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GCC warns Hezbollah!!!

Kurdistan is different from Kakastan which you are from. Just take a look at Hawler vs Sadr City. Then tell me which one is Kakastan.

Unfortunately the only people who have "freedom of speech in Kakastan are individuals like Mullah Basim who have militias to protect his "freedom of speech" and those that don't have militias well they don't have the luxury of such a thing.

Bassim Al-Karbalaei (1967) (alternatively, Basim al-Karbala'i) (born Bassim Ismael Mohammed Al-Tawakuli) (Arabic: باسم إسماعيل التوكلي‎) is one of the most famous Shia eulogy (latmiya) reciters. Bassim Al-Karbalaei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Sadr city is a district of Baghdad, uncomparable.

Actually there is a lot of freedom of speech here, unlike your region led by a family dictatorship, you have 3 barzanis in the regime and many other barzanis in the militia’s high ranked commanders, and I am talking about the family of Barzani not the tribe.
Have you not seen the protests ? they go ape sht and are not arrested, that is quite good freedom of speech for a ME country.

Massoud Tarazani
Nechirvin Tarazani
Masrour Tarazani

What would you say if Maliki put his cousin as President and his other cousin as highest general of the armed forces ? :D
I work for my government ,so I doubt you would know any better than myself. The number of Saudi visitors to Lebanon has dramatically been reduced by leaps and bounds over the last 7 years, so I would advice you to think 10 times before you speak.
Education from a good source is appreciated - please link to gov't statistics, thanks.
Actually Hz is practically considered a terrorist org by several Arab countries even before Syrian uprising, and Hz know that.

Funny, how people open their mouths out of nowhere thinking they speak the truth. :rofl:
No one says these things and those that do are prodded all over the internet and in their countries as I have seen many times. But in your country "Kakastan" your famous singer Mulla Basim called all Sunni Muslims in Iraq as Nawasib. Your aytollats have already declared the blood of a Nawasib as Halal.

"hey would have cut his neck again
Lo, Alas your grandfather is buried among the Nawasib!"

This is his famous Latmiyaah : "Grandfather" refers to the Askari shrines, which is in Samarra, a Sunni town, that is what he refers to by "buried among the Nawasib.
You mean bassim al karbalai?
Funny, how people open their mouths out of nowhere thinking they speak the truth. :rofl:

He is known of being manipulative, thinking he would outsmart people by spreading silly thoughts and his own made up "news", just take a look at his topics which were taken seriously only by a handful. @Solomon2 Try to change your approach darling, it apparently didn't work, try to be honest at least with yourself and believe me most people DO have functioning brains. No offence to anybody.
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Sadr city is a district of Baghdad, uncomparable.

Actually there is a lot of freedom of speech here, unlike your region led by a family dictatorship, you have 3 barzanis in the regime and many other barzanis in the militia’s high ranked commanders, and I am talking about the family of Barzani not the tribe.
Have you not seen the protests ? they go ape sht and are not arrested, that is quite good freedom of speech for a ME country.

That is why all Kakastanis from Sadr City are coming to Kurdistan in Sulamaniya, Hawler, Duhok to vocation. I am not even going to talk about investments and growth which you already know.

This topic is about GCC excommunicating Hizbullat. Let's not derail the subject as we are enjoying the final downfall of this savage terrorist group.
I'm prettysure hezbollah doesn't worry about condemnation from the GCC anyway. GCC takes a bunch of lebanese workers sure, but who's going to admit they support hezbollah if it becomes illegal? Just because they're shi'a they'll deport them?


and btw, i don't understand the context in people using this term 'Wahabi'.

People are calling this a British Conspiracy, but Muhammad ibn abdul Wahab died in late 1700's, before the British empire ever came anywhere near Arabia.
I've read his book kitab at-tawheed, and this isn't some sect or new religion, it's not even "extreme", he just takes directly from Quran and sunnah and compiles it to emphasize importance of tawheed and condemnation of shirk, which is more prevalent in muslim countries than in non-muslim countries nowadays.
That is why all Kakastanis from Sadr City are coming to Kurdistan in Sulamaniya, Hawler, Duhok to vocation. I am not even going to talk about investments and growth which you already know.

This topic is about GCC excommunicating Hizbullat. Let's not derail the subject as we are enjoying the final downfall of this savage terrorist group.

Kaka who started derailing and going offtopic ? you.

Investment because it is safer, true, though we are catching up, KRG did not have the war we had since 2003.
Though cut the 20-23% of GDP share from us and your doomed, an economic collapse, pipelines to Turkey will not replace it and it will make you 100% a client state of them since your pipelines are not running to sea like ours in Basra-al Faw.
Education from a good source is appreciated - please link to gov't statistics, thanks.

Saudi FM warning Saudi nationals not to go to Lebanon

Lebanese expressed concern after the issuance of a warning and the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Saudi nationals from traveling to Lebanon; due to the instability of the security situation because of its impact on tourism and economic situation

Source: Alarabyia

When it comes to KSA, I would expect no argument from anyone at all. As for the government statistics, I can only say that you must be smoking something! LoL. Information like this wouldn't be shared by non-governmental bodies at all.
I've read his book kitab at-tawheed, and this isn't some sect or new religion, it's not even "extreme", he just takes directly from Quran and sunnah and compiles it to emphasize importance of tawheed and condemnation of shirk, which is more prevalent in muslim countries than in non-muslim countries nowadays.

Try to tell explain that to the 21st Century Idol worshipers who claim they have love for Ahlul Bayt so much so they made them into their God forsaken saviors.
Why warn them? One could argue that they already have done much against GCC interests to ban them.
Kinda ironic to see a lot more effort done by the arab countries to put Hezbollah on their terrorist list while the European countries who even after the Bulgarian bus explosion have ignored Israel's demand of putting Hezbollah on their terrorist list.
The Gulf countries have been working against Hezbollah for a very long times, these "warnings" are just as worthless as mice sh!t. The gulf states have been licking Israeli a$$ since forever and during the 2006 war they even issued fatwas which forbid "praying" for Hezbollah, as if Hezbollah depends on prayers coming in from the GCC to survive.
Well first of all, the GCC is a toothless organization, with no significant clout. And 2nd this is not too surprising, because many countries in the GCC are seen as very reactionary and incompetent in their decision making. You have to realise, that we from Iran, Syria and Iraq do not look at the likes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia as state actors. We see only certain families ruling those countries, who are not pragmatic, and dont represent the legitimate interests of their "country". We look at them as sectarian tribes, taking orders from a higher authority in US/EU/Israel.

Arab League certainly was reactionary in their decision to replace the Syria gov seat with opposition. Now it seems they are backtracking on that. lol

The real dangers could potentially be internally in Lebanon.
At the end of the road, this "warning" and if they actually take other steps to make good of their "warning", it will just be another miscalculation in the long history of other miscalculations and political missteps the GCC and Arab League has done. They are loosing legitimacy by the day, and getting weaker (which I didnt think was possible, given how extremely weak and toothless they have been for as long as I can remember).
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