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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The Arab leaders can't believe it as they're to busy licking Zionist Balls....

Its admirable. But are you all forgetting that living under Israeli occupation is like Summer camp comparing to living under Russian occupation for 200 years. That's how long most of these muslims in russia have been living under occupation. Some have been under occupation since 1600's.

Not that long ago the muslims of Russia did not have a single mosque they could worship in. Islam was basically banned.
Will US condemn Israeli attack on its citizens in Gaza?

Al Jazeera has spoken to Noha Abou Elba, a US citizen who is stuck in the Gaza Strip.

On Friday, Abou Elba and her teenage daughter were travelling towards the border with Egypt with hopes of exiting Gaza when they were struck in an Israeli attack.

This is her account:
Noha Abou Elba


We have US citizenship and were told to head to Rafah crossing on the border with Egypt. Our names were on the list of those allowed to leave through Rafah. As we were travelling on the coastal road leading south, our bus was shelled.
“My daughter, aged 17, lost her arm. Shame on the Israelis, may God punish them. This is my US citizenship [shows her passport]; no one is spared.

“The bus was destroyed and we came to this hospital all this way by foot. We were almost killed.”

“The US embassy called me and told us to leave through the Rafah crossing. I will sue them all.”

American Muslim community along with many Democratic mayors & governors and members of congress who've been watching the inconceivable level of murdering and scenes of children being pulled out of rubble are calling out that useless sack of geriatric no good for nothing Joe Biden who constantly says "Israel has the right to blah blah blah" enough is enough and do something about this out-of-control massacre or don't rely on us in 2024!

Of course they won’t reveal their mask to you because they know who you are and where you’re from for obvious reasons.

I like to consider myself a good judge of character and none of these people revealed any sense of animosity towards me or towards the Palestinians and had no reason whatsoever not to show their true position on the matter. So it's beyond just hiding their true face or keeping their mask on or anything like that. They genuinely treated us with complete respect which is a far cry from someone who has the mentality of supporting this genocide.
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The Ukraine thread is 10 time worse, with trolls cheering for the death of Europe.

If a troll posts shit about MAGA flag waverers support Palestine, please ignore the troll. That is cia disinfo. Jackson Hinkle is a cia shill.

The opportunity for Iran and Hezbollah to strike the zionist regime was in the first couple days of the conflict. Once the carriers and Aegis ships arrived, those have to be taken out or else.
Excuse me;

We destroyed Europe the day we admitted in EU Visegrad countries with much more similar understanding of human rights that Russia or Saudi Arabia.

We continue destroying europe the day we let ABM installations in Romania and Poland.

And finally we buried Europe the day that we pieced Yugoslavia and gave EU flags to Georgia in South Ossetia War.

At that moment we became a Pentagon sucursal in old Europe.

Enjoy your Raytheon´s and Lockheed Martin Happy Meals.

American Muslim community along with many Democratic mayors & governors and members of congress who've been watching the inconceivable level of murdering and scenes of children being pulled out of rubble are calling out that useless sack of geriatric no good for nothing Joe Biden who constantly says "Israel has the right to blah blah blah" enough is enough and do something about this out-of-control massacre or don't rely on us in 2024!

I like to consider myself a good judge of character and none of these people revealed any sense of animosity towards me or towards the Palestinians and had no reason whatsoever not to show their true position on the matter. So it's beyond just hiding their true face or keeping their mask on or anything like that. They genuinely treated us with complete respect which is a far cry from someone who has the mentality of supporting this genocide.
Brave man!.
Curious to know - has anyone seen a video where the Palestinians who lost their loved and dear ones blaming Hamas for the loss?

I have not yet seen a single one so far. All I am seeing is that they are either condemning Israel or are praying and being happy for the dead as they are Shaheeds/ Martyr.

I can't even imagine how strong their Imaan / faith is. May Allah bless them and grant them patience.

Just saw this video of mourning father who lost his son. He is instead consoling others. May Allah grant his son Jannah. Heartbreaking.

he didn't go to Muslim land he invited by people of Medina to be their ruler in exchange they accepted to become Muslim
i suggest people of England agree that Palestinian go there, the king abdicate in favor of for example Haniah and they disband the church of England and the majority of British people become Muslim

that would be following holy prophet example
Until how many more decades you Iranians realize that what you are doing in nurturing Hamas just destroying Palestinian people and also Iranian economy ?
Its admirable. But are you all forgetting that living under Israeli occupation is like Summer camp comparing to living under Russian occupation for 200 years. That's how long most of these muslims in russia have been living under occupation. Some have been under occupation since 1600's.

Not that long ago the muslims of Russia did not have a single mosque they could worship in. Islam was basically banned.

Tutle, in your disdain for the Russians you’re exaggerating their anti-Islam activity compared the barbarity of the Israelis.

Leaving aside history, in recent times the Russians fought a war against Chechnya, but once the war was over they rebuilt Grozny and now it’s like Dubai. Compare Grozny to Gaza.

Also, someone here posted a list of mosques in Israel. There are only 25 for millions of Palestinians, proving that building mosques is not allowed. The Jews seem to have a particular habit of bombing mosques, having bombed dozens of them in Gaza.

I would caution all of us against minimizing the utter barbarity and savagery of the Israelis.
But they can't... the ripples they generated will keep reverberating for time to come. It just cannot be scaled-down... they let that genie out at the onset. They're on their way to complete a genocide of ages ... they wanted Gazans to flees and storm Rafah... all the pressure from the get go was on Egypt to let them in... all quiet on that front! Gazans DIDN'T LEAVE!
so, how do you put that genie back in the bottle?
Israelis are counting on a quick wrap up of Gaza conflict in such a way that Hamas is totally defeated, Gaza mostly emptied of fighters, and Israeli 'deterrence' re-established, AND the global community moves on.
Because Iran does not want to become the next Gaza.
I am certain that even without Iran's direct involvement, it will be Israel becoming 'the next Gaza' if regional militias start multi-front attacks on Israel with cheap rockets.
Mate Arabs won't do anything, MBS is too busy focusing on building NEOM project that is going to cost billions of dollars, Turkey won't risk getting booted out from Nato and ruining thier tourism unfortunately Palestinians are on thier own.
Correct. And the silence of the GCC Arab members on PDF in this thread is sadly too obvious.
We have US citizenship and were told to head to Rafah crossing on the border with Egypt. Our names were on the list of those allowed to leave through Rafah. As we were travelling on the coastal road leading south, our bus was shelled.
“My daughter, aged 17, lost her arm. Shame on the Israelis, may God punish them. This is my US citizenship [shows her passport]; no one is spared.

“The bus was destroyed and we came to this hospital all this way by foot. We were almost killed.”

“The US embassy called me and told us to leave through the Rafah crossing. I will sue them all.”
Because those US dual citizens have brown skin color; the selective evacuations of 'American Citizens' from that region has been talked about in American channels lately.
American Muslim community along with many Democratic mayors & governors and members of congress who've been watching the inconceivable level of murdering and scenes of children being pulled out of rubble are calling out that useless sack of geriatric no good for nothing Joe Biden who constantly says "Israel has the right to blah blah blah" enough is enough and do something about this out-of-control massacre or don't rely on us in 2024!
If the Muslim/Arab community has ANY DAMN SENSE they should start electoral alliances with the Latinos and the African American community for the 2024 elections--and start now! Already the State of Michigan can be a loss for the Democrats because of the Muslim vote.
I can't even imagine how strong their Imaan / faith is. May Allah bless them and grant them patience.
Honestly, I can't believe the resilience of the Palestinians!! I mean, even the defenders of Mariupol and Bachmut didn't face such odds against them. The Palestinian resistance will be talk about in Historic long after we are all gone.
The world didn't recognise illegal settlements and they were gathering behind Palestinian people, but Hamas and its stupid Jihad stopped them.
Even voices were getting strong against Isreal in the US itself.
And 75 years is long, but South Africa needed even more time. And it took the British Empire even longer to give freedom to its colonies.
Those who cite Hamas' October 7th attack as a justification for ignoring the war crimes of the IDF are in fact indirectly justifying this attack by Hamas. This is because the underlying argument is that civilian casualties are acceptable in self-defense against an act of terrorism.

So these people are saying that the attack by Hamas on October 7 should be considered within the scope of self-defense. The IDF has killed 1000 people in the last year alone, before October 7th. Hundreds of them children. If you keep a tally for the last 30 years, the number exceeds 10,000.

Do you realize what the world, the UN, all the collective instruments of global politics have been able to get Israel to accept so far, and on the other hand, what status has the world accepted?

Israel does not recognize the 2-state solution, Israel does not recognize the Palestinian state, the only thing it has accepted is the existence of the PLO as the local administration of Palestine, and it has accepted this because it serves its political interests and to create a lever for itself.

None of the UN resolutions have been reciprocated. It is the UNSC structure that gives Israel this power. A country is being blatantly destroyed, its people are facing genocide, and those who wanted to flee left their homes and heirloom lands, leaving everything behind. It is an eclipse of reason that people imprisoned in this concentration camp should die and perish because they chose Hamas, as acceptable civilian casualties within Israel's right of self-defense.

The current situation of humanity is worse than the holocaust about 80 years ago, and unless you understand that, I apologize, what you are doing is directly or indirectly advocating Zionism. The principles and aims of Zionism are that a genocide is appropriate for the holy, so-called divine goals of the Israeli people, and here you are asking the Palestinian people to do nothing to achieve these holy goals and to put the rope around their own necks on the gallows.

Wasn't Israel killing Palestinian civilians before Hamas existed? What drives me crazy is that so many of our friends like you pretend to be ignorant as if all these events started on October 7th. Even one of the founding events of the state of Israel was a series of bloody terrorist acts like the King David hotel bombing. Those terrorists later became army commanders and even Presidents of the State of Israel.

Will the massacres stop when Hamas is finished or will Israel recognize Palestine?

With 70 years of experience, the answer is a resounding NO. They will not stop until Palestine is completely destroyed. And what's more, the so-called Promised Land of God is not just Palestine. Now you can soothe your conscience by demonizing Jihad, afraid to get out of your comfort zone in our world of thought. Or you can get out of that comfort zone and go after what is really happening.

You can start by understanding that the state of Israel is a religious state, which is clearly stated in its constitution, that its founding was rooted in the merger of 3 fundamentalist terrorist organizations, and if by jihad you mean religiously motivated armed struggle, then you can start by understanding that some Jews all over the world are uniting to wage an ultra mega zealot war.
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