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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You are correct: The next launch pad of the Palestinian resistance will be from Jordan. That country already has a large Palestinian population and has the geographic connection with anti-Israel forces to Jordan's east. One can almost count on Jordan to fall to the 'Axis of Resistance' within just a few years. The loss of Gaza is a strategic loss but doesn't seal Palestinians' fate.

Good point, I can visualise Jordan as a launch pad, slowly chaos takes place, jordan will attack the Palestinians for using their territory and slowly rebellion will take place, even ISIS could come, then the excuse of fighting terrorism Israel could annex territory in to Jordan.

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon are a piece of cake, they are already destroyed, with instability. I understand some will say israel will face resistance, yes I agree but Israel can easily overtake, they have no army.

I really dont see what a few days cease fire will bring people that will die with a few days delay. Israel wont stop until it has killed 50,000 or so people. I think it would like a 40:1 kill ratio as it did lose about 1,500 people. As a deterrent.
so 50,000 people will die, whether that is done sooner or later makes no difference. If you think hostages will change that equation, I dont think they will. Once the hostages are free the desired death toll will still be achieved with a few days delay.
You will not save anyone by releasing the hostages. When he war is over, hostages can be traded. and they will be. Unless Israel kills all the hostages. I think 75% of the hostages will die or are already dead.

Maybe we misunderstood each other. Please see the part where I quoted you. You seem to think Palestinians taking the hostages was wrong move on their part, right? While I replied that the hostages are a great asset to the Palestinians.
Okay, so here it goes: The fewer the hostages in the Palestinian custody, the more 'freedom of action' Israel has. But by releasing a few to get even 1-2 days of respite from the military action in exchange for a few hostages, the Gazans get to 'regroup'.
I guess it is some mathematics 'calculus' which both sides understand well!!
Anderson Cooper is a Jew. Once again, Muslims won't get anywhere in life if they don't confront the Jewish occupation.

And hes gay. So no kids. :)
That's what Hamas wants. To do prisoner swap after ceasefire. However, when you have terrorist nations and coward traitors helping Israel starve the population to death and block food, water, and medical supplies from getting in, it hurts your position.
how does it hurt their position? Losing people does not hurt Hamas. They are not there to improve the living conditions of the people of Gaza. they are a revolutionary organisation thats trying to free its people And a terror organisation. ZOG has taught me that. I am obliged to think like that. If they wanted to save the people they would not have killed 1500 izraeliis.
If Hezbollah moved against Israel right now this would change the equation. Hamas on its own cannot take on US, NATO, Arab regimes and Israel.
If Hamas thought this would happen they are first rate amateurs. And god help the people of Gaza with leaders like that,
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