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Geography’s Curse: India’s Vulnerable ‘Chicken’s Neck’

A common man needs a very strong reason to uproot his life, leave his family and go to foreign country towards certain death.
Reason dictates that he will first blame his troubles on his govt for getting into a war with a much larger nation. You will have riots and revolts in your country before Indians will have insurgency in theirs.

Plus if insurgency is the only problem it can always minimized by deploying troops on the border(which they will already be)..shooting everyone trying to cross...take LOC for example.

It has been three decades since Pakistan(and they have much more resources than you) been trying to bring India to its knees with tactics like insurgency.Yet India has not yielded an inch.

Does Bangladesh have resources to last three decades absent foreign trade? How long before every system in your country breaks down.If you still have a functioning govt in your country after couple of weeks of blockade, either you will declare a full scale war on India(which you will loose) or you will stand down.

That is an epic post:

"insurgency is the only problem it can always minimized by deploying troops...take LOC for example"

That is why india ran to US and always in ISI phobia. Add Bangladesh into helping NE independence aspiration; india will be kaput financially, emotionally and otherwise.

india will never know how Bangladesh operates in the mist of chaos. Poor thing.
That is an epic post:

"insurgency is the only problem it can always minimized by deploying troops...take LOC for example"

That is why india ran to US and always in ISI phobia. Add Bangladesh into helping NE independence aspiration; india will be kaput financially, emotionally and otherwise.

india will never know how Bangladesh operates in the mist of chaos. Poor thing.

Bit rich coming from people who see RAW involvement in everything :rofl:
That is an epic post:

"insurgency is the only problem it can always minimized by deploying troops...take LOC for example"

That is why india ran to US and always in ISI phobia. Add Bangladesh into helping NE independence aspiration; india will be kaput financially, emotionally and otherwise.

india will never know how Bangladesh operates in the mist of chaos. Poor thing.

Don't quote me out of context!!! Read the post I am replying to and undestand what have I written, in its entirety.

Insurgency is not a new phenomenon to Indians, Pakistan have doing same for three decades now and it has yet to yield any results,

Insurgency in Punjab has been crushed, Indians have found a way to bring insurgency in Kashmir down to a trickle, yet haven't budged an inch from their original position...yet Pakistani lives are much more miserable for it.

If Bangladesh were to resort to similar measures..it would make Bangladeshi lives infinitely more miserable. India might reply back overtly or covertly, problem for you is that, you don't have resources to match us in either scenario and its repercussions could alter the very existence of a nations such as Bangladesh.
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I was wrong earlier , I think India will never militarily answer any mischief by BD . Just like their mutiny incident , if they poke us once we will reply with thousand slaps. BD and other surrounding countries are RAW's playground . We civvies get agitated sometime when these countries make a little noise, but after a while we all get to see their fingers in their own nose:cray: . just like BDR mutiny .. .. :sarcastic::sarcastic:
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I for one would very much like India to annex Rangpur division and make it an autonomous homeland for Bangladeshi Hindus (this was also increase the size of the Siliguri corridor).

And further annex Chittagong Hill Tracts and make it an autonomous region of India with Chakma self rule (this will give the eastern most states of India like Tripura and Manipur easy access to the Bay and Bengal). Myanmar would be more than happy to support this move, as the autonomous Chakma province of India will act as a buffer state between the peaceful Buddhishts of Myanmar and the Jihadi hordes that are being trained in CHT under the guidance of Al qaida.

So yeah, bring it Bangladesh and see what hits you. We are just looking for an excuse anyways.
I agree, seriously !! that would solve a lot of issues.. This is good for their own (BD)citizens too..
I m not reading good news coming out of that country these days . This is what i read today
The Assam Tribune Online
Bangla Islamist enterprises earn USD 280m annual profit wtf
Over the next 1-2 decade there will be an appreciable increase in BD military capability RELATIVE to India.

The massive advantage that BD will have over India is a ready supply of modern armaments with good finance arrangements from China. By next decade, India will find itself spending much more money than BD to be able to procure fighters, submarines, ships and missiles of comparable quality and so that will help BD narrow the gap between itself and India, even though BD will have much less money to spend.

BD will slowly but surely rise as a strong country in the future once the useless Begums are thrown into the dustbin of history forever. 

By 2030, Chinese super-carrier battle-groups will also regularly patrol the Indian Ocean.

Indian Navy will be nothing compared to either the US or Chinese Navies.

We have a soothsayer in our midst.

The underlined part above is the key - no nation ever grow with borrowed money .
The Chinese will soon deploy their 3rd generation Type-095 SSN. India is yet to even launch their 1st generation SSN.
Please don't insult China by trying to compare your country to theirs.

First of all Nuke subs are not for power projection know this.

Secondly India has Island Chains all over the IOR which are like permanent bases.

Third Historically speaking Chinese Navy is underdeveloped when compared to their army and airforce, On the contrary IN is always a strong force for India.

Fourth, regarding your comment on comparision, First it was the Central asian turks the moguls, then It is the Arabs now it is chinese, next what?? I pity with your attitudes.

There is no way Chinese are going to dominate IOR , check out the latest platforms IN is inducting like 1) Submarine hunter killers like P8i(one of the best in the business),
2) Aircraft carriers , INS Vikramaditya is on its way to India from Russia as we speak.The other one will be inducted 3 to 4 years from now.
3) IOR close to India is bugged with sensors by India, recent prediction if Cyclone is an example of that.
4) Dedicated satellite networks IRNSS , advanced remote sensing satellites which can pick up activity in seas.
5) A marine base in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
6) Strengthening of coastal defences that includes strengthening of Coast Guard.
7) Faster induction of figates,destroyers and corvettes, our shipyards are now running at full flow to their maximum potential.
taking BD lightly will only strangulate the chicken neck.
seriously you think that the people of Bengal will simply allow those bangladeshi forces to come and cut off the siliguri corridor just like that!!Bengalis are famous for their guerilla tactics which they have mastered in the past 100 years fighting against the most powerful empire on earth(read-the British empire).so any misadventure made by the B.D. army will be dealt with equal ferocity by the Bengalis.that kind of a blunder will cost the B.D.A. very dearly...... 
the better proposition is to secede NE to Chinkos.
Bangladesh advance till Rajmahal hill. Create Autonomous hindu dalit region in Bihar and settle all the dalits and wanna be brahmin like Roybot in it.. ;)
so you think you will just invade Bengal and meet no resistance here!we'll ensure that none of your soldiers will ever leave the soil of Bengal on their feet.then we'll simply invade east Bengal and reclaim the land which is rightfully ours...:cheers:
It is almost sad when members like you tout bangladesh posturing aggressively against India... if push comes to shove you do realise it will be matter of hours to neutralize bangladeshi defenses both in air and water.... apart from few isolated border events, I neither foresee any hostilities between the two countries and nor any subterfuge from any bangladeshi government ever....

As you haven't been able to do something like neutralizing with your mighty forces ever, it sounds cowardice because only cowards do this..do something real on field. And on real field your mighty forces may go bankrupt while neutralizing these small forces, especially while your forces are inefficient compared to this smaller one.
First of all Nuke subs are not for power projection know this.

Secondly India has Island Chains all over the IOR which are like permanent bases.

Third Historically speaking Chinese Navy is underdeveloped when compared to their army and airforce, On the contrary IN is always a strong force for India.

Fourth, regarding your comment on comparision, First it was the Central asian turks the moguls, then It is the Arabs now it is chinese, next what?? I pity with your attitudes.

There is no way Chinese are going to dominate IOR , check out the latest platforms IN is inducting like 1) Submarine hunter killers like P8i(one of the best in the business),
2) Aircraft carriers , INS Vikramaditya is on its way to India from Russia as we speak.The other one will be inducted 3 to 4 years from now.
3) IOR close to India is bugged with sensors by India, recent prediction if Cyclone is an example of that.
4) Dedicated satellite networks IRNSS , advanced remote sensing satellites which can pick up activity in seas.
5) A marine base in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
6) Strengthening of coastal defences that includes strengthening of Coast Guard.
7) Faster induction of figates,destroyers and corvettes, our shipyards are now running at full flow to their maximum potential.

With all your data and bragging, IA troops have very silently managed to cede 600 km2 of Ladakh land only yesterday. What a bunch of big mouth you Indians are!!!!
With all your data and bragging, IA troops have very silently managed to cede 600 km2 of Ladakh land only yesterday. What a bunch of big mouth you Indians are!!!!

You are bragging here out of frustration, Check out the facts what I have written and counter them if they are wrong.
Otherwise better keep quite. BD's overestimate them selves.

Why rant about India when you can do jack about it??

Or I have touched some of those sensitive nerves of False ego's and fake things you feel , due to which partition happened??

Regarding Leh incidents our media always quotes in anti china voice. No official word is out.
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Since and before the time of Alexander BoB belonged to Bengal, now Bangladesh. It never belonged to India. It will remain so in the future. We have seen IA troops in 1971, our Ansar paramilitary troops are good enough to fight against them with their light weapons.
ore baba ki buddhi apnar dada!BoB belonged to India and India only since the ancient times.the maritime state of Gangaridai was located in the western part of the Bengal region and most of the ports like Tamralipta were situated in the rarh region of Bengal.plus the Bengali merchants and colonists from the kingdom of Gangaridai established colonies in far off regions like Indonesia,Vietnam,Srilanka,Malaysia etc.so India(as Bengal was always a part of India) maintained it's naval superiority in BoB even in the medieval times.
but then after the turkic invasion of Bengal our maritime supremacy declined all of a sudden.but by then Kalinga had replaced us as the masters of the BoB.....
None of the BD members have ever been to NE , yet write as if they are experts in NE matters..

These guys are obsessed by Indian North East, some times fantasize of NE accumulating into BD.
They have their ways to conquer NE by sending lungi walas across the porus border. 
the better proposition is to secede NE to Chinkos.
Bangladesh advance till Rajmahal hill. Create Autonomous hindu dalit region in Bihar and settle all the dalits and wanna be brahmin like Roybot in it.. ;)

Better solution is you people build a wall against the rising Bay of Bengal and survive, otherwise you some people in BD have to live in boat houses in the coming decades.
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