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Geography’s Curse: India’s Vulnerable ‘Chicken’s Neck’

Yes, you are right. You have already won all the bragging contests.

Why are you talking here your make belief things? A three-front tiger without muscle to protect Ladakh being taken away by the PLA troops only recently! Go beck to your Bharat Rakshak Forum and indulge in your pointless argument. India is a giant but its legs are made of clay.

Whatever and however the Indians try to bully BD verbally, there is no question in arguing that the fate of the entity called NE hangs on BD, only that the time to act cannot be an arbitrary decision by BD.

The time to cut off that Siligury link depends upon the regional and international politics and the tie ups among the big powers. India will only play the role of a toy at the hands of that big power game.
That is not make belief but reality of your country bangladesh which we did in 1971, indian reserves were put to guard against any chinese incursion, while us threatened to send its carrier fleet to indian ocean,when we called us bluff and went ahead with war what do you think we can do today?
The incident in ladakh neither caused a war or skirmish but just face off, neither the PLA nor IA want war with each other it was evident , the status quo remained the same with the PLA vacating that part.Not everyone does sabre rattling as bangladeshis and pakistanis.

Do read about 1971 war, infact you should be grateful we helped u form your country.Try messing with us and see what happens,that is not a threat but reality.
As you haven't been able to do something like neutralizing with your mighty forces ever, it sounds cowardice because only cowards do this..do something real on field. And on real field your mighty forces may go bankrupt while neutralizing these small forces, especially while your forces are inefficient compared to this smaller one.

No point in arguing here... hope common sense prevails...
The quintessential India will be something someday post. We can't have a thread without that !!

So your assertion is that $5 trillion Indian economy will smother the tiny BD economy in 2020 from all three sides. How are you going to do that growing at 3.5% ?

Its time we seek help from the Chinese to save ourselves from the 2020 mighty Indians, we ask the Chinese members that what are the odds that Roybot's world will come to exist according to his India 2020 vision.

@Chinese-Dragon @cirr @Fattyacids


I just couldn't pass this trolling chance, when someone offers you a gem on a silver platter, it is impolite to refuse that offering. !!!
hahaha no matter what but your country has no chance of survival even if you dream to do mis-adventure against India seriously. And when I say no chance of survival, I mean it. We control water and have sorrounded you by 3 sides while 4th (BoB) is just our back yard.
PS: all is well till BD behave like a good boy.
what ?? this is a public forum,we were just playing along...
Geographically NE india is almost as big as BD with little more than 1/3 rd of its population. To say that entire NE is volatile or stable is not correct . Its only the state of manipur and some smaller areas which are bit troubled, rest are okay. Decades of insurgents have hampered our growth but now GOI is pumping massive amount of money to develop infrastructure. We have new hydel power plants coming up , 4 lane highways , educational institutions and much more . It will take some time before you will see some results..
Most of the time only negative news get highlighted in our media, you never get read about all the fun things:partay: that happens here:enjoy:. For me, despite our remoteness it is still the best place to live in India:pleasantry:

Time? Well I guess that just proves about my point.

We shall see.

Of course I am sure.....Moving around from typical jingoism.....I think still today, India feels its relation with Pakistan is an issue....So when we see our relationship with any other nation wrt Pakistan...that is how you can understand then BD India relation is always and most of the time is OK kind of thing..The perception may be different in BD and i can understand that very well.

And respectfully, you are mistaken.

You assume that it is only a matter of one's "perception"? It is not. It is based on actual and recorded facts on the ground. Not mere cherry picking.

You can have a look for yourself if you don't believe me:
Rift in BNP over support to ULFA

GUWAHATI: The safe sanctuary provided by Bangladesh to Indian rebels, especially those belonging to the banned United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA), is believed to have stirred up a debate within that country's ruling Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).

Alarm bells have been set ringing among militant groups from the north-east following reports about how a section of the party's top leadership, led by Bangladesh prime minister Begum Khaleda Zia's son, Tariq Rehman, had questioned within BNP circles his uncle Syed Iskandir's stand of patronising rebels from north- east India.

Different rebel groups of the region have bases in Bangladesh. Among these, ULFA perhaps has the strongest presence there, with even shares in a number of money-spinning companies ranging from hotels to schools and poultry farms. In fact, a 1998 report by the Union home ministry, titled ''Bleeding Assam: The Role of the ULFA'', had pinpointed how ULFA has begun business projects in not just Dhaka, but also other Bangladeshi towns like Sylhet, Mymensingh and Narsingdi.

Sources from across the border said that Tariq Rehman, believed to be the ''rising star'' in BNP circles who had overtaken his till-recently all-powerful maternal uncle, Syed Iskandir, feel that the economy of Bangladesh would receive a big boost if ''friendlier relations'' were developed with India and the militants holed up in that country extradited.

''Rehman is backed by the powerful lobby of businessmen within the right-wing and normally anti-India BNP, who believe that trade with India — more so, Assam, which has a long border with Bangladesh — would increase manifold with better Indo-Bangla relations,'' the sources said, adding that even foreign minister M. Morshed Khan belonged to the pro-India camp of the BNP.

Interestingly, Syed Iskandir, a former army officer, reportedly enjoys a lot of clout within the DGFI (director-general of field intelligence), Bangladesh's intelligence wing, which, in turn, is close not just to ULFA ''commander-in-chief'' Paresh Barua, but also Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence.

The only obstacle at this moment seem to be a few Awami League leaders, accused of criminal activities in Bangladesh and believed to be taking shelter inside India at this moment.

''These include Joynal Hazari and Shamim Osman, former Awami League MPs from Feni and Narayanganj, respectively. In fact, at a recent meeting between officials of the two countries, the Bangladeshi side reiterated its demand for handing over these Bangladeshi nationals when the Indian side raised the issue of pushing back the north-eastern rebels,'' the sources said. ''There are chances of a trade-off if this is sorted out.''

The developments in Bangladesh come at a time when ULFA is already bogged down with reports of a strong disagreement between ''commander-in-chief'' Barua and chairman Aurobindo Rajkhowa over the launching of a renewed offensive in Assam.

Baruah's plan is reportedly at the behest of the ISI, which wants to create internal disturbances in India in the event of a war with Pakistan, a situation very similar to ULFA taking the side of Pakistan during the Kargil war.

However, Rajkhowa, citing shortage of funds and a scarcity of rice to feed the ULFA cadres holed up in the tiny Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, had disagreed with Baruah's stand. An angry Baruah is believed to have asked his ''deputy commander-in-chief'', Raju Baruah, to confine Rajkhowa for his ''disobedience''.
Rift in BNP over support to ULFA - Times Of India

India-Bangladesh relations were not very good during the previous BNP administration simply because some Bangladeshi agents were helping and sheltering ULFA militants under the BNP. This is an open secret.

Even said so by one of your esteemed members here in this very forum:
Indian intelligence involvement in Bangladesh land mass from 1947-today | Page 8

That took a bit of a forcing on my part. But it flew through with that one!

Does the collaboration with the current ruling AL yielding any fruit on the issue? One would say yes.
India-Bangladesh relations: Beyond Teesta and LBA
Bangladesh Army chief’s India visit to boost ties - The Hindu

But however, it is unrealistic to say that each and every bastard of a militant can be eliminated in such a scattered territory and demographics.
200 Indian NE region militants taking shelter in Bangladesh | UNB Connect

Who knows how many are still out there? They are still operational.

Nonetheless, one can conclude that there has been a correlation between since when the AL came to power and how the security situation has improved in the north east since the early 2000's.

Coming back to Bangladesh right now however, it's political scene is volatile. And I'm doubtful if New Delhi would want the BNP back in power seeing from the state of things here. Not to mention the wrath of Jamaat-Islami on.....everything.

What would happen to the security situation of the north east in case they do come to power then? I do not see any firm commitments from both New Delhi and BNP on the part even though they say they'd like to cooperate on the issue. I say they are lying.

The bottom line being that what goes on in Bangladesh MAY have an impact on the situation in the north east. And I can honestly say that the politics of Bangladesh is unpredictable, volatile and potentially deadly.

As one member said, it is a matter of time to see real results. But how much time is time? Elections are just months away. No one knows what will happen after.

I really do hope for the best for the north easterners. I really do. Be they under New Delhi, Beijing or even independent.
Coming back to Bangladesh right now however, it's political scene is volatile. And I'm doubtful if New Delhi would want the BNP back in power seeing from the state of things here. Not to mention the wrath of Jamaat-Islami on.....everything.

What would happen to the security situation of the north east in case they do come to power then? I do not see any firm commitments from both New Delhi and BNP on the part even though they say they'd like to cooperate on the issue. I say they are lying.

The bottom line being that what goes on in Bangladesh MAY have an impact on the situation in the north east. And I can honestly say that the politics of Bangladesh is unpredictable, volatile and potentially deadly.

As one member said, it is a matter of time to see real results. But how much time is time? Elections are just months away. No one knows what will happen after.

I really do hope for the best for the north easterners. I really do. Be they under New Delhi, Beijing or even independent.

This should be the key strategy for us Bangladeshi's. Regardless of the bad blood that has been created in the past due to the "alleged" migration issues, Bangladesh and its people cannot afford to and should not antagonize the people of North East, regardless of their future fate, under New Delhi, Beijing or independent. We must remember that they are our neighbors on two sides, while "mainland" India has border with us only on one side.
This should be the key strategy for us Bangladeshi's. Regardless of the bad blood that has been created in the past due to the "alleged" migration issues, Bangladesh and its people cannot afford to and should not antagonize the people of North East, regardless of their future fate, under New Delhi, Beijing or independent. We must remember that they are our neighbors on two sides, while "mainland" India has border with us only on one side.

Great joke !!!

shows how valid your posts are.
This should be the key strategy for us Bangladeshi's. Regardless of the bad blood that has been created in the past due to the "alleged" migration issues, Bangladesh and its people cannot afford to and should not antagonize the people of North East, regardless of their future fate, under New Delhi, Beijing or independent. We must remember that they are our neighbors on two sides, while "mainland" India has border with us only on one side.

I honestly don't care. Their future is to be ultimately in their own hands. I do not want their problems to be flowing here and impacting on Bangladesh.

A man in Bangladesh struggling to keep a roof above his head and having at least two square meals a day wouldn't have time to think about such issues. But nonetheless, Hasina is not very popular. She promised Tk. 10/kg of rice during her election campaigns, which turned out to be a lie, along with a whole lot of verbal gibberish from her and her ilks. I think that'd be enough to finish their credibility. Not to mention the use violence against political opponents. And persecuting Dr. Yunus.

Massive investments flowing in the northeast from the mainland during the past few years as they say? Makes perfect sense.
I honestly don't care. Their future is to be ultimately in their own hands. I do not want their problems to be flowing here and impacting on Bangladesh.

A man in Bangladesh struggling to keep a roof above his head and having at least two square meals a day wouldn't have time to think about such issues. But nonetheless, Hasina is not very popular. She promised Tk. 10/kg of rice during her election campaigns, which turned out to be a lie, along with a whole lot of verbal gibberish from her and her ilks. I think that'd be enough to finish their credibility. Not to mention the use violence against political opponents. And persecuting Dr. Yunus.

Massive investments flowing in the northeast from the mainland during the past few years as they say? Makes perfect sense.

You as an individual may not care or many of the struggling poor, but a country and its people as a whole has to care about and be cognizant of what is happening in their immediate neighborhood and how it may affect them. Because not caring may make the poor guy's situation even worse.

About Hasina, well I had a long conversation with a politically active Bangladeshi Hindu recently and it turns out that he thinks that she may even not be alive in 3 months, considering where the country is going.
You as an individual may not care or many of the struggling poor, but a country and its people as a whole has to care about and be cognizant of what is happening in their immediate neighborhood and how it may affect them. Because not caring may make the poor guy's situation even worse.

I was talking about the poor of Bangladesh. Not those north easterners.

A significant portion of Bangladeshi population still struggle to have two square meals a day. The man thinks about how to earn more income, a roof above his head and sending his children to school so that they can lead better lives than he did. Especially given that he lives in Dhaka, where all economic activities are centered at (a crude concept that I do not agree with).

We have many problems of our own that need to be addressed properly and fully. If we want to stand up for others, then we must first stand up for ourselves first.

I mean, do you honestly believe that those people have any time to think about global affairs? North East India (LOL)? No one gives a damn about what goes on in India. All they can give references about are Bollywood and cricket.

Many cannot acknowledge the problems flowing from there, and how it impacts the politics of Bangladesh because of that.

Nonetheless, Hasina's popularity is not fairing well among them either. And that should be enough against those Sheikhs.

I like many would also like to see Dhaka University be back to its former glory - In time. A place free from violent student politics where all can feel secure.

It is the advancement of Bangladeshis to a higher status that should be our prime concern. That way, we may be able to both outrun and outmatch the Indians in every possible way should they pose any threat or challenge now and the future. One generation after another.

And frankly, those two dimwits we have are not it.

This is the sustainable path to counter India.

About Hasina, well I had a long conversation with a politically active Bangladeshi Hindu recently and it turns out that he thinks that she may even not be alive in 3 months, considering where the country is going.

No one want to live under another BAKSAL. I'm telling you, NO ONE. Not even the poorest peasant.
If we want to stand up for others, then we must first stand up for ourselves first.

In principal that is correct stand but in reality and strategically speaking that is not always best choice. When enemy like india hindering our progress and even attacking our sovereignty, weakening enemy is actually way to get back to self focus and development.
In principal that is correct stand but in reality and strategically speaking that is not always best choice. When enemy like india hindering our progress and even attacking our sovereignty, weakening enemy is actually way to get back to self focus and development.

I agree that India needs to be contained.

And honestly, I do not know who those foreign militants are, or who they serve. Do you?

Let's ask ourselves, did the BNP and the DGFI agents had any experience and knowledge in supporting a foreign insurgency? It seems like a big no. RAW and ISI are far more effective organizations. Not to mention both are nuclear-armed.

If one couldn't handle the heat, then they'd better stay out of the kitchen. And 1/11 may not have happened. There are more effective ways to contain India.

And the army, despite spending all our hard earned tax money over the decades had been a monumental failure seeing from the Pilkhana tragedy.

The BNP currently has no other road to go other than calling hartals. They've been doing it for weeks. Another 3-day will start from Tuesday. And frankly, people are frustrated. As usual from the very beginning, Khaleda Zia has no strategy in mind. I doubt if she ever devised one. She is unwilling to take risks. If anything, they may fail in their goals.

It wouldn't be a bad thing if the Zias are gone once and for all. One down, one to go. The BNP and Jamaat can still be reconfigured nonetheless. A new body with the same soul.

It is ultimately the people who will decide what to do with the AL. And we know they aren't very popular right now. The Sheikhs are the one thing, and the only thing that stands in the way for the time being. Their local backers should also be dealt with as well.

A common defense policy and various security apparatuses need to be urgently devised after.

Who knows? If the Indians believe that all is well in the north east, they may have no need of the AL. And that's when they'd be vulnerable. Some say that if Modi comes to power, the AL would be vulnerable as well since they have no understanding with the BJP. We shall see.
I agree that India needs to be contained.

And honestly, I do not know who those foreign militants are, or who they serve. Do you?

Let's ask ourselves, did the BNP and the DGFI agents had any experience and knowledge in supporting a foreign insurgency? It seems like a big no. RAW and ISI are far more effective organizations. Not to mention both are nuclear-armed.

If one couldn't handle the heat, then they'd better stay out of the kitchen. And 1/11 may not have happened. There are more effective ways to contain India.

And the army, despite spending all our hard earned tax money over the decades had been a monumental failure seeing from the Pilkhana tragedy.

The BNP currently has no other road to go other than calling hartals. They've been doing it for weeks. Another 3-day will start from Tuesday. And frankly, people are frustrated. As usual from the very beginning, Khaleda Zia has no strategy in mind. I doubt if she ever devised one. She is unwilling to take risks. If anything, they may fail in their goals.

It wouldn't be a bad thing if the Zias are gone once and for all. One down, one to go. The BNP and Jamaat can still be reconfigured nonetheless. A new body with the same soul.

It is ultimately the people who will decide what to do with the AL. And we know they aren't very popular right now. The Sheikhs are the one thing, and the only thing that stands in the way for the time being. Their local backers should also be dealt with as well.

A common defense policy and various security apparatuses need to be urgently devised after.

Who knows? If the Indians believe that all is well in the north east, they may have no need of the AL. And that's when they'd be vulnerable. Some say that if Modi comes to power, the AL would be vulnerable as well since they have no understanding with the BJP. We shall see.

Is there any other alternative for Hartal? U know rallies and peaceful possessions are banned in this digital awami democrazy. U have to show force in BD politics. Its a norm established and championed by none other than BAL. I don't know whether BKZ have a strategy or not but no one should agree to Hasina's wishes of permanent hold of power. It would be like bowing down to injustice and facism. Anarchy is the norm when jungle laws prevails in a society. And lets not forget BAL's ability to stage false flag ops. No society can run the way BAL has been running BD.
And yeah obviously our state institutions have been totally destroyed. The security apparatus bureaucracy needs to be revamped after the ouster of BAL to safe guard BD's existence. The trick would be how capably BNP can handle external pressures in running a post-awami BD. But getting rid of BAL is a question of BD's existence now, everything else will simply fall into place inshallah. That's my opinion.

And India's issue is not only NE. They have a dream of culturally and economically amalgamating regional countries like BD. Complete hegemony over BD is the goal.There paranoia about chicken neck steams from chinese threat which is not going to get away any time soon given their wet dreams of regional hegemony. And Modi or no Modi- BAL will always be defended by the security apparatus of India.
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