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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

North Korea had some tests and it registered on the richter scale many times I am not sure Iran ever had any tests like North Korea.

I hope Iran has some to be honest but they are hard to hide and international backlash will be fierce as not just West but even East do not want more nukes even tho it is unfair for west to have most of the nukes.
What backlash? Iran is already sanctioned. And I doubt anyone outside NATO will care.
People should gather solar power desalination systems and collect them quickly to give to the Palestinians. Their water supply is at the mercy of the occupation, so they need to have a means to have water and electricity. With some solar powered electricity they can also grow some vegetables. It may not be much but may allow more Palestinians to survive the siege.

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Saudi Prince Condemns Hamas Attempt to Block Kingdom’s Normalization of Relations With Israel

The move came after Saudi Arabia reportedly tabled a US-backed plan amid the ongoing war

Published 10/20/23 06:25 PM ET|Updated 4 hr ago
Bruce Golding


A member of Saudi Arabia's royal family publicly accused the Hamas terror group of attempting to block his country from normalizing relations with Israel, according to a report Thursday.

Prince Turki Al-Faisal issued the stinging criticism in a statement that also faulted Israel, according to Israel's Channel 12, which called it an "extraordinary message" from the former Saudi intelligence chief.

The comments were the first by a senior official in Saudi Arabia to condemn Hamas after the Oct. 7 attacks.

"We condemn Hamas for its attempt to prevent normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel, and condemn Israel for allowing the transfer of funds from Qatar to Hamas in the Gaza Strip," Al-Faisal said, according to Channel 12.

Saudi Arabia reportedly tabled US-backed plans to normalize ties with Israel last week amid the ongoing war between the Jewish state and Hamas, which launched a devastating surprise attack from the Gaza Strip on Oct. 7.

Al-Faisal's mention of fund transfers apparently referred to a Monday report by Reuters that said Qatari aid to Gaza — which is run by Hamas — passed through Israel, citing an unidentified source familiar with the process.

Good that Al Jazeera is covering how a growing number of Indians are acting vis a vi this war.

There is a saying that when the teacher farts, the congregation shits. But this is even worse...

What I see in the video, there is no mention of Hamas at all, they are directly saying that they are at war with the religion of Islam and that they support Israel for killing Muslim civilians. The Indian right wing is definitely in a whole other world that we are not really aware of from here.
Good that Al Jazeera is covering how a growing number of Indians are acting vis a vi this war.

Most outside South Asia, even Afghans, will look at that headline and think they are similar to the far-right minority in Europe, although they are from the ruling party.
Have a lot of time for moderators - unpaid and it clips one wings as you have to concentrate sometimes to be objective and put to one side - ones personal opinion.

You assessment is slightly flawed and not focusing on a few things.

Firstly with respect - Balfour had no mandate or right to unilaterally "give away" and anex Palestine. Without having all the parties concerned at the table - this was a decision that would always be tarnished with annoyance eventually leading to anger.
Secondly international law has been parked to one side when it comes to Israel. They are building and creating settlements on land that the UN have said its illegal.
They remove kids from school indiscriminately and subject them to lashings.
It has been proven to be an apartheid state where Palestinians are unable to move around etc

I can go on but you are mixing apples and pears in your assessment. The Jewish religion has been hijacked by right wing fanaticism installed by Zionism - they use a distressing attack installed by Hamas to slaughter kids and blow up hospitals and churches in the name of revenge? Its utterly wrong.
They are creating Genocide and doing war crimes by blocking the basic necessities of life like water food and electricity?

Hence my friend - one can excuse the extreme passion and desire members on the forum are posting on here. The west encouraging and paying for this genocide has resorted in moderateS like me becoming incensed and angered above my normal strain.

Last thing - "All animals are equal but SOME animals are more equal than others." (Animal Farm - George Orwell) - have a think and absorb this statement. It implies to Israel - they dont have rules - they do what they want.
Balfour Declaration was a matter between Transjordan and British Empire as pointed out in here - Transjordan leadership accepted British plan to partition Transjordan territory on the lines of Palestine and Jordan with the intent to hand over control of Palestine to Jews. These two nation-states were created in similar manner as others in time.

Greece, the first Ottoman territory to gain independence (1830), set precedents in establishing government by non-natives, introducing religious and legal institutions based on European models and working single-mindedly to instill national identity in its population. Almost a century later, King Faysal I (r. 1921–1933) of Iraq followed a similar path, albeit under British direction. The Republic of Turkey was founded in 1922 and offered a slight variation on the pattern in that it built on selected legacies from the late Ottoman Empire. It was the only post-Ottoman country founded primarily by internal effort rather than by European intervention, and the national identity it worked to entrench in the population drew upon the political ideas of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), which had dominated Ottoman government from 1908 to 1918. Despite that continuity, the republican government pursued the agenda of tearing down Ottoman institutions and rebuilding state and society as national projects. Such nation-building ultimately succeeded, producing its own instabilities; in new post-Ottoman countries, such as Greece, Iraq, and Turkey, social and political re-engineering aroused resistance within the population.

Who gets to decide validity of these historical declarations? International body is best suited to, IMHO.

Jordan can claim both Israel and Palestine otherwise. This region should REVERT to Transjordan statehood then.

OTHER PARTIES have ONLY added FUEL TO FIRE by attacking Israel in 1948 - a war that led to Palestinians loosing lands that were given to them by UN in 1947 and these people continue to suffer to this day because additional wars have made no difference whatsoever. War in the region has affected local sentiments and given rise to hardliners like Hamas and Netanyahu. Now these two cannot even sit down on the same table to decide how to move forward on the issue.

I have not asserted that Israeli have legal right and basis to oppress Palestinian people in the region - don't put words in my mouth or accuse me of an assertion that I have never made.

There is a need to discuss this topic sensibly with Facts and Figures and avoid Antisemitism in the process. Provide updates on the conflict at minimum. All are allowed to condemn Israel on the account of oppressing Palestinian people as well - this was not my contention to begin with.

I have noticed something else. There had been attempts to build the narrative that Jews are EVIL and deserved to be oppressed in Russian and European lands in the past and Zionist movement is proof and continuation of this EVIL. Some have even stated that Hitler should have wiped out all Jews and such. This narrative also has religious angle to it with some pointing out how Jews are judged in the Holy Quran. Blanket assertions in fact. I can dig out these perspectives in this thread and erstwhile but my time is also precious. Below are some examples:


I get it - this is a sensitive topic for Muslims on a broader level but come on. PDF have rules and for good reason.

There is the possibility for making this thread FREE FOR ALL - you all can be allowed to fight and troll each other be it Indian, Israeli, and whomsoever while Mods take a back seat on this topic. WE will decide on this matter eventually.
Any possibility Egyptians can rush their solar panels to the Gazans and be reimbursed by aid from around the world? Especially if they can be retrofitted to help desalinate sea water.

They also need hydrophonic equipment to grow vegetables and perhaps start fish farms, because they may be a months if not years long siege. :(
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