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GCC warns Hezbollah!!!

Savage Safavids :lol:

If Arabs were incompetent then mind telling us why did take you so long to realize that you have been bleeding for 8 years during Iraq-Iran war? :D
There is no greater misery than what Khomini had gone through during the war, he even begged for cease fire :lol:
If the Arabs were imcompentent then why didn't you take any action aginst them when they invaded Bahrain? Why haven't you interfered to save your brothers? Why didn't you take any counter measure when we bombed the hell out of the Houthis?

It's no longer a secret that the Safavids are suffering from superiority complex. Trust me, if you wish to play with us then you'd better be careful what you wish for.

Oh and don't send any more boats or drones to our backyard, you won't see them again, and don't beg us for releasing your fellow countrymen terrorists, they won't see the light until we want them to.

We will smash the hell out of the baboons if they choose to play with us.


The Bedouin offering his American Slave Master Democrazy, We are Older then Rome and Egypt, The First Civilizations in Human History. When We and Rome Excelled in Science you and your european slave masters were living in deserts and treetops. Thank God for sending a Prophet to you treacherous Arabs. You have seen nothing yet, we will show you play. The Israelis will either go to the sea or yehudi arabia.

"The Worse Among the Muslims will be the Arabs of Nijad" And "The Arabs will be Destroyed"
- Mohammad Ibn Abdullah (swas)
You are incompetent. That is why we are messing with your internal affairs for decades.

You are incompetent. That is why we are messing with your internal affairs for decades.

Persian ego :omghaha:
Oh yeah I can see how far has your inference gone by now :smokin:


I told you before we pay you on the spot every now and then Safavid! And guess what? There isn't much you can do about it :lol:

Let's how the Safavids can save their brothers in Yemen and Bahrain for now. :D
Quantifier, If Anybody its your US,UK installed Saudi who should be Kicked out of Arabia. and your NATO, USA, UK Troops who should be labled Terrorist Organizations along with your. FSA (Foreign Stooges of America/Free Shayitans Army)
Aw boy, why are you blaming the US when they toppled anti Iranian Baathis Iraq and sold Iraq to your country? Why are you blaming US when they invaded Afghanistan only to defend you from the anti Iranian Talibans? Why are you blaming the US when they gave powers to the Shias to rule Iraq and Afghanistan? You should thank them.

It is only the SHIA in Lebanon and the SHIA IRAN doing all the heavy lifting against ISRAEL. 2006 Hizbollah fought Israel to Free Lebanon, where were the so called mujahedeen from all the ARAB countries??? 67 years of occupation, rape and murder of SUNNI Palestinians, only the SHIA iran and the SHIA Lebanon have helped them while you cheer for the american British Zionist funded FSA, KSA, MKO & Saddam

Palestinians called Saddam a martyr, they don't hate him. You know what he did to your people and your country. Feel free to post a Palestinians holding Khomenie or other ayatollah posters. :)


Palestinians burning Hezbollah's aid and flag. Feel free to post Palestinian burning Arab flags :)

Iran cuts Hamas' funding for backing Syrian opposition - Washington Times
Hamas is not with Iran anymore, they supported the revolution. Feel free to post Hamas is not with the Arab country and Turkey AKP. Woops, I think they are allies with them :)

I don't understand why Iranians care about Palestinians when they are Suunis? You should thank Israel for arming your country against Iraq and you should thank Israel for stopping Iraq's nuclear facility.:)
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The Bedouin offering his American Slave Master Democrazy, We are Older then Rome and Egypt, The First Civilizations in Human History. When We and Rome Excelled in Science you and your european slave masters were living in deserts and treetops. Thank God for sending a Prophet to you treacherous Arabs. You have seen nothing yet, we will show you play. The Israelis will either go to the sea or yehudi arabia.

"The Worse Among the Muslims will be the Arabs of Nijad" And "The Arabs will be Destroyed"
- Mohammad Ibn Abdullah (swas)

Another Persian supremacist :rofl:

Persia no longer exists boy :coffee: it's been wiped out 14 centuries ago :D
So, instead if bragging about your deceased history, I would recommend to go and figure out how to feed your family.
His messages remind me the sick words of Jalili...
blablabla .. western bad blabla bla ... let's forget we are in a cheat situation just insult the other;.. blabla bla
Jalili wants more mosques more people in mosques , Jalili wants more ya hussain in the streets
yeah it will change the world mister Jalili
forgot one point mr Jalili : crying Allah akbar or ya hussain doesn't mean you are a good muslim...
but this is too much difficult to understand mr Jalili
Another Persian supremacist :rofl:

Persia no longer existed boy :coffee: it's been wiped out 14 centuries ago :D
So, instead if bragging about your deceased history, I would recommend to go and figure out how to feed your family.

2013 - 1935 = 1400 Years to the Wahhabi Mathematician. :omghaha:

And these are the Hypocrites who will run muslim countries. We Changed our name around 1936 because even Europeans (Read Germans) started trying to relate to Aryans of Iran. Besides, Only Romania and Greeks Called Us Persian due to the Pathian Rulers Dynasty. However Our Rulers have always have called themselves Iranian. Unlike Turkey and the Ottomans whos slogan is Turkey only for Turks, no place for Kurds,

The Arab Bedouin Slave of the European Calls me Boy.. Do you even know how to write your own name? Jahiliya that burried his own daughters comes here to tell me. :rofl:
2013 - 1935 = 1400 Years to the Wahhabi Mathematician. :omghaha:

And these are the Hypocrites who will run muslim countries. We Changed our name around 1936 because even Europeans (Read Germans) started trying to relate to Aryans of Iran. Besides, Only Romania and Greeks Called Us Persian due to the Pathian Rulers Dynasty. However Our Rulers have always have called themselves Iranian. Unlike Turkey and the Ottomans whos slogan is Turkey only for Turks, no place for Kurds,

The Arab Bedouin Slave of the European Calls me Boy.. Do you even know how to write your own name? Jahiliya that burried his own daughters comes here to tell me. :rofl:

So GCC and these so called 'Arab' countries can fund terrorist FSA to fight a war to destabilize Syria but Hezbullah cant fight the foreign terrorists?

I think GCC is proving itself to be the mouthpiece of Zionists.
So GCC and these so called 'Arab' countries can fund terrorist FSA to fight a war to destabilize Syria but Hezbullah cant fight the foreign terrorists?

I think GCC is proving itself to be the mouthpiece of Zionists.

GCC is the source of All hardline terrorist groups , just an example: Bin laden was a Saudi rich guy :coffee:
So GCC and these so called 'Arab' countries can fund terrorist FSA to fight a war to destabilize Syria but Hezbullah cant fight the foreign terrorists?

I think GCC is proving itself to be the mouthpiece of Zionists.

GCC is the source of All hardline terrorist groups , just an example: Bin laden was a Saudi rich guy :coffee:

Like Father , Like Son..

Saudi and these PG Oil Rich Countries Puppets were installed by the Zionists AKA The French and The British Europeans to DO Exactly what they are doing. They were imposed on the Muslim world after WW1 when France Britain and American with the help of people like Kemel Atatuk and Laurence of Arabia Destroyed the Ottoman Khilafa, These Saudis and Arabs were used to built mutiny.

"I am the Sultan Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud al-Faisal and I concede and acknowledge a thousand times to Sir Percy Cox, delegate of Great Britain, that I have no objection to giving Palestine to the poor Jews or even to non-Jews, and I will never ever violate their [the UK] orders.”

Isn’t it ironic how the Ottomans, our rulers at the time, would spill blood to protect us, while our brother Arabs were falling over themselves to give Palestine away.

In 1915, a secret memorandum was presented to the British cabinet under the title, ‘The Future of Palestine.’ It was drafted by Sir Herbert Samuel, the first dedicated Zionist to become a minister in the British Government, who, astonishingly, did not advise the setting up of a Jewish homeland at this time, but did advise that Palestine should be annexed to the British Empire after the war, with sympathies towards the establishment of such a home-land.

November 2nd 1917, is the date carved on every Palestinian heart, when the infamous Balfour Declaration, written in the form of a letter was sent to Lord Walter Rothschild. The British government, in their infinite wisdom, vehemently adhered to their promise to establish a Jewish home in Palestine and totally ignored their promise to protect the rights of the indigenous Palestinian population. At that time, Palestine was 10% Jewish and 90% Muslim and Christian Palestinian Arabs.

Fast forward to the formation of the World Zionist Organisation in 1897 when Palestine was first targeted as the preferred choice for the establishment of a Jewish Homeland. Theodor Hertzl, the founder of Zionism, approached Sultan Abdul Hamid II of the already ailing Ottoman Empire asking if Palestine might be for sale: This was his response:

"Please advise Dr Hertzl not to make any serious move in this matter. I cannot give up even one small patch of land in Palestine. It is not something that I own as a part of my personal estate. Palestine in fact belongs to the Muslim Nation as a whole. My people have fought with their blood and sweat to protect this land, let the Jews keep their millions and once the Caliphate is torn apart one day, then they can take Palestine without a price. To have the scalpel cut my body is less painful than to witness Palestine being detached from the Caliphate state and this is not going to happen", said Sultan Abdul Hamid II.

Please Read 65 years ago; UK committed Ein El Zeytoun & Deir Yassin massacres
it is sufi.
part of the regional culture (anyway not all sufis are doing this so that funny lol)
when you say sufi it reminds me Hafez :)
LMAO ... WWWWTTTTTTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFFFF is this ? :omghaha: :omghaha:

Please Read This, Written by a Pelestenian and Explains Saudi and the PG Arabs and Zionists:
PressTV - 65 years ago; UK committed Ein El Zeytoun & Deir Yassin massacres

Also you are right about Osama Was Trained an Funded By America and Deployed in early '79 through Pakistan into Afghanistan by the SAME Guys Saudi, Qatari, Jordani and America Britain behind him and his Taliban, Like today FSA. Osama Was sent in Afghanistan with his Taliban to Destabilize and Overthrow the Communist Favoring Soviet Government, It was a Bait to Take Soviet Union in a War that would destroy it leaving USA as the Sole Superpower. Syria is Similar Situation to Involve Russia and Iran VS NATO. When They are all Exhausted Israel Wins, Wages WW3 and Becomes the Sole Superpower. Same thing was done in WW1 and WW2. Same Zionist Plot. Osama was Featured in all western newspapers and magazine, his family is still a Big personal friend of bush family, and his family is a great contractor in Arabia.

Osama was a HERO to Americans and Zionist Media at a time. They all Work for Israel. Bahrain Turkey All of them, and now the Kurds have defected too. The Whole thing is a Setup.
it is sufi.
part of the regional culture (anyway not all sufis are doing this so that funny lol)
when you say sufi it reminds me Hafez :)

but i am really shocked , in arab countries during prayer they do serious jokes like kicking each other etc..

seriously we do not imagine something like that... i have come to know this issue just 6-7months ago :confused:

what kind of muslim they are ? :pissed:
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