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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I wasn't agreeing or disagreeing with you and since you post to the whole forum then it is business of the whole forum. Do you expect to have a monologue here? Quote from Gogols Revisor? Which fan I am going to have it is up to me, I choose bust your balls a bit. ,open platform, free country and you should expect some snipping. So ,remember the monologue is for poor members of your family,here people give a shit up to a point. Me not at all, ok?
look man. I have no issue you have a different view. Saying why I post when I have no horse in the race is not busting people ball, that's straight up trolling.

I don't need to have anything connected to anything to have an opinion, you can of course have your own, I don't really care about yours, but that does not mean you don't deserve one. But seems like you have a tendency to call it your way or go the highway. And quoting an old saying, "opinion is like asshole, everybody has one and don't like to see others." So no, I don't expect to have a monologue, I expect to say my piece and move on, you have any issue with what I said is your business.

Again, you don't like my post? Nobody is putting a gun on your head, and have you read them, go do something else if you think you can have a shot on other opinion, discussion is welcome, only if you bring anything solid on the table, otherwise would suggest you go take a hike or play some video game or do whatever you do to pass the time, but not come up here and try to be smart about it. It won't work on people.
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Arabs don't know how to hold a sword 🗡️
Like pakistanis (of punjab) they won't and don't fight and hence were ruled for centuries by foreigner and have lost ability to resist

Sure we saw arms movements in SINDH balochistan and KP

This is my personal opinion but only Turks, afghans, Iranians and African Muslims states of sudan have fought colonialism

Rest simply joined in and didn't do much

bakhmut had line of connection
What line of connection does has Gaza has

Soon people will die of starvation in Gaza and of obesity in Arab world

There is no hope for Gaza until Egypt involves.

Why you inserting yourself in something that is clearly not your dogfight strange..

We will soon see plenty of involunteer deployments to Ukraine. I wanna see Iranian revolution guards corps to random deploy 100.000 in Ukraine secretly. Russia should aided with everything to collapse Ukraine and Moldova. Russia will now gain true support everywhere in their struggle the greatest winner will be Russia out of this
Perhaps someone knows in which hole this rat is hiding?

If anyone wants to know what a coward looks like...look at him in the picture. Is this the world you want to live in? Look at what a pussy and coward he is. Why is he hiding under the Pooh Shiesty mask? If pussy was a person face a$$ mf...

He is wearing the face mask because of the COVID-19 concerns... are you that stupid or something?

AllhuAkbar. We will win. In this.life and the next. You will lose.
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After the Afghan and Ukraine humiliation you want more
In both cases American troops didn't lose on the battlefield. In the first,they had already left the country and in the second they never set foot.
Guys please no personal / racist / religious attacks. Lets try to stay on topic please.

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