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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Most likely Iran has already developed it
North Korea had some tests and it registered on the richter scale many times I am not sure Iran ever had any tests like North Korea.

I hope Iran has some to be honest but they are hard to hide and international backlash will be fierce as not just West but even East do not want more nukes even tho it is unfair for west to have most of the nukes.
It does (I am a Pakistani myself), but Pakistan is not in the position to question UN ruling or is it? UN grants legitimacy to statehood in modern times, Pakistan does not. From where the notion of internationally recognized borders stem from? UN grants this legitimacy to Pakistan and other countries around the world.

Members are allowed to discuss history of the Palestine region but it will be helpful to get the basics right before commenting on this topic at minimum. Ownership of this region has shifted from time to time due to war and other factors much like that of so many lands. Ground realities of any region can shift over time.

So what is the ground reality of the Palestine region in modern times? It contains Israel as a UN recognized state and Palestinian parts (Gaza and West Bank) and West Bank has UN observer status.

So the issue is that this is a territorial dispute and it should be resolved. Potential options are One State Solution (British Plan) and Two State Solution (UN plan). So it can be one of these.

So Israeli are oppressing Palestinians and systematically absorbing their lands - I have noticed the obvious and pointed out this reality in various posts (use Search Function to dig out these posts).

So what is next? Wipe out Israel in war? If this is possible, go ahead. If not, then what is the next best option?

So there is a better way to discuss this topic and I am showing it but some members are confused and confusing me as well.

Zionist movement is a byproduct of Antisemitic politics in Russia and Europe as pointed out in here. So Zionists reached out to the British to give them a state. This movement convinced the British to create British-mandated Palestine by partitioning Transjordan. Here is proof:

View attachment 963674

The letter in question is this:


This development is in connection to the Balfour Declaration. Jordanian leadership was consulted and taken into confidence in this matter at the time:

The end of the Palestine mandate and the chaos surrounding it had significant implications for both neighbouring Transjordan and British imperial interests in the Middle East. This chapter explores how the two allies sought to deal with this issue. Based on significant new sources, it corroborates Avi Shlaim's disputed claim that Britain gave King Abdullah the 'green light' to use the Arab Legion to occupy the areas of Palestine allotted to the Arab state by the UN, thus creating an enlarged Jordanian state alongside a new Jewish state, Israel. Paying particular attention to the role of Glubb and the Arab Legion during the first, civil war phase of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, this chapter reveals that, after a meeting between the British Foreign Secretary, the Jordanian Prime Minister, and Glubb in February 1948, the Arab Legion commander actively sought to thwart the efforts of the Arab irregular forces and find a military accord with the Zionists. Glubb was not the architect of the Greater Transjordan scheme, as some have argued, but he was responsible for its implementation. In 1948 Glubb and the Arab Legion emerged as crucial tools for securing British and Jordanian interests in post-mandate Palestine.

Details in following link:

Palestinian view is in following link:

Palestinians support Two State Solution, although some are OK with One State Solution.

So what should be the overarching theme of discussion in this thread? Information that has little to do with ongoing Gaza - Israel Conflict? Narratives that fuel antisemitism and such?

I can make this thread FREE FOR ALL - you all can bring up any theme and fight in this thread to the extent possible. I can tell other team members to not intervene. In this case, WE should bring back Israeli members into this fight as well. Then this will be fair contention. I banned an Israeli member not long ago but a Pakistani-origin member pointed out that this was unnecessary. This will do for all?

Have a lot of time for moderators - unpaid and it clips one wings as you have to concentrate sometimes to be objective and put to one side - ones personal opinion.

You assessment is slightly flawed and not focusing on a few things.

Firstly with respect - Balfour had no mandate or right to unilaterally "give away" and anex Palestine. Without having all the parties concerned at the table - this was a decision that would always be tarnished with annoyance eventually leading to anger.
Secondly international law has been parked to one side when it comes to Israel. They are building and creating settlements on land that the UN have said its illegal.
They remove kids from school indiscriminately and subject them to lashings.
It has been proven to be an apartheid state where Palestinians are unable to move around etc

I can go on but you are mixing apples and pears in your assessment. The Jewish religion has been hijacked by right wing fanaticism installed by Zionism - they use a distressing attack installed by Hamas to slaughter kids and blow up hospitals and churches in the name of revenge? Its utterly wrong.
They are creating Genocide and doing war crimes by blocking the basic necessities of life like water food and electricity?

Hence my friend - one can excuse the extreme passion and desire members on the forum are posting on here. The west encouraging and paying for this genocide has resorted in moderateS like me becoming incensed and angered above my normal strain.

Last thing - "All animals are equal but SOME animals are more equal than others." (Animal Farm - George Orwell) - have a think and absorb this statement. It implies to Israel - they dont have rules - they do what they want.
The cabinet of the Provisional Zionist regime ordered that the broadcasting of the Qatari channel "Al Jazeera" be stopped in all occupied Palestine lands.
View attachment 963677
Yesterday, Al Jazeera proved in an investigative documentary that the attack on the Gaza hospital was the work of the Zionists.
Good..aljazera is terrorists mouthpiece
Western propaganda definition of anti-Semitism excludes the largest group of Semites - the Arabs. Discrimination against Arabs is not considered anti-semitism. This canard is used only for Israel and Jews, especially in instances where they've committed a crime, i.e. calling out a Jew for criminal activities can be labeled antisemitism for his protection against prosecution.

The western world need such laws as antisemitism is rampant and has resulted in horrific episodes like the Holocaust. The racial element of it as witnessed in the west would result in another holocaust if the settlers are sent back. It's quite an uncomfortable situation for them hence the mad genocidal outrage aimed at the weak.

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