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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hezbollah is the pride and highlight of the axis of resistance. When the time comes they will teach the Zionists another lesson they will never forget. The resistance (or the Arabs) never had a fighting force as competent as Hezbollah in modern history.
Something fishy going on, what is he planning?

I feel like an attack on Iran may be in the works

Because the pictures of Hamas butchering kids are still imprinted in their mind. It is just not just 'West', East is keeping quite too. This is like 9/11, no one is sympathizing with Hamas.
Lol, they are not quiet because of those pictures.

All their citizens are literally in support. The governments are quiet for other political reasons.
With the fog of war around, no one is asking how a fully blockaded Gaza managed to get so many weapons and materials to make rockets. They have been using anti tank weapons, and other weaponry on the face of things, where is this coming from??
Did you see how Israeli soldiers got smoked in tanks?

Now you guys understand. It took a while, but I am glad you understand.

I always understood, I just didn't care

You know white people killing white people, it's not my problem

I would still say Pakistan should make as much money from.weapons sales as possible

But we should absolutely hammer pro Russia propaganda everywhere and give as much support as we can to ensure Russia wins
It is their social media after all.

Macron was crying when his soldiers got evicted from Niger LOL

Morocco didn't even accept French aid LOL

Macron was groomed by a 60 year old grandma when he was 12. Now he's so useless the freemason satan worshippers will dump him into garbage can and replace him. What a weirdo. Most of Europe is against Jewish ISIS.

Europe must facilitate transfer of Israelis to America and secede security control of Palestine to Hamas . Europe can't afford a refugee crisis. Jewish ISIS may single handlely cause downfall of West.
No,the us and its willing little helpers just got caught in a 20+ year long quagmire,and then slunk away in the middle of the night,only then to watch as the government that they had put in place collapsed in the space of mere weeks.
As for the ukraine,the us and its willing little helpers are the ones footing a big part of the bill for that little war,tho its the ukrainians who are paying the butchers bill.All so that western-russian relations can be reset to the "good old days" of the cold war.
Fvcking great job guys,well done.
The British and Americans insisted on that war,they just want to destroy Russia. And the Baltics and Poland also insisted.
I always understood, I just didn't care

You know white people killing white people, it's not my problem

I would still say Pakistan should make as much money from.weapons sales as possible

But we should absolutely hammer pro Russia propaganda everywhere and give as much support as we can to ensure Russia wins

Russia strategically lost 12+ months ago. It can continues to lose enormous amounts of soldiers and equipment with no end in sight.
Well, thanks for the history lesson, which most of them I already aware of.

The point is, how does it related to the current situation? Are you suggesting quoting history to the Israeli and have the issue solved? The point is, whoever you think is native in that land is beside the point, the reality of the situation is simple.

Palestine cannot get independence until 2 requirments were met.

1.) The world has to agree on.
2.) They will have to somehow remove Israel from those area.

You can tell me all day how many crime or war crime Israel committed, how people are being oppressed. How much those land were belong to whoever or where ever, or how far the terrorism goes? I can reply to your question in a Israeli point of view which you most likely would not consider that is legitimate and see that I am only saying that because I am pro-Israel, that's why I am not going to do that. So let's focus on simple question at hand and build it up.

What or how do you think these types of attack advance the situation between Palestine and Israel? That is the the major question to consider, unless your answer is "Screw Israel, they stole their land from us" Then this question has to answer, and if that is your actual answer, then I would have to say this will be an impasse between the two parties. You can't just ask them to go away because you think they are oppressing you, no matter how true that could be, you cannot demand people to support you because you think you are being oppressed, again, that's no matter how true it could be. Which means If you think that is a mistake Israel think they can hold on forever, then do tell me, what should they do then? Give up and go home? They can't, unlike US or Russian in Afghanistan or Vietnam, they think that's their home too. Whatever you said about the Arab is the same thing to Israel, and you think this is the right way forward?

Again, you remind me of that Palestinian UN Ambassador doing BBC interview. In it he said "Israel has been the oppressor to us for a very long time, and maybe this attack can galvanise the international community to do something with the situation" Yeah, if you want the international community to take action now, then any action they have will not be favor Palestinian. I mean, if you think people would be more incline to support your clause after this then I can tell you that you are really delusional.

I am not Pro Palestinian, if anything, a want to see Israel win this war (Due to a different set of reasons). About the question of how this help Palestine, it's simple.

Constant war is not in favour of Israel. Not fighting back will only solidify Israeli position. As long as Palestine keep fighting, Israel cannot end/freeze the conflict in it's own terms. Israel is the status quo power and the politics of the region was moving further in it's favour. This war will certainly spoil that.
With the fog of war around, no one is asking how a fully blockaded Gaza managed to get so many weapons and materials to make rockets. They have been using anti tank weapons, and other weaponry on the face of things, where is this coming from??
All they have is some light arms. That is nothing compared to conventional armies. It's just good execution with limited resources they have.
Americans must not be dragged into a regional war. We cannot. We are suffering from low wages , high cost of livings, mental health crisis, lack of healthcare. Don't fight Israel's war. Israelis religious extremists right govt started this.

At the risk of being called a shameless Pakistani American, here's my thought.

If the govt really wanted, they could have given all that money destined for Israel/Ukraine to its people, the citizens. But that's not how it works due to all the political deals etc. The countless layoffs, the housing crisis, the inflation, and homelessness can be solved but its the same people, the citizens, that would first cry rivers for Ukraine and now Israel, support the cause and then realize oh we ourselves could have used that money....

Yes, Palestineans have been suffering for a very long time. But a small and ill-equipped military wing like Hamas could only have dreamt of winning a war against Israel. Israel which looks to fck up Palestine with pleasure now temporarily has the world's backing. I mean one should ask Hamas, what else did you think was going to happen?

Why is it that in both these examples, we as humans vote/ act against our own interests? Perhaps its time for AI to take over and make more sane decisions since people clearly cant.
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