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General Mobeen Khan tweets about Loy Afghanistan (IMPORTANT)

its a fucking roll account lol

I am 73% sure its a disgruntled PTI troll because an Indian troll would've called our Kashmir as Azad Kashmir.
I do not know what logic you are applying to reach this conclusion.

this map is showing what belongs to Afghanistan, and according to this map there is no Azad Kashmir, its Afghani Kashmir and Hindu Kashmir, so it shows no claim on IOK, matter settled between India and Afghanistan.

Troll or no troll, we are discussing contents of the map posted.
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Because they view those two as their historical lands and want access to the sea so they are no longer land-locked.

They also say Panjab and Sindh should be given to India. They say half of Pakistan is Afghanistan, half is India.

Also I'm guessing they don't want non-Iranic ethnicity occupied lands because they generally see them as sub-human. They'd probably ethnically cleanse any Indic ethnicities if they were to capture it.
It's because of that mentality (of splitting the lands with India) that they'll never get past the cave. It's a defeatist mentality wrapped in lots of bravado and shouting.
We don’t just want loy Afghanistan, we want the whole of Pakistan, we want the central Asian republics nearing the Russian borders.

Seriously if Pakistanis believe everything they see and hear then you might as well just surrender all of Pakistan.
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We don’t just want loy Afghanistan, we want the whole of Pakistan, we want the central Asian republics nearing the Russian borders.

Seriously if Pakistanis believe everything they see and hear then you might as well just surrender all of Pakistan.
Everything on the internet? 😹

Are we going to ignore the documented history between the two states and the beliefs of the average Afghan?

You'd be lying if you said this wasn't a desire held by 95%+ Afghans. Although it has been said that this man is not too important in the Taliban but nonetheless he is an official and you can't disregard the other facts
This issue isn't limited to Taliban. This is an Afghanistani wide virus, they think any lands where Afghans live is their's. Not just Balochistan, they also claim parts of Punjab as well. Like we want to be part of their sh!thole. It's a classic ethno-fascist mindset.

Pakistan sambhala nahi jata, Ghazwa Hind ke batain kerte hay.

On topic: Mobeen khan should go back to his day job of raping little boys: https://www.indianarrative.com/worl...mobeen-accused-of-raping-minor-boy-27796.html
If it is prophesied, then nothing can stop from becoming the greater things. Even if it means at the expense of current awaam to make rooms for better civilizations to come to make Greater Pakistan comes true, then so be it. With ALLAAH anything is possible and we are after all talking about the prophecy that will happen as prophesied 1400 years ago.

We have to sort this issue out first, before we can dream those dreams.
Prophecy means an events will occur as prophesied 1400 years ago. Greater Pakistan is usually signs that better leaders will be assigned with responsibility over Pakistan and things should go better from there soon In Shaa ALLAAH.

United States of American wasn't built overnight and bloods were paid in price.
LMAOOO General Mobeen Khan has tweeted about Loy Afghanistan

@FuturePAF @Signalian @The Accountant @ThunderCat @NOBODY @SecularNationalist @villageidiot @epebble @Dalit @Mirzali Khan @SecularNationalist @Vapnope @General Dong @Irfan Baloch @LeGenD @DESERT FIGHTER @Goenitz @R Wing @Maula Jatt @Goritoes

They're confident because Afghan Taliban has spread sleeper cells throughout Pakistan.

Their goal is to start a massive insurgency by activating their sleeper cells, then provoking a civil war using all local Pashtuns. Then covertly provide support to them through manpower to sustain the insurgency long term like they did against America. The porous border and easy cross-travel makes this very possible.

The key here is to cut off the Western border completely with a buffer zone so they can't aid an insurgency, and remove refugees who will serve as insurgents. They will utilise guerilla warfare.
Few points:
1) This guy is from Afghan Talibs directly. That means Afghan Talibs are not happy over something.
2) The map of Loy Afghanistan is not realistic, as Balochs will never accept this map. This means its an empty threat.
3) TTP, the Pakistani Franchise of Afghan Talibs, tried to deliver the message from Afghan Talibs first, but we Pakistanis are as usual either deaf or asleep.
4) Whenever Pakistan faces a money shortage issue, the Pak army somehow finds a war to fight.

Based on these points, it's my prediction that the Pak army is preparing for some sort of fight related to Afghanistan, and Talibs will be the main target.
But this time Pak politicians should intervene to stop the Pak army from doing it. We don't want free money. We will earn it. And the Pak army must let us do it. No more economy jugars, as they cost thousands of lives and the reputations of our country.

I repeat, no more economy jugars. We will earn it. Policies within the country should be changed to trigger economic growth. We don't want free money at the cost of war.
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Not really actually, many don't know. You specifically might...

Also this site is for posting the latest news and articles related to defence? Of course I'm going to post it
Its not news about what you promote.

One thing you have successfully exposed is how terrified Pakistanis are from Afghans. They roar in front of Indians but their legs shake from statements of random Afghan thugs. Pakistanis are actually discussing the map shared by a troll. How easy they are.

Anyways your antics are exposed now, you cannot carry on unchallenged.
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Pakistan army will resolve all problems. Sit back and relax LOL

I told you that this shit show won't disappoint LOL

The Nation has absolutely no doubt on the capabilities of the armed forces when it comes to securing the homeland from external threats.
Its not news about what you promote.

One thing you have successfully exposed is how terrified Pakistanis are from Afghans. They roar in front of Indians but their legs shake from statements of random Afghan thugs. Pakistanis are actually discussing the map shared by a troll. How easy they are.

Anyways your antics are exposed now, you cannot carry on unchallenged.
Troll? Mobeen Khan is not exactly a troll, he's still a low level Taliban official and can be seen in many Taliban clips.

But you're very correct.

If this news was about Indians, everyone would laugh and discuss.

But since it's about Afghans, everyone is in denial and refusal to accept there is any problem.

There's nothing to challenge, I'm using the site as is and posting news of officials related to defence. You seem to be in denial.
Troll? Mobeen Khan is not exactly a troll, he's still a low level Taliban official and can be seen in many Taliban clips.

But you're very correct.

If this news was about Indians, everyone would laugh and discuss.

But since it's about Afghans, everyone is in denial and refusal to accept there is any problem.

There's nothing to challenge, I'm using the site as is and posting news of officials related to defence. You seem to be in denial.

He ain't official and nobody respects him.. He is a Tv-Personality

Every country in the region is tired of these cavemen (Talibans) or for that matter whoever comes in charge of Kabul. Iran is not happy, China is not happy and ofcourse Pakistan is not happy.

If they keep annoying their neighbors with no technology but AK-47s and hand grenades the time may come that Pakistan, China & Iran team up to carve it up.

Just made a mock-up as well :)

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