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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

huge difference in importance to the contribution, you repeat same lie from some cringe dude in britain while he emphasize and amplify ongoing genocidal attempt by your entity.

Mr dont change the topic . The peson who denied that civilain , children included , where murdered , though all evidrnce showed otherwise , he kept lying , than started posting this picture discarcing this dead baby.

Sorry , but since his posts where not removed and he keeps posting them I am afraid each one of his posts will have to be answered.

You keep lying that he did not spam this ?

Here are his post - enjoy counting how many time he posted it


you only have 560 posts to go through , enjoy :

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Law of Armed Conflict, it would have to be a multilaterally agreed peace keeping force. Or observer group. So ultimately the UN.
Not much hopes from UNMOG.

There maybe something on the books, but they defacto control it and I doubt they would allow anything, especially while they have continuous CAPs and bombing runs around the clock.
Nobody wants to take on the Israelis as they are backed by USA.
Not playing, but negotiating for its life. If Egypt doesn’t do this right it will become another Lebanon; 2+ million really pissed off refugees in their country, and all the blame for allowing their displacement.
Egypt has a policy not to build tents or camps for refugees , we have 9 million refugee here and they live in cities next to us.

Now I have asked you nicely so sop posting this image degrading a dead child.

You Have spammed this disgusting image mocking a dead Israeli baby over and over again no less than 20 times, from now on your spam will be answered in the same spam manner , if the modes here accept your behavior i see not why not to reply to each of your spam in the same manner.

Show the same respect you expect to be shown to your victims !

By all means , look for sympathy for your people that is more than legitimate.

But dont lie about what hapened or try to undermine what happened.

I will briefly describe it because this pattern repeated itself in all towns and settlements that Hamas entered :

It started with a bombing all along the border. The people of those towns are used to that and they all went into their bombs shelter. Shortly after Hamas arrived.

Now all those bomb shelters have Iron doors for protection, Unfortunaltly those Iron doors can be opened both from the inside and outside , so people can be rescued of the shelter is hit.

This is important cause shortly after there was a struggle in each house. when those terorists tried to get into the shelters and people inside where trying to hold the doors.

They moved from house to house , in many cases placed burned wheel tires next to the doors and tried to smoke people out. Some people choked to death , some burned alive , some got out and shot amd some taken hostage.

Now this is not something i read online , we all heard the cries of those inside the shelters live , calling for help on their cell phones describing how there are locked in , how smoke is coming in and than the lines went dead one after the other.

As Secratery of state Blinken described it :

" Any - no country - no country - can accept the proposition that terrorists can come in, slaughter - and I use the word very advisedly - slaughter thousands of its citizens, riddling babies with bullets, burning people alive, decapitating soldiers, executing children in front of their parents, executing parents in front of their children - no country can tolerate this. "

You said that the axis of resistance will wipe out Israel, sink American fleets, and send US back to its homeland?

Recall the responses that I received in Iranian section for pointing out some facts and figures? You and your friends asserted I am wrong.

So now is your chance to live up to your word. Hamas is a part of the axis of resistance and it has taken the shot.

But I do not see much progress.
What an unforrunate that i cannot put a moderator on ignore list. So kindly asking, do not quote me again . That is what i will do too.
I take it you did not report Falcon29 said for spamming the same picture mocking an Israeli burnt baby over and over again. Nor the other apam he posted here again and again.

1008 pages and half of it is spam from this religous fanatic who sends his people into harm way from the safety of his home in the US.

This thread has become tottaly useless cuase of that immature idiot.

I wrie something and 5 minutes later no one sees it , cuase there are already 10 new pages of nonsinse and irrelevant reports from that person who does not shy from posting the same tweet again and again..I saw the same thing happen in the Ukraine thread till they banned the idioit who did it.

It least i make an effort to write my own spam ! not just copy and paste silly tweet like a dam bot.

Speaking of "mocking" a "burnt baby".....
‘Ali is on the grill!’ Israeli settlers celebrate burning of Palestinian baby
......you zionists really do seem to have a short memory.
Or more likely like all zionists you think that only the rights of zionists matter and that the rights of others are utterly unimportant,right?
(You dont have to answer that,it was a rhetorical question)

Now as for the infamous picture of the "israeli burnt baby",that was -DEBUNKED-


Israel halts security exports to Colombia over president’s support of Hamas​


Because CH-53 is not easily destroyed by normal ATGMs, it appears Hamas used The Kornet to carry out their attacks.

Some of you guys calling for destruction of Israel need to take a break.

Israel has the right to exist and so do the Palestinians. Calling for each other’s destruction does not help and won’t make the problem go away.

The Israelis are smart. I am sure they know deep down that Palestinian statehood is a precursor for peace. You are also smart enough to realize that killing the Palestinians in a low intensity conflict and dispossessing them of their land and building settlements would only exacerbate the situation. Yesterday, day before yesterday it was PLO, yesterday it was Hezbollah, today Hamas. Tomorrow it could be any group.

The Palestinians also need to realize, that groups like Hamas creating such a situation will only result in Palestinians bearing the brunt. The world and especially the Muslim world understands the continuous loss of freedom that you have to endure on a daily basis. But having Hamas attacking civilians is not the solution.

Solution is to come to the table and make sure a two state Palestine is realized and both can coexist.

The Muslims, Jews, Christians have a lot in common as we share the same Prophets.
Some of you guys calling for destruction of Israel need to take a break.

Israel has the right to exist and so do the Palestinians. Calling for each other’s destruction does not help and won’t make the problem go away.

The Israelis are smart. I am sure they know deep down that Palestinian statehood is a precursor for peace. You are also smart enough to realize that killing the Palestinians in a low intensity conflict and dispossessing them of their land and building settlements would only exacerbate the situation. Yesterday, day before yesterday it was PLO, yesterday it was Hezbollah, today Hamas. Tomorrow it could be any group.

The Palestinians also need to realize, that groups like Hamas creating such a situation will only result in Palestinians bearing the brunt. The world and especially the Muslim world understands the continuous loss of freedom that you have to endure on a daily basis. But having Hamas attacking civilians is not the solution

Solution is to come to the table and make sure a two state Palestine is realized and both can coexist.

The Muslims, Jews, Christians have a lot in common as we share the same Prophets.
how can israel has the right to exist? basically they came before and during WW2 lived with the palestinians, traded in palestinian currencies and held palestinian papers .. how come they have the right to establish a country in NOT their lands? it's like saying hey look i'm egyptian, am coming to Norway and i will buy a small land to establish Egypt 2.0 in beside Oslo.
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