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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I've never seen such a stupid idea in my life.

It's exactly what happened

They tried to circumvent the Palestinian issues with talks with middle Eastern states

And instead the Palestinian issues came storming back

Remember Israeli barbarity will be on full view and will incite 2 BILLION Muslims across the world including countries with peace deals with Israel, that's why you got the Egyptian police officer shooting down Israelis

There is NO WAY OUT without ending the Israeli apartheid occupation
And has been for quite sometime, but the problem is, Muslims don't want to learn and adapt, like monkeys, they cling to their lame way of life while being shat on. If they don't want to change their condition, they will just go extinct - it is the way of nature.

I think the drive is there. People voted for Imran Khan and overwhelmingly support PTI for the hope of change and moving forward.

Its the powers to be that don't want that to happen. Libya was stable, then got carpet bombed and thrown into a blender. Syria got dragged in. Iraq got invaded.

Who installed Ishaq Dar as Finance minister? The Pakistani people didn't select him.
NY Times front page right now--and that outlet is generally a supporter of Israel. And who was saying above that the Palestinians have lost support due to the Hamas action??

It's exactly what happened

They tried to circumvent the Palestinian issues with talks with middle Eastern states

And instead the Palestinian issues came storming back

Remember Israeli barbarity will be on full view and will incite 2 BILLION Muslims across the world including countries with peace deals with Israel, that's why you got the Egyptian police officer shooting down Israelis

There is NO WAY OUT without ending the Israeli apartheid occupation
Don't you realize that the whole world sees the barbarism of Hamas along with the barbarism of Israel?
Perhaps someone knows in which hole this rat is hiding?

If anyone wants to know what a coward looks like...look at him in the picture. Is this the world you want to live in? Look at what a pussy and coward he is. Why is he hiding under the Pooh Shiesty mask? If pussy was a person face a$$ mf...

Lol, The brave Palestinian freedom fighters are not going to make it east for you low-life american fascist and your genocidal thugs to identify them, Suck it bitch 🖕🖕🖕
So you are telling us that peope were okay dancing, drinking, fornication or getting high with that being near world largest open air prison where 2 million people have no proper food and water let alone other human rights, And now that people have just killed some ingnorant scums that now you are being upset. Wow Just WOW on your logic
I am not upset. Israel is now compelled to do what it has to so that its people can live the way they want to. If I have a picnic in my yard next to a jail, the people from the jail can't come and slaughter me without consequences because they are upset with the government.

“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”​

― Golda Meir, A Land of Our Own: An Oral Autobiography

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