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Genocide Watch: Indian Muslims

It's not just India, have you seen any country which has a sizable Muslim population without problems ,serious question.
*Sees videos of peaceful 5k culture adherents engaged in savage, barbaric behavior*


Is this an implicit acceptance from you Hindus that your beastly culture isn't innately unique and different from ours?

Btw, reported for derailing, please introspect and address the savages in your community, thank you.
*Sees videos of peaceful 5k culture adherents engaged in savage, barbaric behavior*


Is this an implicit acceptance from you Hindus that your beastly culture isn't innately unique and different from ours?

Btw, reported for derailing, please introspect and address the savages in your community, thank you.
So you don't have a answer ,it's high time you introspect.
Oh by the way it's not just delhi ,we would not be having theads of stone pelting around the world . If everyone has problem with you then it's better to look inwards.
It's not just India, have you seen any country which has a sizable Muslim population without problems ,serious question.

Your tons of cartoons living in arab countries... UAE, Saudia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrian... any prob there?
It's not just India, have you seen any country which has a sizable Muslim population without problems ,serious question.

What about progressive Muslim-majority countries where your masters - NATO and Israel - come in to create problems for the Muslims and non-Muslims ? Serious question.
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Radical Hindus take an oath to murder "Vidharmis", people who don't follow 5000 year old rape and murder culture.

This footage should be spread in any country with RSS affiliate activity, as these individuals are also linked to the Sangh and other organized Hindu outfits.

@Areesh @xeuss @waz

This woman first shot to prominence when she arranged an event to shoot an air pistol into an effigy of Gandhi with red color flowing down to represent blood. In India Gandhi is called the Father of the nation and this woman publicly shot Gandhi and she wasn't jailed under UAPA or other acts that the progressives are jailed under by the BJP. Because she wasn't punished then she now got encouragement to openly call for genocide of Muslims, Christians, Communists etc.

@Rollno21 @Suriya @Surya 1, your heroine ?
This woman first shot to prominence when she arranged an event to shoot an air pistol into an effigy of Gandhi with red color flowing down to represent blood. In India Gandhi is called the Father of the nation and this woman publicly shot Gandhi and she wasn't jailed under UAPA or other acts that the progressives are jailed under by the BJP. Because she wasn't punished then she now got encouragement to openly call for genocide of Muslims, Christians, Communists etc.

@Rollno21 @Suriya @Surya 1, your heroine ?

I think you should have asked why Bitta karate and Yasin Malik roamed free for many years evrn after doing a big genocide of Hindus. Rather, you are asking why an effigy was shot? Jhihadis have different moeal standards. Real genocide doesn't matter for them. They search for fake human right violations to suit their agenda.
This woman first shot to prominence when she arranged an event to shoot an air pistol into an effigy of Gandhi with red color flowing down to represent blood. In India Gandhi is called the Father of the nation and this woman publicly shot Gandhi and she wasn't jailed under UAPA or other acts that the progressives are jailed under by the BJP. Because she wasn't punished then she now got encouragement to openly call for genocide of Muslims, Christians, Communists etc.

@Rollno21 @Suriya @Surya 1, your heroine ?
Why are you questioning these radical Pujari beasts when we have yet to see them ever address the rape and murder people of their beastly community have engaged in? Why would they change their mind now?

One of these chimps even went through this thread and said that the only instance of violence seen was Hindus storming a masjid and raising a flag, so you can understand their mentality. Muslims having their property razed, driven from their homes, being killed doesn't matter to them. That sort of outraged is reserved for when gau mata or bandar pita get injured.
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I think you should have asked why Bitta karate and Yasin Malik roamed free for many years evrn after doing a big genocide of Hindus. Rather, you are asking why an effigy was shot? Jhihadis have different moeal standards. Real genocide doesn't matter for them. They search for fake human right violations to suit their agenda.

1. If a Muslim or a Christian or a Communist or a Sikh farmer had shot into a Gandhi effigy would that person not have been immediately sent off into unbailable jail by the BJP government ? Why is this woman still free ? Why this hypocrisy ?

2. I have already regretted the occurance of the killings of the Kashmiri Pandits but if you want to talk about the scale, about genocide read this :
After the Partition of India, during October–November 1947 in the Jammu region of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, many Muslims were massacred and others driven away to West Punjab. The killings were carried out by extremist Hindus and Sikhs, aided and abetted by the forces of Maharaja Hari Singh.[10] The activists of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) played a key role in planning and executing the riots.[2][11] An estimated 20,000–100,000 Muslims were massacred.
This was the first Kashmir Genocide. Will you acknowledge it ?

Why are you questioning these radical Pujari beasts when we have yet to see them ever address the rape and murder people of their beastly community have engaged in? Why would they change their mind now?

My brother, though you are right in talking about the criminal Hindutvadis it becomes difficult to do a like on your post when you use words like "Beastly community". Please avoid. :)
This was the first Kashmir Genocide. Will you acknowledge it ?
This was not the first genocide in Kashmir. The first genocide was the intentional famine engineered by Dogra Hindus and their Pandit Servants which lead to mass deaths in the valley and outflow of Kashmiri Muslim peasants to Punjab.

My brother, though you are right in talking about the criminal Hindutvadis it becomes difficult to do a like on your post when you use words like "Beastly community". Please avoid.
I'm not an extremist and I'm not going to force you to tow my line. Let's agree to disagree. My assessment of the 5000 year old beastly culture has been based on how I have seen them act. Maybe you have a different view due to different experiences. I can't negate or challenge them.
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