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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Yes muslims of Punjab will never learn to fight
Just few years after independence,in 1965 India launched full scale invasion on Punjab and Punjabis like Maj.Aziz Bhatti and other local soldiers proved to be coward
India took back whole Punjab shortly after Pakistan's Independence.
Now we muslim Punjabis are begging the super-brave Pushtoons to get us out of Hindu slavery 🥺
Punjab army men did great against pushtoons(during British era)and balochistan and Bengalis as well after 1947

Confusing regular well trained military with militancy

Forgetting the whole point
You can trained a professional army but militancy comes from something else
In a 'civilized world', people go to police and courts. War is uncivilized. Hamas is not fighting per Vienna conventions; they started the war by slaughtering youngsters at a music program and kidnapping children and old people. If Israel doesn't do what it plans to do, which is raise the cost of Hamas' war to unacceptable level, Hamas will come back in a few months and repeat it all over again. It is important to note that the UNSC did not suggest a cease fire. Not even Russia or China are asking Israel to stop the retaliation. They will call for cessation once they are satisfied deterrence has been established.

you are not blinded in eyes but in heart...
Nobody cares. Does our govt only care about Jewish Americans? What about Americans killed in Ukraine, Russia , Mexico ,etc...? Literally no one gives a shit about Israel here. We're going about our lives normally. You're smarter than to suggest we get in regional war in ME. It would mean Chinese invasion of Taiwan. And complete collapse of global economy. We will see unprecedented chaos worse than world war 2.
Of course Hamas packs up in the air 🚬 🚬 🚬

Did you see how Israeli soldiers got smoked in tanks?

I would throw full support of everyone we can behind Russia and really ramp up that pro Russia propaganda

The U.S is the bad guy, it always has been

We need Russia to fcuk up Ukraine and win

Now you guys understand. It took a while, but I am glad you understand.
There is no hope for Gaza until Egypt involves.
Or any of the Arab countries

Hence why getting rid of morsi and Saddam was so important

Isrealis think 30 years ahead

If I was Palestine strategist the only option I see is to do what israelis did in 1920s but that's a 40 years game plan

Accept israeli rule on pretext of return of maximum Palestinians and have 10 childrens overwhelmed isrealis with numbers ..they did the same with Palestinians from 1900-1950

Reason is you have zero support form any regional country
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