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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

ALLAH help them and give enough strength to Palestinians to resist the oppressions of Israel and end it. By the logic of MIGHT/POWER by many they should not attack on them even if IOF doing injustice to them and its also mentioned in hadith that if you have the power to resist state than you resist otherwise be patient and bear hardship.
But the question is how much patient and time they have to wait? did not 6 decades are enough for them? UN is powerless to do action because they do not have any fighting force that could implement its resolutions.
Its a shame that how big Muslim world yet not a single state is able to just put a side their differences and made a joint action plan for a moment. I think if the Muslim world Just give a joint Statement that UN is unable to do anything so they are going to send their forces to fight Israel and put an end to this problem once and for all. This statement is carrying that weight is stop the war instantly.
I think the HAMAS knows that they are on the DEAD END and no matter how much they struggle for the independent State of PALESTINE it is not going to happen and the have lost all hope so they decided that the world has abandon them and with the all power they have go to war and die instead of live like a slave under Israel and attacked on the same day they have lost their war. They know what will Israel do to them and no one will come to help them so in my opinion they are already dead in their mind just waiting for the moment to happen so they thought they were dying but took 4/5 Israelis dead's with them.
I have listen DR. ISRAR AHMED speech about the history of Jews and destruction of Masjid Aqsa DO NOT GET ME WRONG but he said it will happen and I think with no help is coming from the SO CALLED PATHETIC MUSLIM UMMAH its also the will of ALLAH for them to die so the event that was predicted would happen. But the Muslim world busy in their LUXERIOUS life style do not seeing through that TIME is not a constant process if today is Gaza then tomorrow is their state. Muslim world including myself and my country would Prepare it self for the Punishment of ALLAH that will come after this GENOCIDE for the nearly nothing participation that they put in this OPERESSION turned religious war.
What will Happen with ground invasion and how long HAMAS can resist/Fight IOF and what is the Starting-end point of This WAR( means which country will be next one)?

@PanzerKiel @PDF @TaimiKhan @WebMaster @SQ8 @ghazi52 @Kompromat @fatman17 @Tomcats @The Eagle @RescueRanger @WAJsal @Amaa'n @F.O.X @Beskar @arslan @blain2 @BHarwana @Slav Defence
The one state solution is what Iran is advocating. It is no different from the ousting of the apartheid regime in South Africa. That too required Resistance rather than resignation to what seemed like an overwhelmingly superior power.

This isn't merely Iran's proposal, it's what Palestinians themselves are opting for. Iran is not giving orders to Palestinian Resistance movements, they are autonomous in their strategic decision making and they enjoy wide backing from their people.
If the war can be settled in this manner, sure. I am all for providing updates.

So people should focus on providing updates instead of digging out questionable contents to open new and new lines of discussions for which none have concrete understanding and answers.

PDF calls for people of all faith to be respected and religious discussions are prohibited but members keeping bringing them up again and again. Zionism is also a religious motivated movement in part but its aim was to create a Jewish state for which it sought British assistance and Israel eventually gained UN recognition. Now some have a problem with UN ruling so I am not sure how this is helpful. By this token, existence of virtually any country can be questioned. And it gets worse.

You get my drift?
It goes to show what a disgusting people these Saudi royal family is.
Yaar you are right but lets
Be honest - all Muslim leaders have been absent and allowing the massacre to take place.
No backbone
here let me help you :

" Russia will pay the price "


Russia will pay the price.
Pakistan will pay the price.
Iran will pay the price.
China will pay the price.
Palestinians will pay the price.
Muslims/Islam will pay the price.
Brown and black people will pay the price.

Damn. You got a list going there.
ALLAH help them and give enough strength to Palestinians to resist the oppressions of Israel and end it. By the logic of MIGHT/POWER by many they should not attack on them even if IOF doing injustice to them and its also mentioned in hadith that if you have the power to resist state than you resist otherwise be patient and bear hardship.
But the question is how much patient and time they have to wait? did not 6 decades are enough for them? UN is powerless to do action because they do not have any fighting force that could implement its resolutions.
Its a shame that how big Muslim world yet not a single state is able to just put a side their differences and made a joint action plan for a moment. I think if the Muslim world Just give a joint Statement that UN is unable to do anything so they are going to send their forces to fight Israel and put an end to this problem once and for all. This statement is carrying that weight is stop the war instantly.
I think the HAMAS knows that they are on the DEAD END and no matter how much they struggle for the independent State of PALESTINE it is not going to happen and the have lost all hope so they decided that the world has abandon them and with the all power they have go to war and die instead of live like a slave under Israel and attacked on the same day they have lost their war. They know what will Israel do to them and no one will come to help them so in my opinion they are already dead in their mind just waiting for the moment to happen so they thought they were dying but took 4/5 Israelis dead's with them.
I have listen DR. ISRAR AHMED speech about the history of Jews and destruction of Masjid Aqsa DO NOT GET ME WRONG but he said it will happen and I think with no help is coming from the SO CALLED PATHETIC MUSLIM UMMAH its also the will of ALLAH for them to die so the event that was predicted would happen. But the Muslim world busy in their LUXERIOUS life style do not seeing through that TIME is not a constant process if today is Gaza then tomorrow is their state. Muslim world including myself and my country would Prepare it self for the Punishment of ALLAH that will come after this GENOCIDE for the nearly nothing participation that they put in this OPERESSION turned religious war.
What will Happen with ground invasion and how long HAMAS can resist/Fight IOF and what is the Starting-end point of This WAR( means which country will be next one)?

@PanzerKiel @PDF @TaimiKhan @WebMaster @SQ8 @ghazi52 @Kompromat @fatman17 @Tomcats @The Eagle @RescueRanger @WAJsal @Amaa'n @F.O.X @Beskar @arslan @blain2 @BHarwana @Slav Defence
There is no “ummah”.

Also news today:

Israeli army says over 100 targets attacked across Gaza overnight​

The Israeli army says it struck more 100 targets in overnight air raids across the Gaza Strip.
The attacks destroyed tunnel shafts, munitions warehouses and dozens of operational headquarters,” it added.
PDF calls for people of all faith to be respected and religious discussions are prohibited but members keeping bringing them up again and again. Zionism is also a religious motivated movement in part but its aim was to create a Jewish state for which it sought British assistance and Israel eventually gained UN recognition. Now some have a problem with UN ruling so I am not sure how this is helpful. By this token, existence of virtually any country can be questioned. And it gets worse.

Ironically P in PDF stands for Pakistan which refuses to accept Israel's existence as postulated by the UNO in 1948. A decision at the time was never correlated with antisemitism nor with anti Judaism. If Zionism can rely on religion for political leverage, it's byproduct in the Middle East, antisemitism, is also as fairly entitled to do so.

In case of Pakistan, be it one state, two state, global state, whatever is the consensus by the Palestinians on a lasting solution is their fundamental right to self determination. We will see the 2nd part of the deal purely based on national interest with the King of Zion personally.
Moron, who study and graduates in less advanced civilizations
Pyyhagoras and all Neo Platonic philosophers were in the Orient and influenced by Egyptian thinking. No point to tell him that, this guy only heard for those names and think that it somehow has something to do with him
How much of a population existed in British mandated Palestine? Not much.
After 1905 Revolution. It was quite quite a bit. Also 80 Russian population was agrarian population and till 1860s were the serfs, so worse off then the Jews. Then after the emancipation, .any villagers fell into the debts. Kulaks, Old Brlivers and of course money lenders were squeezing the population.
Also how about Muslims of Caucasus or others? Jews had have their problems but not much different or specific to others.
You don't understand this subject, to illustrate I will ask you this
How many Bolsheviks played any role in February revolution
How many Bolsheviks were in the Winter Palace during October Revolution?
If the war can be settled in this manner, sure. I am all for providing updates.

So people should focus on providing updates instead of digging out questionable contents to open new and new lines of discussions for which none have concrete understanding and answers.

PDF calls for people of all faith to be respected and religious discussions are prohibited but members keeping bringing them up again and again. Zionism is also a religious motivated movement in part but its aim was to create a Jewish state for which it sought British assistance and Israel eventually gained UN recognition. Now some have a problem with UN ruling so I am not sure how this is helpful. By this token, existence of virtually any country can be questioned. And it gets worse.

You get my drift?

So ethno-nationalism is fine if you're Jewish?
Can I, being let’s say was an American of English ancestry, advocate to make England an ethnically pure homeland for the ethnically English?
Or would that make me a rightwing bigot and xenophobe?
The Israeli Air Force released two videos and announced that it bombed several targets belonging to Hezbollah on the border between Lebanon and the occupied territories.

No reaction has been reported about this news from Hezbollah yet.
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