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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The kaaloo bhen-chod gave you a like.
Any loss of innocent lives is abhorrent whether it be hamas or the zionists.

The resistance has all the support it needs I. Fact if not more. They don’t really give a sh1t about US Nato etal support coz their full of sh1t and have been supporting the oppression.

If you were oppressed by Jews yiu would be antisemtic so quit the high horse. What Hamas have done comes no where near what the ZioNazis have done. Never seen the likes of you pipe up so much then, not nice when the tables get turned.

Wipeout Hamas and a bigger once will replace it, the only thing that will stop all this is to wipeout the entire Muslim population of the world. Which is never going to happen as you will have MAD.

The Israelis may have to use the Samson option quicker than they thought.

Hamas et al welcome death, ZioNazis et all quiver from it. That’s the difference.

Viva la palestina
The loss of innocent lives is sad. Period.
Hamas are a bunch of idiots and fanatics and this will be their end. I don't see anyone supporting their "cause" from this point onwards. Every human fears death, saying Hamas welcomes death is just false, misplaced bravado to feed the gullible masses.
Hamas is fucked. So I have no sympathy left for Hamas.
Indians were oppressed by the British for centuries. Now an Indian-origin person is the British prime minister. The colored people in South Africa overcame apartheid to become the rulers. Says a lot about how to deal with oppressors. Hamas is fucked indeed. I hope they burn, painfully in this world and for eternity.
How were they defeated? The Afghan government was defeated. The Ukrainians themselves are fighting.

If I buy you new clothes and new football shoes and you go and lose the match,is it my fault?

A girl ones asked her father she said I efff'ed my husband because I was on top of him and he responded you are the one who is eff'ed my dear on top of him or below him. They lost a forever war and got outlasted there is no counter narrative
pakistanis (of punjab) they won't and don't fight
Yes muslims of Punjab will never learn to fight
Just few years after independence,in 1965 India launched full scale invasion on Punjab and Punjabis like Maj.Aziz Bhatti and other local soldiers proved to be coward
India took back whole Punjab shortly after Pakistan's Independence.
Now we muslim Punjabis are begging the super-brave Pushtoons to get us out of Hindu slavery 🥺
This is very embarrassing for US and EU. US and EU will have to simply backtrack support of Jewish ISIS. The religious fanaticism of Israelis is showing to the whole world.
Israel refused to give independence to Palestine not because of Hamas or Hizbullah, but due to their own arrogance and miscalculations.

Just to remind you, Hamas was only formed in 1987 and they only become powerful 15 years ago. Same with Hizbullah,founded in 1985 after Israel occupied southern Lebanon and become powerful in the 90s. What exactly was their excuse before? They are digging themselves into a pit they cannot get out. By refusing to negotiate with reasonable Palestinians, they gave birth to fanatical fractions.

Also, the so called holyland is anything but holy. Jerusalem was sacked more than any other city in West Asia/Europe. It has been attacked 52 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, besieged 23 times. Lot of powerful empires controlled it and many of those empires were super powers of their time. It is in Israel's fundamental intrest to make peace with Arabs and Palestinians. They are surrounded by an ocean of Arabs and those Arabs are not going anywhere. Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, British Empire, Persian Empire, European Crusaders, Several Islamic Empires etc all failed to hold it. It would be a mistake for Israel to think that they can hold it for ever with entire neighborhood hating them, especially when their entire military advantage is based on Aid from a far away foreign state (USA).
Well, thanks for the history lesson, which most of them I already aware of.

The point is, how does it related to the current situation? Are you suggesting quoting history to the Israeli and have the issue solved? The point is, whoever you think is native in that land is beside the point, the reality of the situation is simple.

Palestine cannot get independence until 2 requirments were met.

1.) The world has to agree on.
2.) They will have to somehow remove Israel from those area.

You can tell me all day how many crime or war crime Israel committed, how people are being oppressed. How much those land were belong to whoever or where ever, or how far the terrorism goes? I can reply to your question in a Israeli point of view which you most likely would not consider that is legitimate and see that I am only saying that because I am pro-Israel, that's why I am not going to do that. So let's focus on simple question at hand and build it up.

What or how do you think these types of attack advance the situation between Palestine and Israel? That is the the major question to consider, unless your answer is "Screw Israel, they stole their land from us" Then this question has to answer, and if that is your actual answer, then I would have to say this will be an impasse between the two parties. You can't just ask them to go away because you think they are oppressing you, no matter how true that could be, you cannot demand people to support you because you think you are being oppressed, again, that's no matter how true it could be. Which means If you think that is a mistake Israel think they can hold on forever, then do tell me, what should they do then? Give up and go home? They can't, unlike US or Russian in Afghanistan or Vietnam, they think that's their home too. Whatever you said about the Arab is the same thing to Israel, and you think this is the right way forward?

Again, you remind me of that Palestinian UN Ambassador doing BBC interview. In it he said "Israel has been the oppressor to us for a very long time, and maybe this attack can galvanise the international community to do something with the situation" Yeah, if you want the international community to take action now, then any action they have will not be favor Palestinian. I mean, if you think people would be more incline to support your clause after this then I can tell you that you are really delusional.
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