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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Arab states and salafis Imaan are being put to the test.
"Do people think once they say, “We believe,” that they will be left without being put to the test?

We certainly tested those before them. And ˹in this way˺ Allah will clearly distinguish between those who are truthful and those who are liars."
So what should be the overarching theme of discussion in this thread? Information that has little to do with ongoing Gaza - Israel Conflict? Narratives that fuel antisemitism and such?

Curiously enough if you go through the thread, the western and Indian voices paint the problem to be of religious intent. The only 2 people banned were Israeli and Indian.
I mean we did 5 times.
we fought israel, france and england all in the same time in 1956.

and that's the result


If egypt declares war, be sure that's all the other 21 arab will join the war.
if WW3 what they seek, well they can have it : )
a one sided beating is not really a ww3.

Again, just peacefully march on the border and force it open?

Attacking US military assets is the dumbest move ever and plays right into the hands of israeli/usa far right.
It does not have to fight anything.

Proclaim you will open the border for aid trucks. Ask international press to tag along.

Have a few bulldozers approach the border at the head of an aid truck convoy.

Cross the border and deliver aid to civilians on other side.

Its not that hard. Israel is not going to bomb such a convoy and if it did it would be a massive public opinion hit.
What public opinion?
For you it would be Hamas rocket went astray. Why I am saying this , well I am reading your and your kindred hearts comments the last 10 days.
a one sided beating is not really a ww3.

Again, just peacefully march on the border?

Attacking US military assets is the dumbest move ever and plays right into the hands of israeli/usa far right.
No, actually we don't want peaceful march.
we want a one sided beating like the hamas did to israeli soldiers.
I mean we did 5 times.
we fought israel, france and england all in the same time in 1956.

and that's the result


If egypt declares war, be sure that's all the other 21 arab will join the war.
if WW3 what they seek, well they can have it : )
Dear brother, with all due respect, I would like to say that the wrongest step for Egypt would be to rely on the other 20 Arab countries.
Dear brother, with all due respect, I would like to say that the wrongest step for Egypt would be to rely on the other 20 Arab countries.
It's no a problem,, allies rely on each other.
it's a common strategy on mostly all wars. In ww2 Uk had to depend on American help and France had to depend on Uk and the russian had to recieve aid from the US even the US itself got humiliated by the Japs.

so as Egypt we are currently not (a super power) but we control many things, for example we can close suez canal whenever we want in war times. we control the red sea along with Saudia. we control part of the east mediterranean. even the european bases are close to us so basically it's easy to target them all.

anyway, just few hours ago the Egyptian defense forces issued a warning ( if they want war, they can have it). and that's official statement.

It's no a problem,, allies rely on each other.
Let me tell you a story:

After trampling so many of Bajazet’s spahis and janissaries in the great battle of Ankara, Tamerlane’s war elephants deserved a vacation and good food. Accordingly, the Emir spread them to pasture one by one in many Turkish villages with orders to let them feed aplenty and to treat them with the respect due to his own envoys. One, ended up in Nasrudin’s village.

First, the villagers gathered to admire that beast never seen before. This huge nosy creature couldn’t help heaving big feet and even bigger appetite. In no time he ate up a good part of the villagers’ crops and that which he didn’t gobble up he crushed into the ground.

Something had to be done. After a couple of days the peasants rebelled. Red with courage they came to Hodja and demanded him to head their complaining delegation to Tamerlane.

Nasrudin tried to shy away but they convinced him for the public good. The numerous delegation started bravely towards Timur’s camp. Curiously, as they advanced, more and more of the villagers were left behind and disappeared. Hodja who didn’t look left or right, absorbed as he was with what to say to the Emperor, suddenly found himself in his presence, alone.

“Miserable cowards, they left me alone” he thought as the Ruler asked him, with a very cold eye, what he wanted.

“I came to tell you, Sultan, that the people in our village greatly admire your wonderful elephant. But we must complain on its behalf.”

Tamerlane rose an eyebrow:


“The wonderful beast is lonely without a mate and all of us worry for its health. Our whole village begs your Highness to provide a she-elephant as a company for our guest.”

At this, Timur was pleased. Nasrudin was awarded a robe of honour and told to extend greetings to the population.

On the way home the delegation grew back in size:

“What did the Emperor say?” they inquired.

“Good news,” answered Hodja with enthusiasm. “As he saw me alone while I mentioned the elephant he immediately guessed that our beast also feels lonely. He agreed to send a mate to appease him. We will now be a renowned village displaying two elephants!”
Historic church bombed by IDF

The Palestinian people have been dehumanized to the point where their death means nothing more than a number, especially when in some media coverage. This indifference somewhat numbs, I suspect, the other side to the loss of life on the Israeli side. Which is why Israelis are shocked the world doesn’t acknowledge the huge loss of life, number of people kidnapped, and destruction of property.

(The culture of indifference towards Palestinians, IMHO, also cheapens all human life, which is why I suspect, some of my Asian and Latino colleagues have NOT really grasped what is going on, including the condemnable massacre of Israeli civilians. It was almost as though they were saying killing each other was a normal “Middle East” thing.)

When you cheapen one life you cheapen all lives.

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First hand testimony from archbishop about Israeli warnings thar they will bomb hospital. Combine this with testimony from the doctors.

Now Combine this with Israelis history of lying.

For me, this is ample evidence to trust the trustworthy and reject the testimony of liars.
Add to it history of bombing hospitals in past conflicts
Map of border clashes between Hezbollah and Israel

The operations that include hitting Israel's border monitoring stations, hitting the gathering of forces and Merkava tanks, and the published video documents show that the scope of these operations is expanding along the entire length of the borders of Lebanon and the Zionist regime.
Pakistan has a fundamental right of refusal. The UN understanding of Israel is non binding for Pakistan.

That's universally accepted definition for genocide.

Nobody is interested in war. The next best solution is plebiscite between inhabitants of the region prior to military intervened demographic changes just like in Kashmir.

That is exactly what I am trying to say that anti semitism is a western imposed colonial problem with a racial undertone. It's an alien concept for the East or middle east where everyone is a Semite.

Even then it says state of Palestine not state of Israel.
Western propaganda definition of anti-Semitism excludes the largest group of Semites - the Arabs. Discrimination against Arabs is not considered anti-semitism. This canard is used only for Israel and Jews, especially in instances where they've committed a crime, i.e. calling out a Jew for criminal activities can be labeled antisemitism for his protection against prosecution.
Israel won't be scared until someone else in the middle east gets some nukes. North Korea or Pakistan is main candidate to provide nuclear material and teach arabs/turks/persians how to make nukes.
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