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Featured Gen. Asim Saleem Bajwa debunks all allegations against him

PM Imran Khan refuses to accept Asim Saleem Bajwa’s resignation

When IK can make super duper talented Buzdar as Punjab's CM, gave full 3 years extension to General Bajwa for his tremendous achievements in his earlier 3 years as army chief then Asim Saleem Bajwa could also be very honest as long as Asim Salim Bajwa does not join opposition since this is the only criteria IK knows who is honest and who is not.
Bajwa is not my phoopa, or Chacha, nor I am interested in defending him. Its beyond your capacity to see through what is at play here. Don't waste my time with your diatribes.
I find it ironic that you’re claiming that which is highlighted in bold. All while you yourself have accepted the propaganda and deflection using CPEC. :disagree:
So Asim Bajwa and draconian unaccountability of CPEC authority written in our laws is needed in order to stop mismanagement? Please see the changes I am referring to before buying the cover story, less accountability makes mismanagement worse not better.
Story doesn't stop here, in the era of PMLn they registered lots of companies in China and later use them to get projects. I think we hardly see the tip of corruption iceberg in CPEC. It's massive . I am still waiting to see orange train .....
What I meant to say is the CPEC and American lead group resistance against it , that is what at play here. Bajwa is just a punching bag. Personalities do not matter, state and its interests do. Next phase will be to use these allegations to start pointing fingers towards the CPEC itself. A typical line of attack.
Well, the American still see Pak as a strategic ally in the region. They involve in CPEC when Pak apply for IMF loan. Where last few years they noticed huge CPEC mismanagement funds. IMF ask to provide debt info link to CPEC. .. anyway, US only concern due to CPEC debt , Pakistan won't end up Chinese colony.
CPEC authority changes since 2018 have already achieved their desired result, come what may an army general rtd or someone subservient will be placed in charge there. It’s understandable given all that hard work and behind the scenes fights for CPEC authority, that the army fought with the previous government. It’s not surprising that they’d perhaps want to keep their man in charge for the time being. As for SAPM, IK didn’t just appoint him out of the blue, it was ‘suggested’ that he be given the job.
After last presidential order ended on CEPEC its a illegal project itself do you know that?
Well, the American still see Pak as a strategic ally in the region. They involve in CPEC when Pak apply for IMF loan. Where last few years they noticed huge CPEC mismanagement funds. IMF ask to provide debt info link to CPEC. .. anyway, US only concern due to CPEC debt , Pakistan won't end up Chinese colony.
Why China is worried about CEPEC because they see massive crouption and delays and in that crouption everyone is naked uniforms or without uniforms, basic fight between Nawaz and establishment erupted because of the control of CEPEC and the gold mines in Baluchistan! There are a lot of heads to be rolled
I find it ironic that you’re claiming that which is highlighted in bold. All while you yourself have accepted the propaganda and deflection using CPEC. :disagree:

Feel free however you may like. I am not obliged to scratch your itches. I can see where its all leading to.

Keep on discussing petty little issues.
Well, the American still see Pak as a strategic ally in the region

They are snakes, they just, today, protected two individuals which your state class as terrorists. Have we not learned anything in last two decades to still have this weird ideas about Americans?
They are snakes, they just, today, protected two individuals which your state class as terrorists. Have we not learned anything in last two decades to still have this weird ideas about Americans?
We know well and they told Pak many time, even in the open forums. US only protect its interest and don't expect emotional relationship. ( war of Interest). Now , it's up to our govt when US comes to Pak, how our leadership take the advantage of situation .... Unfortunately, our leadership talk with US always end up their personal material greed. Like US official say, Pakistani can sell their mothers for ..................
Why China is worried about CEPEC because they see massive crouption and delays and in that crouption everyone is naked uniforms or without uniforms, basic fight between Nawaz and establishment erupted because of the control of CEPEC and the gold mines in Baluchistan! There are a lot of heads to be rolled
Nodoubt, it was shocking when Chinese govt return millions of dollar overpaid to Chinese companies. End up founding those were Nawaz and co companies registered in China which were actually paid kickbacks .
So govt of Punjab paid kickbacks to Chinese companies own by Nawaz and co......
Never trust "news" sources from Hindutva Fake news anti-Islam anti-Pakistan Terrorist which is sent to unemployed Pakistani Gadaar "journalist" to disseminate ...
Nodoubt, it was shocking when Chinese govt return millions of dollar overpaid to Chinese companies. End up founding those were Nawaz and co companies registered in China which were actually paid kickbacks .
So govt of Punjab paid kickbacks to Chinese companies own by Nawaz and co......
Problem is its wasn't just Nawaz and Punjab govt there are more bajco type companies in there?
And if you can dig deep into bajco group check thier employees list and find one pakistani from it 😜😜😜
Brother, come out of that political trap, they all are one, evn in different parties and in different depertment of agriculture 😁😁😁
Never trust "news" sources from Hindutva Fake news anti-Islam anti-Pakistan Terrorist which is sent to unemployed Pakistani Gadaar "journalist" to disseminate ...
Real source is Mr noorani from where that cheap major gruv get a snitch and Mr nooranis news is made 70% validated by Mr bajwa himself just yesterday
They are snakes, they just, today, protected two individuals which your state class as terrorists. Have we not learned anything in last two decades to still have this weird ideas about Americans?
Brother these ppls in uniform or without uniform they are the mafia ppls and they tells us who is our stratigical partner 😂😂😂
Problem is its wasn't just Nawaz and Punjab govt there are more bajco type companies in there?
And if you can dig deep into bajco group check thier employees list and find one pakistani from it 😜😜😜
Brother, come out of that political trap, they all are one, evn in different parties and in different depertment of agriculture 😁😁😁
Well, I never give a clean chit to Gens ...lol. Travelling around the world , I have seen alot. Meet once retired procurement officer who used to serve in major Pak ally embassy during 60s and 70s. He shared some remarkable stories about deep down corruptions ... lolzz .. i send Golf gear as a gift to someone ... u can guess who owns and play golf in Pak .... lolzzzzzz ...kabhi kabhi sahi kaam phass jata
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