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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Where are the Indians and other bigots boasting about how Israel can destroy all regional nations in a war? A small paramilitary group shattered that myth and diaper army is begging for US intervention.
You write nonsense. Firstly I didn't give an opinion in regards of you. Secondly, you talk too much , so if you don't care either way, then don't write. Be consistent with what you already have said. Personally I don't even read your opinions,nothing important you can say. Just don't hang around if you don't care, logical thing to say. You are right, it is my way or highway. Please drop giving the American proverbs, the opinions are like assholess. It shows nothing apart the usual triviality. Go on screw a duck. %95 of has an intellectual opinion on the phrases Good Guy 'Bad Guy, so it is not surprising that you connect asshole and opinion.
You talk too much for someone who allegedly do not care? You said your point and I don't even bother to check what was that you don't care because you are a cowboy. Fine. OK now clear off
lol, nonsense? So is everything you don't agree on is nonsense?

Again, why I have to clear off? Since when I don't have an issue with any of that means I have no right to express my opinion? This is a public forum, no? If you only allow people who are in the care to express their opinion, then why you make this forum public and discuss this in a public platform?

It's one thing I don't care about either side, it's another thing I want to discuss something, and being a forum, whether I care or not, I have the same right to express my opinion as you, so again, do tell me why I have to clear off?

And you are trying too hard, it make you look stupid, not smart, and I hope you know that.
With the fog of war around, no one is asking how a fully blockaded Gaza managed to get so many weapons and materials to make rockets. They have been using anti tank weapons, and other weaponry on the face of things, where is this coming from??
Obviously the blockade on Gaza isnt airtight or complete ANd a serious smuggling network operates on Gaza's border(s).
militancy comes from something else
Militancy in Punjabian landscape is hard.
The Punjab land is fertile.They never had to invade others for wealth.Mostly Punjabians were agriculturists.They survived even after occupation b/c they had local food supply
But when their survival was at risk,they showed assymetric warfare ability.

You should ask afghans who faced Sikh militancy.How Punjab was liberated from Afghans ? not by regular military but by Guerrilla attacks.Thousands of Afghans ran back to home and thousands of them were killed.
Russia strategically lost 12+ months ago. It can continues to lose enormous amounts of soldiers and equipment with no end in sight.

Yeah it's gonna win,,, much vaunted Ukrainian counter offensive did diddly squat and they lost thousands of Ukrainians

Look above, he doesn't understand the whole problematic.
Even if the Jews were 100x in the wrong, this ONE time SLAUGHTER from the Palestinians will be manifested by all people (except most Muslims) around the world.
They will say Israel GO.
Exactly,they can't understand that. They just say "You don't support Hamas? You are Jew-lover. You are supporting Israel."

Their brain can think of anything else.
People here do realize that ..Israel surrounds Gaza.. Isreali soldiers don't need to step into Gaza to bring to its knees.

They can just cut off food, water electricity, medicines and keep up the aerial bombings and the entire population of Gaza would be begging for relief, with in a week.

Best way out this is, for people of Gaza them selves to round up all Hamas fighters and hand it over to Israel, along with all the hostages they have taken..and then go back to status quo.
Russia holds 25 percent of Ukraine and they haven't lost anything. The Russians will cease this important amd reach the polish borders. They will likely gain cannon fodders, money and weapons

No, they hold 17-18% of Ukraine, with 8% of that coming from 2014.

They lost the Battle of Kyiv, lost the Battle of Kharkiv, lost the Battle of Kherson. All strategic battles.

They’re losing ENORMOUS amounts of manpower and equipment. Their rate of armor loss alone puts them in a critical situation in a couple years.

They have almost no capability to conduct offensive operations outside of some tactical operations.
People here do realize that ..Israel surrounds Gaza.. Isreali soldiers don't need to step into Gaza to bring to its knees.

They can just cut off food, water electricity, medicines and keep up the aerial bombings and the entire population of Gaza would be begging for relief, with in a week.

Best way out this is, for people of Gaza them selves to round up all Hamas fighters and hand it over to Israel, along with all the hostages they have taken..and then go back to status quo.
No, best way is killing all jewish terrorists.

Good terrorist is dead terrorist
I am not Pro Palestinian, if anything, a want to see Israel win this war (Due to a different set of reasons). About the question of how this help Palestine, it's simple.

Constant war is not in favour of Israel. Not fighting back will only solidify Israeli position. As long as Palestine keep fighting, Israel cannot end/freeze the conflict in it's own terms. Israel is the status quo power and the politics of the region was moving further in it's favour. This war will certainly spoil that.
I am not accusing you of Pro-Palestine, in fact, as I mentioned before, I am more toward Palestine before that attack. Well, at least I can't stand Beny Netanyahu. I want to keep my distance between the two parties.

The issue here is, many people (just look at the dude I just reply to) are too emotional to have a response, this is not helping the clause, it'\s very plain and simple. There are not going to be a status quo, both side wanted this too much, the issue here is, Hamas is writing cheque that innocents Palestinian have to cash, I mean, I see the frustration, but attacking civilian is never an answer. That is the reason why I post.
Sheikh Imran Hosein's prediction he made around 15 years ago is spot on. He said when the time is right, Israel will by some means get the Arabs to attack, acting and showing the world that they're under the attack of savages and wolves....that they're existence is under threat. All crocodile tears of course. Zionists need this to happen so that they can launch a full scale war in the region to achieve their geographical aims in preparation for the Dajjal. Its with a heavy heart they I say, that I think we're at the point in history where we're about to see an Arab slaughter like never seen before. The prophet pbuh, warned us and yet the Arab world is sitting and unprepared for what's coming. The current leaders are spineless dogs who would hold their luxury lifestyle higher then that of helping their brothers in need. May the Lord have mercy.
The war in Ukraine & this conflict are linked in more ways than people think, and I believe WW3 is seriously at the doorstep.
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