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GCC declares Lebanon's Hezbollah a 'terrorist' group

Give that bullshit to some sympathizer Europeans and Americans who willingly buy that so that they give you more nuclear warheads , fighter aircraft , submarines etc or make more Schindler's lists in Hollywood so the world pity you more .

The Zions have been killing and taking lands for 60 straight years and that's why all the Palestinians are encircled in Gaza and the West Bank with millions living miserably in neighboring countries camps and slumdogs .

Give that bullshit to some sympathizer Europeans and Americans who willingly buy that so that they give you more nuclear warheads , fighter aircraft , submarines etc or make more Schindler's lists in Hollywood so the world pity you more .

The Zions have been killing and taking lands for 60 straight years and that's why all the Palestinians are encircled in Gaza and the West Bank with millions living miserably in neighboring countries camps and slumdogs .
Arabs live all over Israel. They live in Tel Aviv, they live in Jerusalem, they live in Haifa. In Galilee and in Negev.

This map is BS. Here the real one:

This is all about internal politics of Lebanon. Saudis consider Lebanon a client state. Recently , Lebanon started to show some independence toward the Saudis and that angered them. GCC hosts Hamas leadership and other terror groups. They don't care about Israel.
C-802 missile hit a crane, not a ship itself. As I said Nasrallah was sure that ship will sink.

You did not answer me who was lying u or Hezbollah.

Here is your claim:

Hezbollah could not fire more missile because you ordered all your ship to stay at least 100km away from Lebanon shore and that kowsar could not fly more than 20km.

Here Hezbollah claim from 11 August:

"At 2:05 pm (1105 GMT), while an Israeli Super Dvora warship was off the coast of Mansouri, south of the city of Tyre, and was aggressing our steadfast people and our civilian regions, the men of the Islamic Resistance attacked the ship with suitable weapons," a Hezbollah statement said.

"They scored a direct hit, destroying it, setting off a fire on it and sinking it," said the statement, read on Hezbollah's Al-Manar television.

"Other Israeli boats and zodiacs rushed to rescue its crew, made up of 12 officers and soldiers and who were killed, wounded or drowned," it said.

.:Middle East Online:::.

So who is lying here you or Hezbollah?
the C-802 is a semi-pearcing time delayed warhead that crane could not stop it from penetrating the ship
also even as if some of your media claim it detonated 1m above the ship after hitting crane then it would haave made alot more damage on other hand a c-701 would have inflicted the exact damage.

and about 11th of August, seems that you have forgot that your army denied even such incident happened

GCC moves against Hezbollah


Published — Friday 18 March 2016
Last update 18 March 2016 2:04 am

FOR over thirty years, Hezbollah committed all kinds of terrorist mischief designed to help Iran export its brand of revolution throughout the region, sowing the seeds of instability in the process. While wrapping itself in the flag of “resistance,” the group primarily advanced the goals of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard even when those goals ran contrary to Lebanon’s interests or those of its Arab neighbors.

Within Lebanon, Hezbollah terrorized its critics and rivals and sacrificed the well-being of ordinary Lebanese to further its own agenda. It managed to hijack Lebanon’s sovereign decision, creating and exploiting sectarian hatred.

This month, GCC and other Arab states moved to expose Hezbollah for it is, a sectarian militia that uses terrorism to achieve its objectives and those of its foreign masters.

On March 2, the GCC declared Hezbollah a terrorist group, including all its leadership, divisions, affiliates and offshoots. It cited “continuing hostile acts committed by Hezbollah elements to recruit GCC youth to commit terrorism, smuggle weapons and explosives, stir strife and incite chaos and violence, violating GCC states’ sovereignty, security and stability.”

Those activities within GCC states, as well as in Syria, Yemen and Iraq are in clear violation of international law and constitute a threat to the region’s peace and security. That decision was reaffirmed by the GCC foreign ministers when they met on March 9, and tasked the GCC Secretariat with completing the legal framework to implement the decision collectively, and integrate GCC and international efforts toward Hezbollah.

Designating Hezbollah as a terrorist organization means applying the measures stipulated in terrorism laws in effect in GCC member states, including disrupting financial flows and prosecuting collaborators with the group.

Based on this GCC initiative, the Arab League followed suit, first with the announcement by Arab ministers of interior in Tunis on March 2, followed by Arab foreign ministers in Cairo on March 10, labeling Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

Individual Arab and GCC states had already taken action against Hezbollah and its collaborators and funders. What is new is the collective GCC and Arab action. You may think it has come rather late, considering that Hezbollah has engaged in terrorism for decades, usually in the service of Iran’s policy goals: The attempt in May 1985 to assassinate the late Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Jaber and the hijacking of a Kuwait Airways jet in the summer of 1988, as well as attacks against Saudi Arabia and Bahrain security forces were clearly attempts to change those countries’ policies toward Iran. Its attacks against American and French targets had the same purpose.

Hezbollah was able to delay Arab and GCC action against it by cleverly exploiting the “resistance” discourse, which it used to immunize itself against criticism. At the Taif Conference, which ended Lebanon’s civil war in 1989, it used that logic to get exempted from disarming, as other Lebanese militias were forced to surrender their heavy and medium weapons.

More often than not, however, Hezbollah’s weapons were used to consolidate its hold over the Lebanese government, attack rivals and silence critics, as we saw in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and other politicians and journalists. Contrary to Hezbollah’s propaganda, it has little genuine support at the popular level. It has only 12-13 parliamentary seats — around 10 percent of its 128-seat total. Its influence derives mainly from its military arsenal and its willingness to use it without qualms.

Mainly because of Hezbollah’s intimidation, Lebanon’s Parliament has failed for over a year to elect a new president. For the same reason, Lebanon was unable to join the international consensus condemning the sacking and burning of the Saudi Embassy in Tehran. More recently, the Lebanese government failed to join Arab consensus labeling Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

But this new reckoning at the GCC and Arab levels, even if somewhat late, is bold, decisive and far-reaching. It has succeeded in exposing Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, criminal enterprise, and a foreign agent, allied with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and other violent groups determined to sow discord and instability throughout the region.

A measure of the success of the designation can be found in opinion surveys. For example, Al-Jazeera TV ran a survey asking viewers to vote on the GCC decision to designate Hezbollah a terrorist organization; over 93 percent voted “yes.” Other surveys had similar results. Surprisingly, the Arabic version of Russia Today website, which is generally sympathetic to Hezbollah and hostile to GCC countries, also ran a survey. Over a million viewers took part and a majority of them also agreed with the GCC decision.

Among the Shiites of Lebanon, where the party claims to have solid support, several groups and individuals, including prominent clergy, have come out against Hezbollah, risking their lives in doing so. Will Lebanon reclaim its stolen sovereignty any time soon? Time will tell.
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