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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

No it is not linked you imbecile. Only your phobia of anything Muslim is affecting your rationale faculties.

You are emotional now and cannot think rationally and that is why you have started cursing and abusing.
Muslimophobia is unfortunately real and it took birth only in response to Murtadophobia and Kafirophobia. All these phobias are taking part in the Palestinian-Israeli issue.
And these phobias cannot be cured and reformed till the time they are criticized and discussed.
No it is not linked you imbecile. Only your phobia of anything Muslim is affecting your rationale faculties.

Do us all a great favour here bro just Ignore him pls. This Indian chimpanzee poster is not going to rest until he gets his happy meal from McDonald’s for justifying Palestinian kids killings.
Egypt accepted Israel and problems were solved.
Jordan accepted Israel and problems were solved.
If Syria also accepts Israel, then Israel can no longer use the excuse of security and will be better compelled by the International community to return Golan and Sheba farm areas and make peace with Syria and Lebanon.
It's actually a fact. Good or bad,it would have kind of helped Syria to find some peace a long time ago. But the problem is that some Arab regimes didn't want to negotiate back then and now Israel has grown too arrogant and impudent to accept negotiations with Syria or Hizbollah or others. They even allowed their settlements to grow bigger and alter the demographics of the West Bank and snatch even more land from the Palestinians the last 20 years.

You can't deny that PLO had a lot of support Internationally along with support by European people against illegal Israeli settlements. Even in US the support was increasing, till the time Hamas started doing suicide bombings.
Without Hamas terrorism, the International community would have been succeeded in bringing a lot of pressure upon Israel.
Let's face it: The PLO had been a burden for neighboring Arab countries since the 70's. Every country that hosted them was accused of "supporting terrorism",the PLO would act on its own and launch attacks against Israel or foreign internationals, putting the host country in danger of war.

In Jordan,they acted like a State-within-a-State. They tried to topple King Hussein.

In Lebanon,they actually caused the Israelis to invade the country and later for Syria to snatch the other half of Lebanon.
In Egypt,they were causing problems too,later through Gaza. The only ones who were happy to support them were Saddam and Gaddafi,who had no borders with Israel and used them as a propaganda tool to gain favor with Arabs and Muslims around the world as the champions of Panarabism. Then Iran stepped in around the 2000s,to gain more influence from these,as the champion of the Islamic world. Meanwhile the PLO went from blunder to blunder,everytime making the Israelis stronger and more arrogant.

The PLO and the Palestinian issue had been a headache for Arab governments for 50 years. It was a hot potato,a problem they pretended they cared about,but actually mostly used to their favor when they could. That's the truth.

Actually, after terrorist activities of Hamas, it is only Israel which got more benefits.
And that's what most people here cannot understand. I've been telling them since the first pages and they started calling me "zionist,jew lover,pro-Israeli,more jew than Jews" etc.
You are emotional now and cannot think rationally and that is why you have started cursing and abusing.
Muslimophobia is unfortunately real and it took birth only in response to Murtadophobia and Kafirophobia. All these phobias are taking part in the Palestinian-Israeli issue.
And these phobias cannot be cured and reformed till the time they are criticized and discussed.
Slimey Indian alert
America is pathetic AIPAC should be registered as a Foreign lobby. Too many Israeli firsters
It's actually a fact. Good or bad,it would have kind of helped Syria to find some peace a long time ago. But the problem is that some Arab regimes didn't want to negotiate back then and now Israel has grown too arrogant and impudent to accept negotiations with Syria or Hizbollah or others. They even allowed their settlements to grow bigger and alter the demographics of the West Bank and snatch even more land from the Palestinians the last 20 years.

Let's face it: The PLO had been a burden for neighboring Arab countries since the 70's. Every country that hosted them was accused of "supporting terrorism",the PLO would act on its own and launch attacks against Israel or foreign internationals, putting the host country in danger of war.

In Jordan,they acted like a State-within-a-State. They tried to topple King Hussein.

In Lebanon,they actually caused the Israelis to invade the country and later for Syria to snatch the other half of Lebanon.
In Egypt,they were causing problems too,later through Gaza. The only ones who were happy to support them were Saddam and Gaddafi,who had no borders with Israel and used them as a propaganda tool to gain favor with Arabs and Muslims around the world as the champions of Panarabism. Then Iran stepped in around the 2000s,to gain more influence from these,as the champion of the Islamic world. Meanwhile the PLO went from blunder to blunder,everytime making the Israelis stronger and more arrogant.

The PLO and the Palestinian issue had been a headache for Arab governments for 50 years. It was a hot potato,a problem they pretended they cared about,but actually mostly used to their favor when they could. That's the truth.

And that's what most people here cannot understand. I've been telling them since the first pages and they started calling me "zionist,jew lover,pro-Israeli,more jew than Jews" etc.

Absolutely loved your analysis. Thank you so much.
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