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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Again, I am not talking about government, I am talking about people/grassroot support, no government are going to stand in Palestinian side even before this attack, and you can forget about it at all after this attack, unless Israeli go the extreme and nuke gaza.......
People don't matter...

Have you forgotten the anti war movement pre Iraq invasion ??
Obbviously not .

But but this is the devils calculations , how to weigh blood against blood. Seriously i have no simple answer to that.

Is it true that a lot more palestinans would die than Israeli - yes. Is there no problem with civilian palestinan casultes - no ofcourse there is.

But serously , do people expect Israel to do nothing after more than 1000 of its citezens where murdered or massacred more like it in the most brutal ways possible ?

No, but does that mean Gaza has to be flattened and the population to be forced to decide between death and displacement? Proportionality doesn’t mean inaction.
how so? only debunking your media outlets do are parroting lines from zionists and almost always got debunked with facts, are you that numb not seeing flaws in pattern?
As I said it depends on who you ask. If you ask some people they will say Israel is merely protecting itself, others will say otherwise.
If you also ask some people who are pro Chinese then China is also merely protecting herself from Uygurs terrorists who have killed and maimed Chinese civilians before(just like Israeli civilians as well), but many others will te you China has been oppressing Uygurs muslims and trying to control and suppress their religious inclinations. In fact many of your own Muslim brothers were vehemently against Chinese oppression of the Muslim uygurs and curtailing/controlling their religion. Dude the Chinese government controls everything that's preached and said in all Chknese mosques today ,they even appoint CCP officials.for such duties. I'm not saying its even wrong, just depends on who you ask. Why do you think muslim countries like Turkey where strongly against China's policies against the Uygurs ? Lol They only tone it down due to geo political realities. Again national interest trumps everything else at the end of the day 😁😆
Kashmiris are sufficient and strong enough to fight and give india hell. Even weapons and logistics isn’t an issue. The issue is literally Pak establishment tryna put every group on a leash and restricting the movement of mujahideen in AJK. If AJK is given free hand then the people of AJK and IOJK would themselves free IOJK from the clutches of india.
Any current Logistical capabilities are overshadowed by what Iran could well do. The Kashmiri groups are maintaining low intensity warfare, it's stepped down a lot over the last 10 years. If India continues building infrastructure, the ability of these group to launch more attacks will be greatly decreased as population support for said groups decreases
I take it you did not report Falcon29 said for spamming the same picture mocking an Israeli burnt baby over and over again. Nor the other apam he posted here again and again.

1008 pages and half of it is spam from this religous fanatic who sends his people into harm way from the safety of his home in the US.

This thread has become tottaly useless cuase of that immature idiot.

I wrie something and 5 minutes later no one sees it , cuase there are already 10 new pages of nonsinse and irrelevant reports from that person who does not shy from posting the same tweet again and again..I saw the same thing happen in the Ukraine thread till they banned the idioit who did it.

It least i make an effort to write my own spam ! not just copy and paste silly tweet like a dam bot.

Great reply to all the imbeciles, sammeul
Dude what kinda reasoning are using here? Lol I know you are emotional about the Israel Palestinian issue, but that doesn't means using personal attacks and using some wrong statements is going to change anything on the ground. Those that feel strongly on this issue can travel to Egypt and smuggle themselves in Haza and help Hamas fight Israel forces . That will be far more helpful than using keyboards in comfort of their homes in the West to show rage on strangers online. Look at shia fighters around the region including your home country Pakistan whom Iran rallied to go help them fight their war in Syria against Sunni Rebels and also protect shia sites in Syria . That helped change the situation on the ground , instead of saying home and using their keybaords to insult anybody online who raises a counter point to them. So I'm sure you can also go help Hamas fight Israel on the ground if you feel so strongly about that issue.
If Britain is a failed state then why did you leave your country and what are you doing in Britain? Seriously let's be rational for one minute. People in from your home country and region are literally dying in the ocean/dersert/sea to come to a failed state? 🤦🏾‍♂️ m
Making such statements just shows everybody here that you are just venting out to be honest. Which is not helpful. 🤷🏾‍♂️

You know fck all about who I am. You'd be a German speaking inbred if it wasn't for the hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the subcontinent in both world wars (including my great grandfather and grandfather) to save you and your inbred royal family, not to mention your uncle Sam saving your backsides. And talk about hypocrisy, all you can do is be the bitch poodle of the US, hiding behind your uncle. Run along now like a good little boy and stop your yapping.
Dead palestinians is a bonus for hamas.
They can parade them for the media while remaining hidden behind women and children. They consistently do this by firing terror rockets from behind human shields.

But they went too far with their 9/11 like terror attacks. Murdering hundreds of civilians, many international citizens.
It is time for their actions to have consequences.
It is time for Gazas majority support/choice for terrorism to have consequences.

It is time for Hamas to be wiped from the earth. Afterwards a two state solution can be settled with PLO.
Telephone for you mr Hilter....

Its the PLO,they want you to negotiate a two state solution on their behalf,you know because you`re so good at negotiating....;)
No, but does that mean Gaza has to be flattened and the population to be forced to decide between death and displacement? Proportionality doesn’t mean inaction.

Fair enough , but how do you suggest we insure this does not happen again in a month or a year ?
So Egypt is playing with the US to put pressure on Israel gov to let pass the aids convoys. No aids convoy = no dual nationals in Sinai. Egypt is trying to play with every card to let the aids pass. And don't forget if an egyptian aid convoys get bombed then Egypt will have to defend itself.
Not playing, but negotiating for its life. If Egypt doesn’t do this right it will become another Lebanon; 2+ million really pissed off refugees in their country, and all the blame for allowing their displacement.
I take it you did not report Falcon29 said for spamming the same picture mocking an Israeli burnt baby over and over again. Nor the other apam he posted here again and again.

1008 pages and half of it is spam from this religous fanatic who sends his people into harm way from the safety of his home in the US.

This thread has become tottaly useless cuase of that immature idiot.

I wrie something and 5 minutes later no one sees it , cuase there are already 10 new pages of nonsinse and irrelevant reports from that person who does not shy from posting the same tweet again and again..I saw the same thing happen in the Ukraine thread till they banned the idioit who did it.

It least i make an effort to write my own spam ! not just copy and paste silly tweet like a dam bot.

he does not repeat same news in posts after posts, so you missed again in your propaganda.

Fair enough , but how do you suggest we insure this does not happen again in a month or a year ?
move out from their occupied lands.

As I said it depends on who you ask. If you ask some people they will say Israel is merely protecting itself, others will say otherwise.
If you also ask some people who are pro Chinese then China is also merely protecting herself from Uygurs terrorists who have killed and maimed Chinese civilians before(just like Israeli civilians as well), but many others will te you China has been oppressing Uygurs muslims and trying to control and suppress their religious inclinations. In fact many of your own Muslim brothers were vehemently against Chinese oppression of the Muslim uygurs and curtailing/controlling their religion. Dude the Chinese government controls everything that's preached and said in all Chknese mosques today ,they even appoint CCP officials.for such duties. I'm not saying its even wrong, just depends on who you ask. Why do you think muslim countries like Turkey where strongly against China's policies against the Uygurs ? Lol They only tone it down due to geo political realities. Again national interest trumps everything else at the end of the day 😁😆
ok, war till the decisive outcome, let it be as beatles would say.

for rest of the topic i decline any liberal western standard until proven consistent and just until further notice.
he does not repeat same news in posts after posts, so you missed again in your propaganda.

He posts the same tweets more than 20 times ! dont lie . He posted no less than 560 replys in a week on this thread alone. has a post on almost every page. Does that seems normal to you ?

You must be blind or pretend to be blind.

He posts the same tweets more than 20 times ! dont lie . He posted no less than 560 replys in a week on this thread alone.

huge difference in importance to the contribution, you repeat same lie from some cringe dude in britain while he emphasize and amplify ongoing genocidal attempt by your entity.
Not playing, but negotiating for its life. If Egypt doesn’t do this right it will become another Lebanon; 2+ million really pissed off refugees in their country, and all the blame for allowing their displacement.
True, but I think you understood by saying "playing all its cards". The pressure on Egypt is inimaginable. If the palestinians cross the border, it will create chaos in Sinai. Terrorism in Sinai that is already present and Palestinians who will use Sinai as their base to attack Israel then Israel will bomb Sinai etc.. It will be a never ending cycle.
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