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Gen Raheel Sharif calls Kashmir as "jugular vein of Pakistan"

Exactly ... One country did not sign the Simla Agreement, two did .... Hence one country alone can not claim that this agreement supersedes UN resolutions when the text of agreement does not say so and the other country also rejects this ... Hope I am clear now

One country cannot reject the provisions of the treaty either. It is binding on both. My interpretation is correct.
One country cannot reject the provisions of the treaty either. It is binding on both. My interpretation is correct.

Good.. You have understood that UN resolutions are not superseded by Simla Agreement , now try to understand this :

Both the countries have failed to resolve the dispute bilaterally and both countries have violated Simla Agreement on a number of occasions ... So it naturally brings us back to the UN resolutions ... Which haven't been superseded by anything "legally" ...

Good.. You have understood that UN resolutions are not superseded by Simla Agreement , now try to understand this :

Both the countries have failed to resolve the dispute bilaterally and both countries have violated Simla Agreement on a number of occasions ... So it naturally brings us back to the UN resolutions ... Which haven't been superseded by anything "legally" ...

Okay, let us agree to disagree here. I am quite sure that what I have said is correct, and is being proven correct by the course of events. I will respect your right to have your erroneously wishful interpretation to keep you satisfied.

The Simla Agreement supersedes the UN resolutions and both India and Pakistan are bound to resolve their disputes bilaterally unless both agree to third party mediation as stipulated.
Okay, let us agree to disagree here. I am quite sure that what I have said is correct, and is being proven correct by the course of events. I will respect your right to have your erroneously wishful interpretation to keep you satisfied.

The Simla Agreement supersedes the UN resolutions and both India and Pakistan are bound to resolve their disputes bilaterally unless both agree to third party mediation as stipulated.

And that is what really is an erroneous interpretation ... Anyways you are free to believe in whatever you want ... Just stop spreading misinformation

And what has pakistan done to resolve kashmir in accordance to UNSC resolution....ball has been in your court since the resolution... instead pakistan tried everything but the UNSC prescribtion..

Kashmir, Plebiscite and UN security council Resolution

your post deserves a detailed answer/rebuttal... I will reply to that shortly
And that is what really is an erroneous interpretation ... Anyways you are free to believe in whatever you want ... Just stop spreading misinformation

You have the right to your opinion, as I have to mine.

Back to the topic:

Does anyone know how many times Pakistan has asked for third party mediation unilaterally and has been rebuffed?
And that is what really is an erroneous interpretation ... Anyways you are free to believe in whatever you want ... Just stop spreading misinformation

your post deserves a detailed answer ... I will reply to that shortly

Even assuming that we forget about the Shimla accord then Pakistan fails on the UN resolution as well.

You have the right to your opinion, as I have to mine.

Back to the topic:

Does anyone know how many times Pakistan has asked for third party mediation unilaterally and has been rebuffed?

everytime when there is a new domestic iissue and Pakistani leaders or generals need to divert attention.
Both the countries have failed to resolve the dispute bilaterally and both countries have violated Simla Agreement on a number of occasions ... So it naturally brings us back to the UN resolutions ... Which haven't been superseded by anything "legally" ...
But Shimla Agreement would require both countries to agree to resolve it through UNSC. And since the agreement doesn't provide a time frame for solution, you can't say, legally, that both 'countries have failed to resolve the dispute bilaterally'. Also, things don't revert 'naturally', in legal sense, unless it is specifically agreed upon by both parties.

Btw, in 1965, Pakistan violated cease fire agreement, which formed part of the same UN resolution that sought plebiscite. That has absolved India from UN resolutions as well.

I am still waiting for a "rebuttal".
You have been rebutted up, down, right, left and centre but you have shut your eyes, stuck your fingers into your ears and screaming 'LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA'.
Which one?
External jugular vein
Internal jugular or
Accessory jugular vein?:rolleyes:


why those PIGS are invited in here ... look at their swine faces :butcher:
Which one?
External jugular vein
Internal jugular or
Accessory jugular vein?:rolleyes:

None of that really.
Why is it that this hyper-drama laden description of 'jugular vein' and all that makes me think of a guy who really needs a 'bypass surgery' but who is just mumbling on about 'jugular veins'.
May I remind all silly little Indians that when general raheel sharif said this there were like 9 rank on rank military generals of china present there and also the fact that we just provoked you in the morning.

There is a war coming
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