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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

fuc$ the Taliban

fuc$ the Al Qaeda

fuc$ the ISIS

fuc$ the ISIL

You and others might want to look up a brilliant Syrian journalist Kevokian Almassian (spelling?); he is a long bearded guy, to help find him online. He said during all the time ISIS was near Israel's border, they never fired anything into Israel!!
He also says that, after eating humble pie in Afghanistan AND in Ukraine, NATO has to credibly win in the Middle East otherwise NATO's image is destroyed.

[And, yes, NATO lost in Afghanistan. No sugar coating that].

T shirts and no body armour and home made weapons

100% pure faith and guts

and also good preparation and strategy I must say

I did not see any of them miss a shot

43 warships from 16 nations and 600,000 soldiers and over $100 billion of equipment

Allah is sufficient for them and he is the best disposer of affairs

if Allah wants 313 can defeat a Superpower

Long live the resistance My Allah grant them victory or give them Jannah

they put shame 2.2 billion Muslims and 1/4 of the Worlds GDP

Why do you post such BS ?

So we decided we wnat to make our country in a shape of a circle ?

The shape on the coin is simply reference to the shape of the original coin from 37- 40 BC that inpired the 7 branches lamp.

see here :

Why do you post such BS ?

The shape on the coin is simply reference to the shape of the original coin from 37- 40 BC that inpired the 7 branches lamp.

see here :

My dear son of Isaac, if we go by this logic then everyone claims every country on the basis of their centuries old ancestories ...
"Divide and rule" for Mr Netanyahu meant allowing Hamas to build its power in Gaza at the expense of the PA.

While Israel's longest-serving prime minister is always careful about what he says in public, his actions over many years show that he does not want to allow the Palestinians to have an independent state. That would involve giving up land in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which the Israeli right wing believes belongs to the Jews.

From time to time, Mr Netanyahu's pronouncements would leak. In 2019, a number of Israeli sources say that he told a group of his Likud members of parliament that if they opposed a Palestinian state they should support schemes to pump money - mostly provided by Qatar - into Gaza. He told them that deepening the division between Hamas in Gaza and the PA in the West Bank would make it impossible to establish a state.
lol, Wikipedia. It's called a 'border'. The same thing is happening on the 'Libyan' 'border'. Borders separate nations from each other. I know why that concept eludes you, trust me I know why.
Many countries share a land border, that doesn't make it a 'blockade' by default. Why are you lying to people and denying that Egypt and Israel imposed a joint blockade of Gaza from 2006?

Egypt Must Lift Gaza Blockade​

On visit to Gaza Strip, Egyptian-born writer discovers that despite hardship caused by Israel, Egypt's siege is the more emotionally painful one. 'Why is Egypt doing this to us?' Gazans want to know.

Egypt Criticized for Gaza Blockade​

The Egyptian government’s blockaded the Gaza Strip over a month ago in response to attacks by Islamist militants in the Sinai Peninsula. While the closing of the border crossing has received some scattered support in the region, it has for the most part been condemned for worsening the humanitarian and economic crises in the Strip. How the Egyptian government will respond to such criticism remains to be seen, but it does not appear to be planning to open the border any time soon.

Reports of the destruction of tunnels along the Gaza/Egypt border have been on the rise since the ousting of Egypt’s short-lived Muslim Brotherhood leadership. The motivation for such actions, according to Yedioth Ahronoth’s Roi Kais, has been to create a “buffer zone” to shield Egyptian forces from militant Islamist incursions: “Egyptian border forces destroyed tunnels leading into Gaza from Sinai as part of new campaign to create a buffer zone along the border with the Gaza Strip....The report highlights the rising tensions between Islamist active in Sinai and the Egyptian regime working to root them out. The tensions have been on the rise since Egypt ousted Mohammed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas ' sister group....Since the Morsi's July ouster, Egypt has strictly enforced its side of the blockade, specifically targeting the illegal tunnels.”

Egypt’s blockade on Gaza, whatever the motivation, has had a deleterious effect on the economy and population of Gaza, which, according to Al Ahram’s Ahmed Al-Sayed, is virtually in a state of siege

And how does Hamas get ALL the items needed to "produce those weapons inside Gaza"?
Most of them are made from repurposed civilian equipment and from the weapons that are smuggled in despite Egypt's best efforts to intercept them.

I don't give a rat's *** what you do. :lol: Talk about pathetic.

Egypt army destroys dozens of Gaza tunnels​

The Egyptian army announced on Sunday that it destroyed 31 tunnels between the Sinai and the Gaza Strip in October.

In October, Egyptian forces “discovered and successfully destroyed 31 tunnels on the border line of Rafah city”, army spokesman Brigadier General Mohamed Samir said in a statement on Sunday, referring to a city that straddles the Egypt-Gaza border.

Egyptian flooding drowns Gaza's tunnel business​

Mahmoud Bakeer speaks with despair about the night of the flash flood, when he screamed at his wife and five children to flee their home on Gaza’s border with Egypt as the water rushed in.

They made it to safety during the flooding last week, but a network of Palestinian tunnels running under the frontier town of Rafah is now water-logged, destroyed by Cairo to sever what it says is a weapons smuggling route out of Gaza for Islamist insurgents in Egypt’s Sinai desert.

For Bakeer, 61, the fact that Egypt, once a gateway to the world for Gaza’s 1.8 million Palestinians, was behind his family’s suffering, was particularly painful.

“We respect our neighbors, we love Egypt, but our neighbors are making our life harder,” he said in his one-storey unfinished cinder block house, around which water seeps and cracks in the ground are growing wider.

Egypt’s pumping of salt water from the nearby Mediterranean into the tunnels is not only creating a mess as it rises to the surface. Palestinian officials say it is also contaminating water supplies as well as threatening to wreck farmland and spread disease.

I think it is clear who among us is "pathetic".
God bless this woman. Imagine what she must go through in the House amidst the frenzy of old pro-zionazi sharks in there, ooof.

I understand very well why the cries of Palestinians sound very different to old and middle age rich white men in power. History is a very good lesson, these type of people have not changed you can see it for yourselves. They are two faced but their dirty masks have slipped.
the Israeli dogs said Hamas killed 1,400 of their Israeli dogs

so in return they have killed 14,000 innocent civilians and babies with American bombs

does this mean Palestinians now have the right to kill 140,000 Americans ?

when they lose 1 they kill 10

when they kill 10 the return should be 100
the Israeli dogs said Hamas killed 1,400 of their Israeli dogs

so in return they have killed 14,000 innocent civilians and babies with American bombs

does this mean Palestinians now have the right to kill 140,000 Americans ?

when they lose 1 they kill 10

when they kill 10 the return should be 100
Israel is saying they have killed 20,000 hamas, I think way more than 14000 innocent have been killed. They kill anything that moves.

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