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General Hameed Gul and patriotic passion of Hameed Gul never die


Sir, it is not wise equating a Western agent like this general with a truly great like Tipu Sultan.

This general's legacy has not been an Afghanistan that had women being out in public and continued to send cosmonauts to the ISS but an Afghanistan where the regressive Taliban were allowed ( by the Western governments ) to force barber shops to close and created conditions for grave human rights crimes such as the lynching of Farkhunda.
If the Paks don't have generals like Hamid Gul Pasha, they'll turn in no time into the Indian Muslims, who live en masse in dirty ghettos where births are cursed and deaths are celebrated! An Indian Muslim's life is a life of absolute subjugation and constant denigration, fear and insult on a permanent basis under their Hindu overlords, and that without any sense of Namus, Izzet, Hurmet, Hurriyet etc. whatsover!! Allah kahr etsin....

Tipu Sultan failed, but Hamid Gul Pasha won, and that too multiple times....
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Gen Gul,

First time around with the americans---understood them well and acted accordingly----. That was during the russian invasion of AFG.

During the second time---after 9/11---totally fell on his face in understanding the change in american policy and mindset---.

Gen Gul reminded me then of the american soldiers saying about Gen Patton " Our Blood & His Guts ".

this General Gul right till the end could not even comprehend how fast the americans change military tactics and strategy and inflicting outrageoues number of deaths against the opponents.

The same became true for Gen Gul. He stayed stuck on his "GUTS" but on the afghan blood.

All pakistanis are like that---building their glorious castles of defeating the americans over the dead bodies of 2 million afghans---.

Please stop blowing the trumpet for Gen Gul.

He should have learnt the tactics to preserve afghan lives.
Funny...he predicted the failure of american forces within a week of the invasion. You and your American masters laughed when the taliban disappeared. Funny how the mighty lost in Afghanistan and people like you are left cheering the losers in Washington.

Carry on
The ramification and value of the Pak General Staffs, Hamid Gul Pasha being their glaring representative, is best understood from outside!!! Here, an Azerbayjani wounded soldier, fighting the last vestiges of the Soviet occupation in Karabag', is chanting while being on a stretcher, "Long live Pakistan, Turkiye, Azerbayjan"....


Thread started tooting his own horn. A difference of opinion makes one an indian agent right away.

Posters are mixing the two eras together and treating them the same.

Russian afghan war, Gen Gul was a great strategist—-that was the first era.

Second era was after 9/11. Then Gen Hameed Gul became a " PEHALWAN ".

Here is the inside american scoop.

Americans never expected that pakistan would either not execute or not capture OBL.

The americans were 100% sure that Pak miltary generals would see the writing on the wall, capture or kill OBL and his team and hand their dead bodies to them.

Case closed.
That happened in the first few days. But after pakistani generals started playing games with the americans, things started to change very quickly.

the first change was in the language—-a language that Pakistanis understand best.

pakistani generals were not expecting that. Their anticipation was that the americans would hum and haw and then would fizzle out.

another great pakistani general would claim that “we will make a vietnam “ of the americans.

that general conveniently forgot that the vietnamese had over 4 million dead to 50 k American dead.

this time around it looks more like 4000 dead americans and 2 million dead afghans.

indeed, pakistani generals did make a nam fir the afghans.

it is so tragic that pakistanis BBC are singing songs if glory over the dead bodies of their afghan brothers
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Thread stater tooting his own horn. A difference of opinion makes one an indian agent right away.

Posters are mixing the two eras together and treating them the same.

Russian afghan war, Gen Gul was a great strategist—-that was the first era.

Second era was after 9/11.

Here is the inside american scoop.

Americans never expected that pakistan would either not execute or not capture OBL.

The americans were 100% sure that Pak miltary generals would see the writing on the wall, capture or kill OBL and his team and hand their dead bodies to them.

Case closed.
That happened in the first few days. But after pakistani generals started playing games with the americans, things started to change very quickly.

the first change was in the language—-a language that Pakistanis understand best.

pakistani generals were not expecting that. Their anticipation was that the americans would hum and haw and then would fizzle out.

another great pakistani general would claim that “we will make a vietnam “ of the americans.

that general conveniently forgot that the vietnamese had over 4 million dead to 50 k American dead.

this time around it looks more like 4000 dead americans and 2 million dead afghans.

indeed, pakistani generals did make a nam fir the afghans.

it is so tragic that pakistanis BBC are singing songs if glory over the dead bodies of their afghan brothers
we were in the mess of terrorism because of people like hameed gul?
Tipu Sultan failed, but Hamid Gul Pasha won, and that too multiple times....

Tipu "failed" because he died in battle. And he wasn't an agent of a Crusader nation in the destruction of another Muslim-majority country, especially one that has a progressive government.

If the Paks don't have generals like Hamid Gul Pasha, they'll turn in no time into the Indian Muslims, who live en masse in dirty ghettos where births are cursed and deaths are celebrated! An Indian Muslim's life is a life of absolute subjugation and constant denigration, fear and insult on a permanent basis under their Hindu overlords, and that without any sense of Namus, Izzet, Hurmet, Hurriyet etc. whatsover!! Allah kahr etsin....

You have contempt for Indian Muslims but what about the living conditions of Afghan Muslims currently, living as they are under the Talibanic legacy of Hamid Gul and his Crusader comrades ?
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Tipu "failed" because he died in battle. And he wasn't an agent of a Crusader nation in the destruction of another Muslim-majority country, especially one that has a progressive government.
Tupu was not defeated, actually he was successful to burn the flame of passion for the freedom in Indian hearts , the reason for Tipu Sultan's apparent failure is to see the pile of shoes lying on the grave of Mir Sadiq outside the Seringapatam fort. Look at the traitor of Nizam Hyderabad who supported India , at time he was ally of British and did not support Tipu Sultan

Thread stater tooting his own horn. A difference of opinion makes one an indian agent right away.

Posters are mixing the two eras together and treating them the same.

Russian afghan war, Gen Gul was a great strategist—-that was the first era.

Second era was after 9/11.

Here is the inside american scoop.

Americans never expected that pakistan would either not execute or not capture OBL.

The americans were 100% sure that Pak miltary generals would see the writing on the wall, capture or kill OBL and his team and hand their dead bodies to them.

Case closed.
That happened in the first few days. But after pakistani generals started playing games with the americans, things started to change very quickly.

the first change was in the language—-a language that Pakistanis understand best.

pakistani generals were not expecting that. Their anticipation was that the americans would hum and haw and then would fizzle out.

another great pakistani general would claim that “we will make a vietnam “ of the americans.

that general conveniently forgot that the vietnamese had over 4 million dead to 50 k American dead.

this time around it looks more like 4000 dead americans and 2 million dead afghans.

indeed, pakistani generals did make a nam fir the afghans.

it is so tragic that pakistanis BBC are singing songs if glory over the dead bodies of their afghan brothers
A one-third of the male population of the Ottoman Empire got sacrificed even when the Saltanat was going down!! This Dava is like this, we can't change the Takdir-i Ilahi....

By the by, for the true Muslims this life in this Dunya is like prison, and that in Ahiret is like Jennet...

And, the Fitne and Fesat faced by the Muslims in this Dunya is the collective Keffara for the collective Gunah committed....
we were in the mess of terrorism because of people like hameed gul?

HG supported the Taliban. There were different Mujahideen factions vying for control in Afghanistan. He and a cabal of ISI decided to hedge their bets on Hekmatyar (Rocketyar) who was a psycho known for throwing acid on immodestly dressed women in Kabul university. I'm not saying this from American sources I heard this from Afghans themselves.

The Northern Alliance was a hotch potch of Tajik, Hazara and Uzbek leaders opposing the Taliban.

We are precisely in this 20 year long mess because the Taliban refused to hand over OBL after 9/11 leading to US invasion. Had we just supported Ahmad Shah Massoud (the leader opposing Talibans who later became the head of Northern Alliance), we wouldn't have been in this mess and Afghanistan would probably have been a more stable society (debatable but most likely)

The Taliban were absolutely brutal for the Afghans from 1996-2001. Killed god knows how many Hazaras.

But good luck trying to explain that to anyone here.
Tipu "failed" because he died in battle. And he wasn't an agent of a Crusader nation in the destruction of another Muslim-majority country, especially one that has a progressive government.

You have contempt for Indian Muslims but what about the living conditions of Afghan Muslims currently, living as they are under the Talibanic legacy of Hamid Gul and his Crusader comrades ?
You're a Hindu agent, so I'm putting you under the "ignore" list....
The Taliban were absolutely brutal for the Afghans from 1996-2001. Killed god knows how many Hazaras.
Can you tell me or you pretend as if you don't know that how many thousands Afghans were brutally killed by Hazara tribal chief , Baba Mazari in his famous DEATH DANCE brand killing , by filling their bodies with petrol?
for the past 2 decades, Pakistan and Pakistanis are still confused regarding the Afgan war. I couldn't get our policy regarding Afghanistan. On one hand Musharaf for 7 years, told the nation like a broken record "ye hamari jung hai" and on the other hand, common people show full sympathy with Taliban even after suicide bombers were exploding throughout Pakistan. people were alienated indians took the advantage and used simple stupid minded people of our against us and still, it took us more than 10 years 1000s of dead Pakistanis and blood of APS children, to garner us on one platform that TTP is enemy of Pakistan. now let's see how our general think of the mass they created in the name of politics.

Tipu Sultan failed, but Hamid Gul Pasha won, and that too multiple times....


Shame on you for calling a Shaheed Tipu Sultan a failure. Thise who give their lives in the name of Allah are not failures.
A one-third of the male population of the Ottoman Empire got sacrificed even when the Saltanat was going down!! This Dava is like this, we can't change the Takdir-i Ilahi....

By the by, for the true Muslims this life in this Dunya is like prison, and that in Ahiret is like Jennet...

And, the Fitne and Fesat faced by the Muslims in this Dunya is the collective Keffara for the collective Gunah committed....


We need to be smart and learn from our mistaes and cannot allow those types of casualties to take place.

That was a slow time. In this day and age---you cannot suffer any military defetas until and unless you damage the enemy as much.

If you go down now---there is no cmoing back up.

The modern day christian nations have gotten smarter.

Christians also have the same God---ALLAH---so why this Takdir I Ilahi befalls the muslims.

Why can you not accept that muslims are less capable mentally and physically and inferior in decision making and are also more treacherous in their dealing---.
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@FAROOQ RASHID BUTT sahab, thank you for your previous post on Tipu.

About General Gul I ask you to watch this interview of him where he supports TTP and Lal Masjid.

Lal Masjid etc. are our internal problems, there been a lot of difference between Afghan Taliban and TTP ( this group is infact Indian puppet terrorists) . Any way we do not allow Indians to interfere in the internal affairs of our country. Before that you Indian talk about the Hindutva terrorism for BABRI MASJID and ongoing Indian state terrorism in Kashmir, Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan which has been aggressively occupied by India.
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