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Arabian Gulf states agree to blacklist "Hezbollah" as terrorist group

It's a shame that Lebanon, the Switzerland of the ME is hijacked by a terror group.

Yemen is the Switzerland of the Arab world.:smitten:

This topic has already been discussed in two previous threads but I just want to say that we Sunni Arab countries should deport every single Shia Iranian as long as their fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's are meddling in our beautiful Arab world and continuing their crimes. At least the GCC for starters.
the Syrian war would inevitably spill over into Lebanon. Did anybody doubt this?

to blame one faction alone would be erroneous, in my view.

Yes, it's the only to get blamed. Paradoxical discourse is no longer acceptable, either you accept the existence of a proxy armed group from a certain background in a sovereign country with active armed forces, state institutions and thriving economy or deny it. If you accept it, then accept arming Pakistan Taliban till their power overcome PAF and yet harass other country components with their armed strength in the name of fighting Americans.

Hz has been putting all it's strength to suppress Syrian uprising causing more suffering to Syrian people. They occupied Syrian towns and have been fighting side by side Bashar forces.

Syrian uprising started as a peaceful one calling for the end of oppression and dictatorship, it had been like this for the first 7 months despite the crazy slaughtering machine, Syrian protesters had been chanting "Syrian people are one", but they couldn't take it in the light of ongoing mass slaughtering by Bashar forces and supported by Shia mercenaries from Hz, Iraq and Iran. They turned it into a secterian conflict and they get to pay dearly for their decision.

Yemen is the Switzerland of the Arab world.:smitten:

This topic has already been discussed in two previous threads but I just want to say that we Sunni Arab countries should deport every single Shia Iranian as long as their fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's are meddling in our beautiful Arab world and continuing their crimes. At least the GCC for starters.

Yemen is Yemen with it's beautiful distinctive identity.
Good news, For countries that consider Al-Nusra brigades, brave freedom fighters and celebrate in streets after 9/11, indeed Hezbollah is a terrorist group.
Hezbollah should be proud of this decision. Good job Arab countries. People should always act the way their nature is, and that's exactly the case here.
Good news, For countries that consider Al-Nusra brigades, brave freedom fighters and celebrate in streets after 9/11, indeed Hezbollah is a terrorist group.
Hezbollah should be proud of this decision. Good job Arab countries. People should always act the way their nature is, and that's exactly the case here.

Just like u r acting the liar that u r, can u show me which of the gcc countries had mass celebrations post 911.
Yemen is the Switzerland of the Arab world.:smitten:

This topic has already been discussed in two previous threads but I just want to say that we Sunni Arab countries should deport every single Shia Iranian as long as their fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's are meddling in our beautiful Arab world and continuing their crimes. At least the GCC for starters.
nope.yemen is the yellowstone of the ME.LOL
Well the EU also blacklist Hezbollah, this would be a longed-for statement from the EU also relating to the civil war raging in Syria.

EU foreign ministers are due to meet to discuss whether or not the military wing of the Lebanese Hezbollah group should be listed as a terrorist organization.

The move requires that all the EU's 28 member states agree with it. Currently there is arguing that it would be difficult to tell the difference between the military and political wings of Hezbollah, which could cause more instability in Lebanon.

Also, the Lebanese government has urged the EU not to act against Hezbollah, claiming it is an "essential component of Lebanese society". European opinion has, however, hardened due to Hezbollah's increasing involvement in the Syrian civil war on President Bashar al-Assad's side.

Should the move go through, it will outlaw sending money to the group from inside European borders and also prevent European diplomats from meeting its militant staff.

The United States, Canada, Australia, the UK and the Netherlands have already blacklisted Hezbollah.

source: FNOTW: EU to blacklist Hezbollah?
See more on: http://www.fnotw.org
Good news, For countries that consider Al-Nusra brigades, brave freedom fighters and celebrate in streets after 9/11, indeed Hezbollah is a terrorist group.
Hezbollah should be proud of this decision. Good job Arab countries. People should always act the way their nature is, and that's exactly the case here.

Nusra is also designated as a terrorist group. In many respects, it looks like hezbollah in beginning days. But it has allready more fans and support on the ground and "international support" then hezb did in the beginning.

Long live Al Nusra!

Hamas Islamic Jihad Al Nusra what else how about them


you could not defeat Israel but HEZBOLLAH did twice

Hezbollah cannot defeat Israel. It could defeat hezbollah, but that would mean they would need to complete pulverize Lebanon, it choose not to, but they can.
Hezbollah cannot defeat Israel. It could defeat hezbollah, but that would mean they would need to complete pulverize Lebanon, it choose not to, but they can.

But why would they, now Hezbollah is killing your friends jahbat al nusra which is a nice sight for Israel, we should fund kataib hezbollah to deal with them from the eastern front.
Remember the Zionist entity is like America , once in check she will drown in her own corrupt

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