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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You know how i KNOW it was Israel? Israel came out immediately after the hospital was attacked to say it wasnt the one that did it- thats called the guilty conscience. If Israel actually didnt do it then why would Israel rush right after the bombing to say it didnt do it? Israel has also bombed other hospitals and mosques before this one, so that also makes it more likely that Israel bombed the hospital.

Isnt it sad but Ironic that Israel is using "precision guided missiles " to hit civilians and civilian infrastructure? that shows those bombings are intentional!
Also they concocted a fake recording which was refuted very quickly. It all points to that.
Without US support Israel can’t survive even for a month. Several thousands of Hezb or Hams can take over the country with a ground assault/invasion. Airstrikes will be useless once they pass the border.
you have to understand there are still apaches and drones not just fighter jets.

apaches can stop ground assault.
israel has a large population of ultra-orthodox jews. Israel is nuclear armed.
The very zionist idea is to have a state where jews would rule and not run the risk of oppresion/pogroms.

Yet i see hundreds of muslims calling for a “to the sea” final solution.
Where the israelis either choose death or flee to america/europe (and again be a diaspora).

its RIDICULOUS. They would fight hand over nail, and the last israelis remaining would be the biggest hardliners who would use the samson option in the end.

Its like me saying:
Lets “solve” the pakistan/india conflict by having india FULLY annex pakistan.
Pakistani muslims can then live on in an Indian state. Or they can flee to the ummah. Or die.

Great idea! This is justice!

I don't think you are worth engaging with, TBH. There are some others here, even Israelis, who present more logical argument than you. I often don't agree with them but I do factor them in my own understanding of the conflict.

It was YOU who brought up the Samson Option as a threat but is unable to answer what would that do to the Israeli Jews??!! You bring up the Hamas charter, willfully forgetting that Hamas did offer a 20-year truce to Israel, via Carter, to build trust, with basically one condition: Don't expand the Settlements. You willfully discount Likud's own plans for a 'Jewish' nation devoid of any Palestinian rights other than possibly a Bantustan.
Who are you fooling here? Only some intellectually lazy, Cucks in Europe, led by the Americans, who are themselves led by the Israeli Lobby, believe in your version of this conflict.
Look at this,Ben is using the "C.E" thing.

I find this recent "BCE" and "CE" term thing as a New Age sneaky way to slowly replace "BC" and "AD". They use the cover of "political correctness" to make people actually stop saying "Before Christ" and "Anno Domini".

And if you think about it,it's so ridiculous,because if a kid asks "what's C.E.?" someone will say "It means Common Era". Then the kid will ask "Why is it called Common Era? What happened then? Why is it that point in time that we use as before and after?"

So it's really a hypocritical thing and I wouldn't surprised if Jews or liberal leftists (funded by Jews) started this.

But anyway,here's Ben talking about the conflict's history. A video from two years ago.

Why are you sharing Ben Shapiro's (an extremist Zionist who is on record as saying he doesn't care if children are killed) propaganda about Palestine here?
Arabs and Europeans in Cairo summit had a small fight (not with hands of course) lol
Europeans want to condemn hamas in the final statement and Arabs refuse. so there will be no final statement.

I said one million times, sisi is a fag.. why the fuk would he invite europeans who support israel publicly !!!

Another Merkava was targeted .. YAWN
Merkava got humiliated in this war ..

Arabs and Europeans in Cairo summit had a small fight (not with hands of course) lol
Europeans want to condemn hamas in the final statement and Arabs refuse. so there will be no final statement.

I said one million times, sisi is a fag.. why the fuk would he invite europeans who support israel publicly !!!

Another Merkava was targeted .. YAWN
Merkava got humiliated in this war ..

20 aid trucks entered from Rafah (no fuel). When will the rest enter?
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