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Geography’s Curse: India’s Vulnerable ‘Chicken’s Neck’

Lmao, it's so hilarious considering that area of modern Pakistan never gave a fight to any foreign invader.

You Pakistanis who keep saying this are delusional. Those invaders not only violated your ancestors, but now those ancestors kids have those invaders as heros. :lol:

Lol,Pakistan certainly is a successor state of all the Islamic India India had witnessed.
Indian H needs all its Brahmos to be fed by its hungry millions. These have no other use.

No, @Roybot is a secret agent for a very nefarious Agency of India which is trying to destabilize BD. 

China will decide to get BD's indirect help and will choke the Chicken Neck. IA cannot send men and equipment anymore, and IA will give up Arunachal. No amount of fortification will help IA. So, CN is a geographical curse for India.
Don't worry we will open a new port at Chittagong....
what ?? this is a public forum,we were just playing along...
Geographically NE india is almost as big as BD with little more than 1/3 rd of its population. To say that entire NE is volatile or stable is not correct . Its only the state of manipur and some smaller areas which are bit troubled, rest are okay. Decades of insurgents have hampered our growth but now GOI is pumping massive amount of money to develop infrastructure. We have new hydel power plants coming up , 4 lane highways , educational institutions and much more . It will take some time before you will see some results..
Most of the time only negative news get highlighted in our media, you never get read about all the fun things:partay: that happens here:enjoy:. For me, despite our remoteness it is still the best place to live in India:pleasantry:

Just wait till the BJP govt comes into power
All of india will be put on road to fast development 
Indian H needs all its Brahmos to be fed by its hungry millions. These have no other use.

No, @Roybot is a secret agent for a very nefarious Agency of India which is trying to destabilize BD. 

China will decide to get BD's indirect help and will choke the Chicken Neck. IA cannot send men and equipment anymore, and IA will give up Arunachal. No amount of fortification will help IA. So, CN is a geographical curse for India.

What do you mean when you are saying CHINA CHINA out loud

Wake up
Sino-India relations are improving day by day
War or even border skirmishes are a thing of past

& China will mess up relations with India
For BD
You are already Bangladesh
Or you are thinking that By manufacturing Undergarments you can build a army that can defeat ours

Man your airforce does has majority of 3 or 3.5 gen jets
Your navy cannot face our coast guard
& your army was getting killed by BDR
In 2009

BSF,Assam Police & West Bengal Police is enough to take care of it
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Indian H needs all its Brahmos to be fed by its hungry millions. These have no other use.

No, @Roybot is a secret agent for a very nefarious Agency of India which is trying to destabilize BD. 

China will decide to get BD's indirect help and will choke the Chicken Neck. IA cannot send men and equipment anymore, and IA will give up Arunachal. No amount of fortification will help IA. So, CN is a geographical curse for India.

As said before, Chinese have no direct access to Chicken's neck area..their forces will have to cut through Bhutan or Nepal first to enter into Silliguri corridor.

And if theoretically Chinese can cut through Bhutanese or Nepalese territory, to make way into Indian territory, then what makes you think Indians will not cut through Bangladeshi territory to defend their

Even some how China is able to capture Siliguri corridor, it is very precarious position for them as their forces are flanked on both sides of the corridor and do not have room to maneuver., A pincer movement by Indian forces North of Corridor will cut of Chinese supply lines.

At best they can delay the arrival of of Indian strike corps in North East and not stop it all together.
China will decide to get BD's indirect help and will choke the Chicken Neck. IA cannot send men and equipment anymore, and IA will give up Arunachal. No amount of fortification will help IA. So, CN is a geographical curse for India.

Bay of Bengal is India's back yard, Quite simply IOR is where India choke any nation except some western countries. BD can't do anything here.
Actually Bangladesh army with three hundred and fifty thousand personnel is almost 6 times smaller than India's 2.1 million man army ( 1.2 million active and 0.9 million reserves).

When India invaded East Pakistan in 1971, two hundred and fifty thousand soldiers launched a simultaneous attack into East Pakistan across twenty fronts, while similar numbers fought on the Western front.
Army reserves were deployed to keep a watchful eye on Chinese border.

But that is not real problem here..biggest problem for Bangladesh is that in a war with India, it itself is biggest victim geography.Save a small border with Mayanmar, India surrounds Bangladesh on all sides. Even if not even a single shot is fired, a simple Naval blockade can virtually asphyxiate Bangladesh.

Then the only option is to push the war outwards engulfing the North East and West Bengal through guerrilla warfare ....
Indian H needs all its Brahmos to be fed by its hungry millions. These have no other use.

No, @Roybot is a secret agent for a very nefarious Agency of India which is trying to destabilize BD. 

China will decide to get BD's indirect help and will choke the Chicken Neck. IA cannot send men and equipment anymore, and IA will give up Arunachal. No amount of fortification will help IA. So, CN is a geographical curse for India.
And then India will open Farakka barage and flush BD to Bay of Bengal. Believe me even if BD want to help China, you people will be so scared to help them that you'll never do that mistake or whole BD would be destroyed like a bug. We'll either flush you or make you a desert is our choice though.
Then the only option is to push the war outwards engulfing the North East and West Bengal through guerrilla warfare ....

Guerrilla warfare takes long time to get its footing and even more to take any significant toll on the enemy.
It took Vietnam 1.5 decades, Afghans one decade to cause any considerable damage to Americans and Soviets respectively that they would even consider changing their policies.That too when they were fighting in their own country(had local support). Here according to what you are suggesting, bangladeshi guerrillas will fighting in enemy territory, possibly without any local support..how long would that take??

How long would Bangladesh last against Indian blockade , before its resources end,its economy shatters, riots break loose for even most meager resources??
Is it??

The facts and projections are showing another thing here. Indian Navy is fastest developing force in IOR and India has lot of Island chains which are in the process of becoming a floating aircraft carriers.
India is panning to raise marine forces on these islands all over IOR.

India ocean is a key for India's defense and Chinese have lot of disadvantages to fight IN in IOR.

You can dream on though.

The Chinese will soon deploy their 3rd generation Type-095 SSN. India is yet to even launch their 1st generation SSN.

Please don't insult China by trying to compare your country to theirs.
The Chinese will soon deploy their 3rd generation Type-095 SSN. India is yet to even launch their 1st generation SSN.

Please don't insult China by trying to compare your country to theirs.

Before praising big daddy china just try to do some research.

Akula2 which India leased from Russia is much much better then any of Chinese nuke sub and all new Indian nuke sub will be based on this..... China yet to reach on that level. 
But Chinese occupation of Bangladesh will be beneficial for Banglas also. They won't have to pole vault to india then.

PDF Bangladeshi are always ready to be occupied by China
Before praising big daddy china just try to do some research.

Akula2 which India leased from Russia is much much better then any of Chinese nuke sub and all new Indian nuke sub will be based on this..... China yet to reach on that level.

You are free to brag when India has put in service it's own SSN.

China already has done that for their 1st and 2nd generation SSNs and is sea-trialling their 3rd generation Type-095 SSN as we speak.

btw, Akula 2 wil be no match for the Type-095 SSN which is very close to being put into service.
The Chinese will soon deploy their 3rd generation Type-095 SSN. India is yet to even launch their 1st generation SSN.

Please don't insult China by trying to compare your country to theirs.

Chinese will be left with nothing after Pacific Ocean and South China sea. America is shifting naval buildup into the Pacific.
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Bangladeshis should stop dreaming that they will conquer NE with china. China can singlehandly do it . Likely they will annex Bangladesh after that. If the mullahs revolt then ,chinese forces will kill them en masse and they mullahs will set up bangladesh govt in exile in india.

But Chinese occupation of Bangladesh will be beneficial for Banglas also. They won't have to pole vault to india then.

Why on Earth would Bangladesh even have such a dream? What is there in it for us to conquer that part of India? India has its own headache regarding the region. That part itself has enough extremist groups that want to liberate it from India. There is nothing much in it for us. Except that China wouldn't even give a rats arse to India if they had wanted to occupy it. They would never need our thought in the matter even.

India though talks big about everything, when the right time comes it shall be seen what they can do. And as for China coming after Bangladesh to conquer it? LOL. Am sure they have enough worries elsewhere regarding conquering places. Its better for India to look into its own end because they have enough to worry about. The way their nation's economy is running, it sure is something to worry about when thinking of going against China and its allies! Having planes and not having money to fly them makes no sense. Quality matters. Not quantity. Keeping that in mind I would say theres no point in dragging Bangladesh into such a matter. Its for the big nations to deal with.
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