh in the news, then seriously change your cable operator. Either that or your just too blind. None the less India has enough honor right? Deal with your nations worries then. Instead of talking big about every other thing you all plan to do and show the world about. First do it properly. Quit looking down on nations smaller than you, trying talking head to head with nations such as China.

Ohh wait forgot they dont give a rats arse about India! LOL! Anyway peace out! Your country is best to you. My country is the best to me. Lets just not keep on talking about things that make no sense whatsoever :offpost:
then first preach this to your countrymen who are dreaming to cut chicken neck corridore here. Even you know that what'll follow after even if you think to do so.
Are you sure? Hehehe....

I appreciate your honestly nonetheless.

Bangladesh isn't any position to go to war with India or even Myanmar for that matter. Bangladeshis are not a militaristic people at all.

Bangladesh-India relations were in fact at the lowest point in history during the previous BNP tenure. Yes, even informed Indian professionals here would agree.

Common sense would dictate that India would need Bangladesh's cooperation to at least contain the various insurgencies in the north east India. Especially given the geography. And that is where the Awami League comes to play.

Are the problems in the north east over? Even with Bangladesh's cooperation? Far from it. Bombs going randomly off? I wonder exactly how many since 2008 relative to before. Not a great climate to do business in.

Of course I am sure.....Moving around from typical jingoism.....I think still today, India feels its relation with Pakistan is an issue....So when we see our relationship with any other nation wrt Pakistan...that is how you can understand then BD India relation is always and most of the time is OK kind of thing..The perception may be different in BD and i can understand that very well.
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