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General Hameed Gul and patriotic passion of Hameed Gul never die

@FAROOQ RASHID BUTT sahab, thank you for your previous post on Tipu.

About General Gul I ask you to watch this interview of him where he supports TTP and Lal Masjid.


Pakistanis have been led to believe (or choose to believe despite all evidence pointing to the contrary) that Taliban were some pious holy men. They were savages. I don't get how any Pakistani can denounce Daesh and praise Taliban in the same breath.

The destruction they unleashed on Afghan women and non Sunni minorities is brutal. And the fallback on Pakistan as well of 70,000 deaths.

The folks here try to assuage their cognitive dissonance by playing the good Taliban bad Taliban game. Here's the truth- they were all the same. TTP was just a faction that broke away from AT.

There's still no guarantee that they wouldn't try to export their Islamic caliphate to the Pakistan once they take power. Oh well.

Shame on you for calling a Shaheed Tipu Sultan a failure. Thise who give their lives in the name of Allah are not failures.


We need to be smart and learn from our mistaes and cannot allow those types of casualties to take place.

That was a slow time. In this day and age---you cannot suffer any military defetas until and unless you damage the enemy as much.

If you go down now---there is no cmoing back up.

The modern day christian nations have gotten smarter.

Christians also have the same God---ALLAH---so why this Takdir I Ilahi befalls the muslims.

Why can you not accept that muslims are less capable mentally and physically and inferior in decision making and are also more treacherous in their dealing---.
As for Tipu Sultan, his efforts failed not his personality! You've got it wrong....

As for the Christins/Jews, they don't worship and call the same God as ALLAH for they do Shirk and don't accept Hazret-i Muhammed (PBUH) as the Last Prophet; hence, they're cursed, disowned and led to Delalet by HIM.

7 The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray.

The Rise and Fall of the Muslims occur in cycles!! And, their failure is due to their in-capabilities, disunity, lack of faith etc. I consider Afganistan a success, but Irak/Syria/KSA/GCC/Egypt etc. as utter failures....

As for the Christian intelligence/smartness, they're now being seriously challenged by the Turkish Drones, made by the Muslims, in the Karabag' or Libya or Syria or Irak....
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As for Tipu Sultan, his efforts failed not his personality! You've got it wrong....

As for the Christins/Jews, they don't worship and call the same God as ALLAH for they do Shirk and don't accept Hazret-i Muhammed (PBUH) as the Last Prophet; hence, they're cursed, disowned and led to Delalet by HIM.

7 The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray.

The Rise and Fall of the Muslims occur in cycles!! And, their failure is due to their in-capabilities, disunity, lack of faith etc. I consider Afganistan a success, but Irak/Syria/KSA/GCC/Egypt etc. as utter failures....


look at the Muslims the world over. They are the cursed.

secondly, i only mentioned Allah. The Lord God is the same.

Efforts of the shaheeds never fail.

the failure falls on the shoulder of the living.
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TTP ( this group is infact Indian puppet terrorists)

And yet you have Hamid Gul supporting TTP in that vid.

Any way we do not allow Indians to interfere in the internal affairs of our country.

Since I am a Muslim I find it my responsibility to talk about wrongs and rights in Muslim-majority countries. And since I am also a Communist I find it my responsibility to talk about human affairs generally.

Before that you Indian talk about the Hindutva terrorism for BABRI MASJID and ongoing Indian state terrorism in Kashmir, Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan which has been aggressively occupied by India.

You will find this forum filled with many comments of mine about those issues. About Kashmir specifically please see post# 15.

look at the Muslims the world over. They are the cursed.

secondly, i only mentioned Allah. The Lord God is the same.

Efforts if the shaheeds never fail.

the failure falls on the shoulder of the living.
Why shouldn't the so-called Muslims, who are basically Munafikin and Murtedin, be cursed???

As you're, so will you be ruled - Hadis-i Sherif

MBS/MBZ/Sisi etc. are deserved by the folks they oppress...

By the by, Tipu sultan wrote to the French to help him against the British! Do you think the French wouldn't have colonized India????
As for Tipu Sultan, his efforts failed not his personality! You've got it wrong....

As for the Christins/Jews, they don't worship and call the same God as ALLAH for they do Shirk and don't accept Hazret-i Muhammed (PBUH) as the Last Prophet; hence, they're cursed, disowned and led to Delalet by HIM.

7 The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray.

The Rise and Fall of the Muslims occur in cycles!! And, their failure is due to their in-capabilities, disunity, lack of faith etc. I consider Afganistan a success, but Irak/Syria/KSA/GCC/Egypt etc. as utter failures....

As for the Christian intelligence/smartness, they're now being seriously challenged by the Turkish Drones, made by the Muslims, in the Karabag' or Libya or Syria or Irak....

My Dear brother, this new generation is completely unfamiliar with the history of their forefathers and the subcontinent. their poor knowledge of the war strategy does not understand why Tipu sought French help against the British. Those unfamiliar with history are unable to answer the question of why the Nizam of Hyderabad did not support Tipu.

In the following articles, I will prove by authentic historical facts that Hindus were never been sincere with Muslims in the freedom movement. This Hindutva was burning with prejudice due to Muslim rule for 800 years. The same evil spirit is filled in the hearts of Narendra Modi and Bal Thackeray brand mafias today. These Indians Muslims like those Shah Rukh Khan, Naseeruddin Khan, Saif Ali Khan and Salman Khan who have Hindu wives, and marry their sisters to Hindus. Let them know that we Pakistanis are proud Muslims . . . . .
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My Dear brother, this new generation is completely unfamiliar with the history of their forefathers and the subcontinent. their poor knowledge of the war strategy does not understand why Tipu sought French help against the British. Those unfamiliar with history are unable to answer the question of why the Nizam of Hyderabad did not support Tipu.

In the following articles, I will prove by authentic historical facts that Hindus were never been sincere with Muslims in the freedom movement. This Hindutva was burning with prejudice due to Muslim rule for 800 years. The same evil spirit is filled in the hearts of Narendra Modi and Bal Thackeray brand mafias today. These Indians Muslims like those Shah Rukh Khan, Naseeruddin Khan, Saif Ali Khan and Salman Khan who have Hindu wives, and marry their sisters to Hindus. Let them know that we Pakistanis are proud Muslims . . . . .


If you pointed at me---then I am older than you are. And this old man is very very familiar with the history of my forefathers.

Tipu sought french help because they had been established in india before the british. The british came chasing after the french.

The british offered help to those who were not affiliated with the french just to set foot in the region for trade.

If Napoleone had won the war in europe---history would be different.

The british were only able to conquer---because the indian society was rotten at that time---. No fighting skills---very very poor quality weapons.

The british after the end of the 100 years war were broke and hungry---.

Just like the muslims conquerers who rode out of the arabian peninsula were broke---. The poor muslims conquered half the known world---the broke british conquered almost all the known world---.
Can you tell me or you pretend as if you don't know that how many thousands Afghans were brutally killed by Hazara tribal chief , Baba Mazari in his famous DEATH DANCE brand killing , by filling their bodies with petrol?
actually, they use to chop off the head and then put a burning hot iron on the wound where the neck used to be and seal the would.
Then let the body go to do the dance.....we know it as the death dance.
If Gul Hamid was alive today I don't think he would approve of the current policy of subjugation to China. Hamid was a true Pakistani patriot and nationalist, he would not like the idea of Pakistan taking such massive debt to China, knowing full well how they will exploit and colonize us in the near future.

If you pointed at me---then I am older than you are. And this old man is very very familiar with the history of my forefathers.

Tipu sought french help because they had been established in india before the british. The british came chasing after the french.

The british offered help to those who were not affiliated with the french just to set foot in the region for trade.

If Napoleone had won the war in europe---history would be different.

The british were only able to conquer---because the indian society was rotten at that time---. No fighting skills---very very poor quality weapons.

The british after the end of the 100 years war were broke and hungry---.

Just like the muslims conquerers who rode out of the arabian peninsula were broke---. The poor muslims conquered half the known world---the broke british conquered almost all the known world---.

My respected Brother, I respect you, I am not referring to you but to the new generation in general. It is not possible to ignore some of your points, but remember that the French Revolution is still the cause of the continuity of anti-religious extremism in France. Few people know that even holy worship was banned immediately after the French Revolution
If Gul Hamid was alive today I don't think he would approve of the current policy of subjugation to China. Hamid was a true Pakistani patriot and nationalist, he would not like the idea of Pakistan taking such massive debt to China, knowing full well how they will exploit and colonize us in the near future.

Brother !! It is impossible to survive in the global community without allies and alliances . And in past the superpowers' treatment of Pakistan like a stepmother and using you as a piece of paper has proved that you have not found any sincere friend other than China. Just take care of your own national interests and save your soil and soul...
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That was the 12th century when bound by the hateful movement , the alliance of the Europe was in a state of insanity in the invasion of the Muslim states and especially Jerusalem. Muslims were never aggressive but the emperors of the whole of Europe, came to attack again and again with their locust-hearted crusader armies but failed again and again. The Supreme Sovereign always puts on the golden crowns on heads of the Conquerors. Yes, those heroes were the great sons of the Islamic world. Western historians witness that in the face of its war strategies, all the glorious and majestic armies of the whole of Europe were left helpless against Muslim defence. It was a continuation of the defense system, invincible war strategy and the imitation of its passion and wisdom by the Muslim rulers to carry the green flag of Islam on Jerusalem for the next 691 years.

The history that gave birth to the deeds of Sultan Muhammad the Conqueror, Ghaznavi and Tipu was entering into its modern age. This time, another general, who was born from the womb of the mother of this history and chewed the anti-Islamic colonialism with an iron fist, is about to take over the world scene. And this is a crucial time in the last decade of the 20th century when the eyes of modern Russia are focused on the warm waters.It was a gift from God Almighty that he got every promotion in his professional career before completing the required course. Surprisingly, he reached the pinnacle in a short period of time that he himself was a major, but the intelligence strategy he created was being taught to colonels and senior rank officers at the School of Military Intelligence.

He was the soldier of the land who, as a brigadier, rejected the military course of the world-renowned Royal War College of Britain, saying, "Who is this Englishman who teaches me about war and defence of homeland?" The understanding of the soil that comes from it runs in my blood”.

He was the man under whose command, when the Pakistan Armed Division launched a stormy advance from Multan to Kashmir, the Indian leadership, shaken by the horror of that dramatic advance, conducted the largest military exercise in its history, Brasstacks had to be canceled. He led the largest military exercise in history, Zarb-e-Momin. He never had security guards for his personal protection after his military service and retirement. As DG ISI he used to dress up his village in plain clothes without any security guard.

As a corps commander, he was a living example of the Sunnah of Prophet hood and Forgiveness. He forgave the murderer husband of his real daughter even though he was the DG of a powerful agency like ISI.

He was the only general of Pakistan who established a great tradition by presenting himself for open accountability in front of every forum instead of arguing and brand defense in response to fabricated allegations of enemies of the the nation.He was the man who not only smashed the superpower of Russia, Rather, played an unforgettable historical role in the birth of many independent Islamic states in Central Asia from its infidel cradle.The established anti-Muslim world was broken by the siege. And the voices of Allah Akbar began to resound from the mosques of Russian colonialism which had been locked for centuries.

It is a matter of pride for the Pakistan that even after his retirement from the army, he became the world's most dangerous general and the mastermind of successive defeat of the US-Western alliance in Afghanistan.

He was the man about whom many eminent Indian journalists also confessed that Hameed Gul proved to be a more deadly enemy after his retirement. In recognition of the intellectual and military prowess of this eminent general, the German government eventually sent a piece of the crumbling Berlin Wall with the inscription, "This piece is in the name of General Hamid Gul, who struck the first blow on the Berlin Wall".

When Israeli planes in Indian robes were ready to attack Pakistan's nuclear program from Indian soil, it was the same general who sent this "death message" to the Israeli leadership in a timely manner. That the Jewish leadership should be aware that in the event of any attack on Pakistan's nuclear assets, Pakistan has the full potential to wipe out the whole of Israel in a matter of minutes. And then, immediately after that bold warning, the Israeli planes returned to their air bases.

This domineering man had the honor of being the youngest lieutenant general in the history of Pakistan. He had rejected the charge of heavy industry Taxila with the professional logic that "I have come to the army not to build tanks, but to run tanks, I am not a factory manager but a soldier".

It would be ungrateful not to mention this great personal kindness to me. In June 2015, I was forced to emigrate after assassination attempts and repeated brutal violence for exposing anti-military elements, drug and land mafias. I appealed to the institutions and media persons for protection in Pakistan for my eye surgery. But after the ruthless silence, that was only Hamid Gul, who provided me shelter, treatment and protection. But alas, it was during the stay with him , my kind man passed away. And after this angelic attribute man who became a shadow of mercy for me, not only the poor people of the desert like me but also the poor of homeland became orphans, for whom he had built a model village and distributed fifty-five houses for free.

This generous general built an orphanage for orphan girls in Sargodha. I witness that after retirement he used to donate not only his entire pension but also 90% of his income. He paid out-of-pocket for hundreds of children's fees, patient care and even the house rent of many poor people.

Even his worst opponents were jealous of this great man's patriotism and struggle. He was the only lucky character in the history of Pakistan, whose funeral prayers did not include the flags of young and old political parties but only the green crescent flag of Pakistan. And was buried in the Pakistan Army cemetery right in front of the martyrs.Fortunately, he was also given this great and unique place by nature that his funeral prayers were offered in absentia in more than forty countries, including the Prophet's Mosque, the Kaaba, Gaza and the 22 districts of occupied Kashmir

Rich in innumerable military and universal abilities and full of love for Islam, he the winner of the Afghan war was not only a nightmare for the Russians, the Indians and the Western colonialists. He exposed not only Russia but also the modern crusader armies of the West and imperialism to such an extent that by chanting the slogan of “ready for defeat” in every place.

As for Hameed Gul and his passion, General Hameed Gul never retires, like Zangi and Ayyubi, Hameed Gul never dies.

Farooq Rashid Butt

I have nothing to add,
except, that,
He makes me proud, thank you for your service, sir.
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