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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I've no idea why the germans defend zionists too much .. much guilt from the ww2 actions by nazis?

No. Its just the indoctrinated guilt-feelings ordered by US and GB so they can take lots of money from german people and transfer it to Israel. Billions and billions every year. And additional military gifts. And if someone say "hey, its over 80 years ago! 3 generations ago! We have nothing to do with it! Stop paying!" then a swat-team will take you out. If you have luck, you go to jail, if not, you will be shot dead.

No. Its just the indoctrinated guilt-feelings ordered by US and GB so they can take lots of money from german people and transfer it to Israel. Billions and billions every year. And additional military gifts. And if someone say "hey, its over 80 years ago! 3 generations ago! We have nothing to do with it! Stop paying!" then a swat-team will take you out. If you have luck, you go to jail, if not, you will be shot dead.
The total potential of the Germans is equal, may be more to that of the rest of mainland Europe. This is precisely why the state, down to its capillaries, is being controlled by a structure that serves world order that US is top of pyramid, not German interests.

Moreover, the Holocaust has never been a subject that history commissions have been allowed to study in a transparent manner. It has never gone beyond the Nazis as the perpetrators of the massacres and in this way the yoke has been put around the necks of the Germans. Even 3-4 generations later, German children are being raised with this guilt from kindergarten. As the Roman saying goes, the victors wrote history. The Germans were left to be Hannibal's people in that book.
J Rowling wrote something about kidnapped Jewess ?
The New Anne Frank. Anne Frank wrote " her" book with the ball point pan. The ball point tip was invented a couple of years after ww2.
The usual Antigona type of Jews. So detastfull and prosaic.
i don't think Hamas will execute them.

Last time Hamas held an Israeli soldier Hostage , he was not harmed in any way. Israel released more than 1000 Hamas prisoners in exchange for him.

That is why i don't understand why Hamas is keeping those civilian hostages : woman , children , elderly, for what purpose ?

They have enough soldiers held hostages to realese all their prisoners 10 x times over. So Why not release the civilian hostages ?

This simply ruins what is left from it's image , as a legitimate representative of the palestinian people .

Why are the israelis insane enough to agree a 1000 to 1 swap?

Doesn’t this reward and boost hostage taking tactics??

Valuing your own more, sure,
but a 1000 to 1?? That is now also what is expected as a “bar” for negotiations.
If Hezbollah fired at an IDF tank and killed one of their officers just 2 weeks ago the IDF would be fully engaged. But today it is an everyday occurrence, the IDF has truly exposed themselves as being a paper tiger.
in 2006, the IDF lost the war.
I understand the US is sending awesome firepower into the region hoping to deter a Hezbollah and Iranian attack, but that is not working. Hezbollah already spent 5 IDF soldiers with their skirmishes a long the Lebanese border. It is an already low intensity war, and it will proliferate with time. The aircraft carrier will not stop this, sure, they can send air bombings, but what will that accomplish? What has that accomplished in the past? two lost wars (Iraq and Afghanistan). I am convinced, after days of research, that Iran and potentially Hezbollah have full capability to sink an aircraft carrier. Iranian missiles are no joke.

Well said. Also the USA regime has been threatening Iran countless times with war of aggression ("all options are on the table") over the past decades but never dared make good on these threats. Simply because the costs any such effort would generate in order to be successful, are politically and financially if not militarily unsustainable to Washington. Iran has established deterrence in this regard. Rhetoric subterfuges such as that the USA have a preference for the prevalent status quo in Iran or that Iran's simply been "lucky" due to non-stop accidents of calendar thirty or forty years in a row, simply amount to excuses no informed, rational and unbiased person could subscribe to.
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No. Its just the indoctrinated guilt-feelings ordered by US and GB so they can take lots of money from german people and transfer it to Israel. Billions and billions every year. And additional military gifts. And if someone say "hey, its over 80 years ago! 3 generations ago! We have nothing to do with it! Stop paying!" then a swat-team will take you out. If you have luck, you go to jail, if not, you will be shot dead.
People have or had really wrong impressions about democracies, lol.
Now they will tighten the loose harder.
No. Its just the indoctrinated guilt-feelings ordered by US and GB so they can take lots of money from german people and transfer it to Israel. Billions and billions every year. And additional military gifts. And if someone say "hey, its over 80 years ago! 3 generations ago! We have nothing to do with it! Stop paying!" then a swat-team will take you out. If you have luck, you go to jail, if not, you will be shot dead.
Wow that's crazy.

even in a dictatorship country like egypt what you say is insane.

by the way, I assume you know about Aribert Heim, the famous nazi (doctor death) as they name him.


He was living near us in Cairo (undercover by the name of Tarik) till he passed away in 90s


Iran Pushing to Send Aid to Gaza via Egypt

Iran is pressing for the delivery of humanitarian aid, including consignments of medicine and food, to the Gaza Strip through Egypt, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said


Iran Pushing to Send Aid to Gaza via Egypt

Iran is pressing for the delivery of humanitarian aid, including consignments of medicine and food, to the Gaza Strip through Egypt, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said

Nice, the aid will flow from every where but we have a problem is how to deliver it, zionists blew up every road from rafah gate (probably all roads are destroyed), seems like tunnels are the only way.
Judge Neopolitan's You Tube channel rose because of his early opposition to the Ukraine War and now he is challenging the narrative about the Israel-Palestinian conflict. In this video, he has a former CIA Analyst Larry Johnson, who gives blunt assessment of the conflict--no rosy words for Israel! While the whole interview is worth watching, a few points:
1) US Aircraft Carriers deployed in the eastern Med. Sea is a significant diversion of American resources (music to China's ears).
2) Americans removed the 101 Airborne Div. from Romania to Jordan and even deployed some F16 to the Middle East (music to Putin's ears).
3) Zelensky is finished.
4) American Carriers are very vulnerable to hypersonic missiles.
5) The rage in the Muslim world can spill over to this conflict--he specifically mentioned places like Peshawar, Pakistan where 'huge numbers' of people are protesting against Israel.
6) And quite curiously, toward the end, he said Americans are not going to die for Israel and he even mentioned the National Guards in America have used 'anti-Semitic' words to say they are not going to die for Israel. BTW, Larry also equates most of the Israeli Reservists with the National Guards--not real soldiers.

I don't think I have thought of Israel's prospects as low as they appear now!!
Not really unlike Muslims isrealis act meticulously and plan long

They have special think tank known as the 1%, they prepare contingency plans for 1%

That 1% predicted that if we take and all Palestine (they already have it by take they mean push out Palestinians) and lastly burn al aqsa(the only other thing that's pending) countries like Emirates and Saudis won't react but Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Eygpt and Iran will react

Hence they toppled all these govt (and later Eygpt)

They also calculated Pakistan won't react as long as the corps commanders are on USA pay

The Jews may not be able to make American fight for them but they don't need to they just need to make sure no one else fight against them !!! And they have done a A+++ job

Today I am stunned to talk to Emirati and Saudis (by dozens) studying in America who are fed up of Palestinians saying why they just dont accept israeli rule and we all can live in peace

They blame Palestinians for asking for a separate nation which isn't possible now why???

Because Gaza is the only place that has Palestinians majority

West bank is now 30% Jewish do you think the Jews will leave??? Not possible

Trump was last person who proposed something remotely feasible (and still not accepted by isreali but they bet on Palestine saying no)

That plan was ridiculously for Palestinians surely but the only plan that was realistic in setting of unarmed peace loving people who accepted and sold land to jews vs a fanatic, compulsory military training/service nuclear powered Jews

It was a straw to gun fight not even a knife
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