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General Hameed Gul and patriotic passion of Hameed Gul never die


چھ سال قبل، 15اگست کو
وہ جرنیل کوچ کر گیا

جسے سی آئ اے نے انٹیلی جنس کی دنیا کے 5 بڑے دماغوں میں سے ایک تسلیم کیا تھا

جس نے ملٹری کیریئر کے دوران اپنی صلاحیتوں کی بنیاد پر ہر پروموشن پہلے لی اور درکار کورس بعد میں کیا۔

جو پہلی بار بطور کیپٹن انٹیلی جنس سروس میں آیا اور دیکھتے ہی دیکھتے اس مقام پر جا پہنچا کہ خود میجر تھا لیکن اس کی تخلیق کردہ انٹیلی جنس حکمت عملی سکول آف ملٹری انٹیلی جنس میں کرنل رینک کے آفیسرز کو پڑھائ جاتی تھی۔

جسے جرمنز نے دیوارِ برلن کا ایک ٹکڑا بطورِ نذرانہ بھیجا for delivering the first blow to soviet union

جس نے بطور بریگیڈئر برطانیہ کے "رائیل وار کالج" کا کورس یہ کہہ کر مسترد کیا "انگریز کون ہوتا ہے مجھے جنگ سکھانے والا۔ ملک کا دفاع اپنی مٹی کے فہم سے آتا ہے اور یہ فہم میرے پاس ہے"

جس نے بطور ڈی جی ایم آئ جنرل ضیاء الحق سے کہا
"You are the men of status quo"

جس کی کمان میں ملتان سے پاکستان کے آرمڈ ڈویژن نے کشمیر کی جانب موو شروع کی تو بھارت کو اپنی تاریخ کی سب سے بڑی فوجی مشق "براس ٹیک" منسوخ کرنی پڑی۔

جو پاکستان آرمی کی تاریخ کا سب سے کم عمر لیفٹیننٹ جنرل بنا۔

جس نے فوجی سروس کے دوران کبھی گارڈز نہیں رکھے۔

جس سے جنرل ضیاء الحق نے کہا "سنا ہے تم نے وزیر اعظم محمد خان جونیجو کو ان کی برطرفی کے منصوبے سے پیشگی آگاہ کر دیا تھا ؟" تو جواب دیا "جی ہاں ! کیونکہ بطور ڈی جی آئی ایس آئ یہ میری ذمہ داری تھی"

جو بطور کور کمانڈر پہلی بار راولپنڈی آیا اور ٹین کور کی سیکیورٹی ٹیم نے ایئرپورٹ پر حصار میں لیا تو اس ٹیم کو یہ کہہ کر چلتا کر دیا "تمہیں تمہاری ماؤں نے وطن کے دفاع کے لیے جنا ہے۔ حمید گل کے دفاع کے لیے نہیں"

جو صرف مسجد کی صف میں محمود و ایاز کے یکجا ہونے کا قائل نہ تھا بلکہ کور کمانڈر کی حیثیت میں دسترخوان پر بھی محمود و ایاز کو یکجا کردیا کرتا تھا۔

جس نے ہیوی انڈسٹریز ٹیکسلا کا چارج یہ کہہ کر لینے سے انکار کردیا "میں فوج میں ٹینک بنانے کے لیے نہیں، چلانے کے لیے آیا ہوں۔ میں کسی فیکٹری کا منیجر نہیں فوجی ہوں" اور نتیجتاً وقت سے قبل ریٹائرمنٹ قبول کرلی۔

وہ جس نے افغان انٹیلی جنس کا اعتماد بحال کرنے کے لیے اپنا چند سالہ بچہ ان کے حوالے کر کے کہا تھا "یہ میری سب سے عزیز تر چیز ھے"۔

وہ جسے ملک کا دفاع اپنی جان ، اولاد ، مال سے بڑھ کر تھا۔

جو برملا کہتا تھا کہ "میں اپنے آپ کو احتساب کےلیے پیش کرتا ہوں"

جو آخری عمر میں کہتا تھا کہ "میں نے اس دھرتی کی حفاظت کی قسم کھائ تھی اور وردی اتارنے سے وہ قسم ساقط نہیں ہوئ۔ میں میدان میں کھڑا ہوں اپنے ملک کےلیے"

جو میدان جنگ میں صف دشمناں کے لیے ریٹائرمنٹ کے بعد زیادہ خطرناک ثابت ہوا.

جو پاکستان آرمی کی تاریخ کے سب سے قابل اور غیور جرنیل کی حیثیت سے مدتوں یاد رکھا جاۓ گا۔

(اللہ تعالٰی جنرل حمید گل مرحوم کو جنت الفردوس نصیب فرمائے، آمین)

Six years ago, on August 15
He was no more with us.

He was recognized by the CIA as one of the 5 biggest brains in the world of intelligence

He took every promotion during his military career based on his abilities first and did the required course later.

He first joined the Intelligence Service as a Captain and as soon as he saw it, he reached the point where he was a major, but the intelligence strategy he created was taught to Colonel Rank officers at the School of Military Intelligence.

The Germans sent a piece of the Berlin Wall as a sacrifice for delivering the first blow to the Soviet Union.

As a brigadier general, he rejected the Royal War College course, saying, "Who is the Englishman who teaches me war? The defense of the country comes from the understanding of its soil and I have this understanding."

He said this to DG MI General Zia-ul-Haq
"You are the man of status quo"

Under his command, Pakistan's Armed Division from Multan started moving towards Kashmir, then India had to cancel the largest military exercise in its history "Brass Tech".

Who became the youngest lieutenant general in the history of the Pakistan Army.

Who never kept guards during military service.

To which General Zia-ul-Haq said, "Have you heard that Prime Minister Muhammad Khan Junejo was informed in advance of his plan to remove him?" So he replied "Yes! Because as DG ISI it was my responsibility."

The first time he came to Rawalpindi as a corps commander and was surrounded by a ten-corps security team at the airport, he led the team away, saying, "You were born by your mothers to defend the homeland. Not to defend Hamid Gul." "

He was not only convinced that Mahmood and Ayaz should unite in the ranks of the mosque, but also at the table as the corps commander.

He refused to take charge of Heavy Industries Taxila, saying "I came to the army not to build tanks, but to run them. I am not a factory manager, I am a soldier" and consequently accepted early retirement.

"This is my dearest thing," he said, handing over his few-year-old son to reassure Afghan intelligence.

He who defended the country more than his life, children, wealth.

"I hold myself accountable," Joe Barmala said.

"I swore to protect this land and taking off my uniform did not invalidate that oath. I stand on the ground for my country," he said in his last years.

Which proved to be more dangerous for the enemy on the battlefield after retirement.

Who will long be remembered as the most capable and zealous general in the history of the Pakistan Army.

(May Allah Almighty grant Paradise to Hameed Gul, Amen)
Such a brilliant asset but was let go early? Why?
Both the Chief Asif Janjua and he were of relatively short temper and didn't go along well. He was posted out of II Corps and being posted to HIT taxila but he refused saying "I came to the army not to build tanks, but to run them. I am not a factory manager, I am a soldier"
Both the Chief Asif Janjua and he were of relatively short temper and didn't go along well. He was posted out of II Corps and being posted to HIT taxila but he refused saying "I came to the army not to build tanks, but to run them. I am not a factory manager, I am a soldier"

Thank you for that comment, but how or why such highly disciplined soldiers would let their emotions rule them in professional matters, does not speak highly of the institution that trained them, from an outsider's point of view. This, of course, is not to demean their accomplishments in any way at all, please note.
Thank you for that comment, but how or why such highly disciplined soldiers would let their emotions rule them in professional matters, does not speak highly of the institution that trained them, from an outsider's point of view. This, of course, is not to demean their accomplishments in any way at all, please note.

This happens even in the US, etc., individual's have certain expectations about themselves that can let emotions takeover critical thinking. Some who step out of line are disciplined and not promoted to send them a message in a politically correct manner to get out and some not.
This happens even in the US, etc., individual's have certain expectations about themselves that can let emotions takeover critical thinking. Some who step out of line are disciplined and not promoted to send them a message in a politically correct manner to get out and some not.

So is that standard to judge appropriate or even applicable?
Is US army a professional, disciplined army at or not?

Some would disagree with that comment above of course, but it has, to date, followed its roles as defined under the US Constitution, considering that some regard it as nothing but a bunch of fat and lazy SsoBs overall. Therefore, it may not be a valid comparison on both counts.
Tipu "failed" because he died in battle. And he wasn't an agent of a Crusader nation in the destruction of another Muslim-majority country, especially one that has a progressive government.

It's not your problem, you belong to a moronic nation with zero intellectual capacity.

Please enlighten us all, how Gen Gul became the crusader of Afghanistan, when Afghanistan was occupied by non muslims nations like soviet first, then yanks. He bloody fought the soviets to free Afghanistan from forigen occupation.

You Indians have really, pardon my french, fked up matter in your upper chambers.
Thank you for that comment, but how or why such highly disciplined soldiers would let their emotions rule them in professional matters, does not speak highly of the institution that trained them, from an outsider's point of view. This, of course, is not to demean their accomplishments in any way at all, please note.
Hameed gul was almost two courses senior than Asif nawaz so the reason can also be that he took retirement according to the military norms. When raheel shareef became chief, General haroon Aslam also took retirement and when at the same time Tariq khan was being sent to HIT he requested to be retired as Corps Commander of I corps; he was granted his wish and he retired as the corps commander. It is perfectly normal in military to take retirement when superseded and a junior comes to a higher rank.
Hameed gul was almost two courses senior than Asif nawaz so the reason can also be that he took retirement according to the military norms. When raheel shareef became chief, General haroon Aslam also took retirement and when Tariq khan was being sent to HIT he requested to be retired as Corps Commander of I corps; he was granted his wish and he retired as the corps commander. It is perfectly normal in military to take retirement when superseded and a junior comes to a higher rank.

That makes more sense, thank you. I just cannot see such disciplined senior soldiers making mistakes due to their temper, that is all.
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