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GCC gets taste of Qatari medicine

I think the words of the Administrator of PDF should carry more weight! :)

Back on topic, this is just a little turmoil of words. It will all soon blow away without any conquering by anybody.

Do you know WHO changed the regime in Qatar very recently?

Forget the Saudis, why not Pakistan invade this country and get all its natural gas resources shipped over?

We don't have the navy to mount such an offshore invasion. Saudis will invade Qatar, if they don't play ball and don't stop their propaganda mouthpiece called Al-Propaganda.
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Do you know WHO changed the regime in Qatar very recently?

We don't have the navy to mount such an offshore invasion. Saudis will invade Qatar, if they don't play ball and don't stop their propaganda mouthpiece called Al-Propaganda.

Who needs a Navy to conquer 300 people and a TV station? :D

Seriously though, after Bahrain, I do not think SA will be in any mood to go on another military adventure so soon.
Qatar = 300 people and a TV Station.

They've big dreams and have done tonnes of propaganda against Baluchistan, as well as supporting multiple insurgencies around the region. I wish that the Saudis invade and annex this little kingdomy. It deserves to be a Saudi province.
Why are you always butt kissing saudis? If anyone has to invade and annex qatar that should be us for their interference and financing of terrorism in Balochistan.
Why are you always butt kissing saudis? If anyone has to invade and annex qatar that should be us for their interference and financing of terrorism in Balochistan.

Can we?

Saudis have embedded imperialist designs, any such situation will indirectly benefit us.
if they are fueling insurgent and destabalising other countries then best forum is UN ..
there are many countries in gcc who can be charge for same..
if country start invading each other for that then WW3 is just around the corner..

What has UN achieved so far?

UN is just a platform for superpowers to get away with anything they want to accomplish.
Why are you always butt kissing saudis? If anyone has to invade and annex qatar that should be us for their interference and financing of terrorism in Balochistan.

Already been dealt with along with the Head of the State of Ajamn - this kind of action has already angered the Saudi for a very long time -

Qatar is Shia or Sunni dominated? and what about Bahrin?

Sect doesn't matter. The GCC is a %90 Sunni block anyway.
Qatar has a huge US base like Saudi Arabia, don't expect any war, except some pointless words for the show
I dont get it. Usually when someone says that so and so got a taste of so and so's medicine it means that the 2nd so and so did something in retaliation.

So... my question is what did the Qataris do? Other than that press conference?
May will never united may god curse them and send his wrath upon them
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