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Genocides of France in Algeria


Nov 21, 2019
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Algeria on Friday received the skulls of 24 colonial resistance fighters which were lying in a French museum. The fighters’ heads were decapitated during France’s conquest of the North African country, and were transported to the European country as war trophie.

French media will not show this to you: After decades in a French museum, the skulls of 24 Algerians decapitated for resisting French colonial forces were formally repatriated to Algeria on Friday in an elaborate ceremony led by the teary-eyed Algerian president.




French colonialist are exceptional criminals.

Btw, as i heard the skulls of Algerian freedom fighters were returned to their motherland.

One of the outstanding leaders/fighters of Algerian Mujahidin was Sheykh Buzian who fought French colonialists for 13 years.


Algeria on Friday received the skulls of 24 colonial resistance fighters which were lying in a French museum. The fighters’ heads were decapitated during France’s conquest of the North African country, and were transported to the European country as war trophie.

French media will not show this to you: After decades in a French museum, the skulls of 24 Algerians decapitated for resisting French colonial forces were formally repatriated to Algeria on Friday in an elaborate ceremony led by the teary-eyed Algerian president.





Absolutely disgusting. Some call this 'civilization.'
French colonialist are exceptional criminals.

Btw, as i heard the skulls of Algerian freedom fighters were returned to their motherland.

One of the outstanding leaders/fighters of Algerian Mujahidin was Sheykh Buzian who fought French colonialists for 13 years.
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Contrary to other colonialist?
What France did in Algeria cannot be described with words. It's just too detestable. The Brits were no angels, but man, it's better to be ruled by the Anglosphere than by a continental European power. Belgium in Congo, France in Algeria, what's wrong with these "civilized" people?

And the Euros still have the audacity to ask why we don't want any interference from them in our countries. It's just a proof for the fact that in this world only power counts, the powerful can do what they want and the weak will be eaten alive. Vae Victis!

Algeria on Friday received the skulls of 24 colonial resistance fighters which were lying in a French museum. The fighters’ heads were decapitated during France’s conquest of the North African country, and were transported to the European country as war trophie.

French media will not show this to you: After decades in a French museum, the skulls of 24 Algerians decapitated for resisting French colonial forces were formally repatriated to Algeria on Friday in an elaborate ceremony led by the teary-eyed Algerian president.





I am literally close to tears after reading this thread.............:(

I never thought I would ever say this but I now FULLY understand why the blm supporters were attacking and beating up white people in america and the UK.
What France did in Algeria cannot be described with words. It's just too detestable. The Brits were no angels, but man, it's better to be ruled by the Anglosphere than by a continental European power. Belgium in Congo, France in Algeria, what's wrong with these "civilized" people?

And the Euros still have the audacity to ask why we don't want any interference from them in our countries. It's just a proof for the fact that in this world only power counts, the powerful can do what they want and the weak will be eaten alive. Vae Victis!

Somehow, these people view Blacks with such intense hate and suspicion, it is almost like they are genetically programmed that way. It is just a matter of fact social paradigm for them and their societies.

Atleast for us, it is not so much racial hate, but fear of Muslim ascendancy and dethrowning them.

France really thought they could torture, abuse, and rape their way to breaking the resolve of Algerians. They don't really understand the Muslim mindset at all.

I am literally close to tears after reading this thread.............:(

I never thought I would ever say this but I now FULLY understand why the blm supporters were attacking and beating up white people in america and the UK.

That is just the tip of the iceberg. They are not even detailing the organized gangrapes and sex abuse of Algerian women. Those pictures are even more grotesque than these.
Somehow, these people view Blacks with such intense hate and suspicion, it is almost like they are genetically programmed that way. It is just a matter of fact social paradigm for them and their societies.

Atleast for us, it is not so much racial hate, but fear of Muslim ascendancy and dethrowning them.

France really thought they could torture, abuse, and rape their way to breaking the resolve of Algerians. They don't really understand the Muslim mindset at all.

That is just the tip of the iceberg. They are not even detailing the organized gangrapes and sex abuse of Algerian women. Those pictures are even more grotesque than these.

But thankfully, Mashallah we are now living in an era were the tables are turning. Non-whites are fighting back. Never forgot, what goes around, COMES AROUND.
But thankfully, Mashallah we are now living in an era were the tables are turning. Non-whites are fighting back. Never forgot, what goes around, COMES AROUND.

I feel really bad for what happened to our Algerian brothers and sisters, they are such a big hearted and beautiful people.

Alhamdulilah, I am glad Libya and other North African countries are rising up.

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