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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

What do you expect him to do, other than bitching about it here? This being a Pakistani forum, the easiest way to score some brownie points and get a few likes is to insult Indians in a topic completely unrelated to India. Even seasoned posters like @RescueRanger who prides himself on being moderate and objective, cannot resist the temptation and posts a few fake screenshots like these while calling Indians "pajeets" and so on.

The poster you are referring to has been cheering Hamas' actions since the first page of this thread, completely oblivious to the inevitable response that would ensue from Israel. When Indians were warning him of the same, he and others here called them all sorts of racist names.

Anyway he has the freedom to sit in the USA and be a keyboard warrior and a hindu hating racist, while his countrymen are feeling Israel's righteous wrath.
I didn't want to go personal but, I really wonder if he is someone related to a Palestinian or Hamas leadership.

You know the type here in India right? Leaders pumping up people in the past in name of whatever ism or party, pushing youngsters into conflict - each and everyone of these people's kids, are in US or UK. They send their own kids to comfort, and use local kids as cannon fodder.

See his pattern - one post let me rejoice so many Jews died, the second post urgent Israeli monsters killed so many, then third post IDF is a diaper army.

In between abuse anyone who wants to oppose me, call names. A conflict has started, so I get a free pass. Then again call for freedom of expression, only for me though - but then call the others Nazis.

I didn't engage him so far being sensitive initially, for the plight of common Palestinians. People on ground who are suffering, actions of few people who want something out of this. He is a clout chaser, like they call them in US if am not wrong. Shameful
The reason why Muslims are being kicked around in the world is because of their lack of unity. If Muslim countries had some kind of political and military alliance, like EU and NATO, Muslims would be a superpower today with a population of 2 billion, PPP GDP of $24 trillion, and a military that no one could take on.

People like us on this thread can do some things:

For now:
  • Use social media to fight the case for Palestine. This is what we’re doing in this thread
  • Give money to charities that are working in Gaza
  • Promote Muslim unity
For the future:
  • If you live in a Muslim country work towards overthrowing unelected governments that are puppets of the enemies of Islam. Bring elected governments that will work for Muslim unity
  • If you live in a non-Muslim country then help elect politicians who are more sympathetic towards Muslims

Report: Iraqi Pro-Iran Factions Establish Operations Room with Hamas

Members of Iraq's Shiite al-Nujaba movement are seen at a rally in Baghdad. (AFP)

Members of Iraq's Shiite al-Nujaba movement are seen at a rally in Baghdad. (AFP)

06:52-17 October 2023 AD / ـ 02 Rabi’ Al-Thani 1445 AH


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Yes, that's true.
But I got a question if you allow me.
I assume you are german. Can you tell me how Germany achieved this scientific jump before and during ww2, how did they manage to develop such weapons like the v2 or the jet engines like the heinkel he 280 fighter jet or the horten ho 229 stealth bomber.. seriously how did they got these ideas?
Germans are intelligent people. In 2 world wars they were destroyed but despite that they rised again and again. @Ich Is right, if Hitler did not invade Poland then Germans were light years ahead of USA in science and technology as of today.

However Zionists enabled Hitler to take over some lands in exchange for creation of Israel. In fact, Hitler was co-founder of Israel.

And the Zions were aware of potentials that Germans always had
Germans are intelligent people. In 2 world wars they were destroyed but despite that they rised again and again. @Ich Is right, if Hitler did not invade Poland then Germans were light years ahead of USA in science and technology as of today.

However Zionists enabled Hitler to take over some lands in exchange for creation of Israel. In fact, Hitler was co-founder of Israel.

And the Zions were aware of potentials that Germans always had
Many people are intelligent in different countries.
Japanese people for example are know for their top industry however they didn't have such ideas like the germans had.

how was hitler a co-founder of israel ? do you mean he unintentionally helped with his (anti jew) policy deport many jews to Palestine?
Not really unlike Muslims isrealis act meticulously and plan long

They have special think tank known as the 1%, they prepare contingency plans for 1%

That 1% predicted that if we take and all Palestine (they already have it by take they mean push out Palestinians) and lastly burn al aqsa(the only other thing that's pending) countries like Emirates and Saudis won't react but Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Eygpt and Iran will react

Hence they toppled all these govt (and later Eygpt)

They also calculated Pakistan won't react as long as the corps commanders are on USA pay

The Jews may not be able to make American fight for them but they don't need to they just need to make sure no one else fight against them !!! And they have done a A+++ job

Today I am stunned to talk to Emirati and Saudis (by dozens) studying in America who are fed up of Palestinians saying why they just dont accept israeli rule and we all can live in peace

They blame Palestinians for asking for a separate nation which isn't possible now why???

Because Gaza is the only place that has Palestinians majority

West bank is now 30% Jewish do you think the Jews will leave??? Not possible

Trump was last person who proposed something remotely feasible (and still not accepted by isreali but they bet on Palestine saying no)

That plan was ridiculously for Palestinians surely but the only plan that was realistic in setting of unarmed peace loving people who accepted and sold land to jews vs a fanatic, compulsory military training/service nuclear powered Jews

It was a straw to gun fight not even a knife

You are too much in awe with Israel--more than even some Israeli themselves are. I have not been in awe--not since I saw what Hezbollah did in 2006. True, Israel had been able to defeat Bedouin armies in past using superior weaponry and techniques but past successes are not guarantees for future successes. In my opinion, which is also echoed by Scott Ritter, Israel can be given a 'strategic defeat' using cheap rockets fired from multiple locations for a sustained period; Israel's geography and its less ability to absorb financial and human losses make Israeli position much more vulnerable then you give credit it for. I'd even say that the chances for a Palestinians to bring Israel to either a decent compromise or cause lethal damage to the State of Israel itself are far far greater than what the Taliban had against Americans for 20 years.
Having said all this, it is for Palestinians themselves to decide. Who am I to tell them what to do, sitting at a comfortable distance. But they seem to be not wanting to be subjugated--much like many times Jews themselves fought / rebelled against Christian oppressors despite heavy odds against Jews. They, unlike some other nations, are both proud people and to them 'freedom' means a lot, just like it meant for the Afghan Taliban or the Vietnamese people.
Avigdor Lieberman:
The call for the United Nations to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza is hypocrisy of the first degree - from my knowledge of what is currently happening in the Gaza Strip, there is no doubt that the situation is far from a humanitarian crisis - the solution to the crisis is to establish a shelter city outside Gaza, in Sinai, in large areas Uninhabited areas, and providing the Gazans there with all the humanitarian aid they want - it is time for us and the international community to put pressure on Egypt.

again they talk to deport Gazans to Egypt.. that was their plan from the beginning.
A human catastrophe has taken place in one part of the world in Palestinians, and the Palestinians have forgotten to call for help. In PMA, they are fully enjoying their lives, so what is the purpose of Mujra? The whiskey bottles belonging to Munira Mastri can be found among them. The morality of enjoying such dance in such circumstances is really very low.
You are too much in awe with Israel--more than even some Israeli themselves are. I have not been in awe--not since I saw what Hezbollah did in 2006. True, Israel had been able to defeat Bedouin armies in past using superior weaponry and techniques but past successes are not guarantees for future successes. In my opinion, which is also echoed by Scott Ritter, Israel can be given a 'strategic defeat' using cheap rockets fired from multiple locations for a sustained period; Israel's geography and its less ability to absorb financial and human losses make Israeli position much more vulnerable then you give credit it for. I'd even say that the chances for a Palestinians to bring Israel to either a decent compromise or cause lethal damage to the State of Israel itself are far far greater than what the Taliban had against Americans for 20 years.
Having said all this, it is for Palestinians themselves to decide. Who am I to tell them what to do, sitting at a comfortable distance. But they seem to be not wanting to be subjugated--much like many times Jews themselves fought / rebelled against Christian oppressors despite heavy odds against Jews. They, unlike some other nations, are both proud people and to them 'freedom' means a lot, just like it meant for the Afghan Taliban or the Vietnamese people.
The difference between Israelis and Americans are rules of engagement

Isrealis don't follow same rules of engagement

They will cluster bomb everyone if they have to

The difference is the Arabs!!

Arabs of today aren't the Arabs of the past
They aren't afghans(pushtoons),Turks, Chinese,Mongols, russians or even persians

They don't have the will to fight

The prophet fortold this way before
Oct 17, 2023, 2:30 PM

US, France helping Israel in onslaught against Palestinians

TEHRAN, Oct. 17 (MNA) – France and the US have reportedly rushed to aid the Israeli regime in its onslaught against Palestinians using 27 satellites monitoring the Gaza Strip, just one day after the Al-Aqsa Storm operation.

( ... )

According to information obtained by the Tehran-based Tasnim news agency with the help of Iranian satellite data experts, the Western countries have rushed to help the Zionist regime from the first day after the Al-Aqsa Storm operation, using imaging satellites monitoring the Gaza Strip.

According to the information, France has focused five commercial satellites on the Gaza Strip, and on average, these satellites' cutting-edge sensors are used to scan and monitor the whole enclave and its surroundings once or twice a day.

These satellites have a range of spatial resolution capabilities, from 30 centimeters to 1.5 meters, all of which offer excellent capabilities for tracking movements and changes to the Earth.

On the other hand, the United States has been actively imaging the entire Gaza Strip and its surroundings at least once a day since October 8, as it has a sizable satellite constellation of 22 satellites, including 3 large satellites and 19 small commercial ones.

Although the Zionist regime is in possession of satellites with a 30-cm spatial resolution and spy satellites, the swift developments have made imagery from American and European commercial satellites a necessity for monitoring the Gaza Strip and identifying the positions of Hamas.

France and the United States filled this void and potentially enabled the Israeli regime to target various Gaza regions and pose threats to innocent Gazan civilians and Resistance fighters.

The Zionist regime has killed thousands of innocent non-military people in Gaza by using these satellite data to launch aerial and artillery attacks.

According to Tasnim, the information obtained after examining the positions of the French and American commercial satellites has revealed that these satellites started to focus on the Gaza Strip on October 8, the second day of the Al-Aqsa Storm operation, and not the day of the operation or before it. The fact implies that the US and French intelligence services were also caught off guard.

I'm a history student

And history shows that Israeli *** whipped all the Arabs combined forces with good Soviet (mig21 vs French mirages) equipment without American direct support (because of Soviet fear) in time where there were no nuclear weapons in play

If Arabs couldn't dent them then, they arent gonna do anything now

It's basically a single Zionist Arab state now Eygpt is basically same as Israel..it is PART OF THE Blockade

I mean eygptians should frankly buy a glass of water and drown in shame

As they are the reason ...why the **** are they involved in blockade of Gaza

What are they are so afraid? I mean it can't be tiny punny Israel??

Pakistanis are cowards but not this coward

I mean we didn't completely sold the kashmiris or Afghans to soviets as Eygpt did to Palestinians

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