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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Israel announced another 4 terrorists killed in northern Gaza. Notice no mention of casualties in Gaza city which will be more heavy. Seems like these terrorists were neutralized 2-3 days ago.


Urgent | The Israeli Army: 4 officers were killed during the battles in the northern Gaza Strip

That is practically impossible now. Even Israelis have nuke - anyone will try it - they will get the response same way.

Accept the facts, or live in present status way.

Palestinians has to accept two nations plan, they already made the mistakes by not accepting it
War is going on wait and see if nuke Pakistan can give their nukes to Arab nations to balance it out
The bravest men on earth
You know you will have no ceasefire untill the hostages are released.

You know Israel will not allow you to drag the hostage thing for months and years , and would just keep on the pressure untill they are released.

What reason have you got to hold 240 civilian hostages anyway ?

As for a limited Ceasefire -

True that would not get Hamas off the hook , but would allow Human aid getting in, allow civilain poulation to move to safer areas in the south. Not that you care. You are safe in your home.

Seems you care more about Hamas survival than the lives of the people of Gaza,

As for a permanant ceasefire.

Did you really think 3 weeks ago that is how it will end ?

That you will rade our towns ,drag people out of their homes and murder 1400 of them in cold blood , take 240 civilians , woman , children and elderly hostage . And than what ?

Say ceasefire.

And expect Israel to do what ? Allow Hamas to continue and rule Gaza so they can continue firing rockets at us ( 8000 fired so far ) , and carry another massacre in two years ?

Hamas knew well the result of his actions , you should look back to the posts in this thread 3 only weeks ago when you cheered your glorious attack.

Maybe Palestinains need to come up with a more worthy leadership ?


Listen to this ex-Israeli Soldier. Problem is your country has 99% extremists, war-mongers and supremacists who still believe in that crap of "the chosen ones" . Logical & sane people like this ex-israeli soldier are very very rare.


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