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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

But this time Merkava also has the Trophy APS. It will be very hard to hit it.
Trophy doesn’t cover the top arch. A mortar system like strix (with a 7 km range with sustainer motor) could do it or a kornet launched high and then coming down at a high angle.

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Trophy doesn’t cover the top arch. A mortar system like stix could do it or a kidney launched high and then coming down at a high angle.

Yes but that will reduce the possibility of hitting by a great degree. A top attack ATGM will be required. Not sure if Iran has any.
Oh yes you do….you crafty jews know everything. Pak would flatten your *** with half a payload
Your Air Force would know: the only jets shot down air to air combat in 67 and 73 were flown by Pakistani pilots who were in Syria/Jordan/Iraq at the time. They are the only ones that put 30mm cannon up your jets in both wars. So people with some responsibility in the country have an idea
How that had anything to do with what I said?

Government runs on political support, political donation and such as I said before, that's another story, the problem here is how Palestinian can gain international support, which is something they are losing quickly after last week attack.
They will gain it back, especially if Israel destroys Hamas and no excuse is left when the Palestinians continue to live under apartheid or worse, are wholesale expelled. The statement by the minister that the intent was to expel the all the Palestinians of Gaza to the Sinai will also win them sympathy, especially after he said it was “well thought out”. The pretext of solely going after the killers of Israeli civilians will be exposed for the intention to carry out the Webster’s definition of ethnic cleaning.

the expulsion, imprisonment, or killing of an ethnic minority by a dominant majority in order to achieve ethnic homogeneity

And doing something to stop this is actually US law.


Biden should remember what he said when he stood up against the ethnic cleansing of the people of Bosnia.

But Europe cannot stay united without the United States. There is no moral centre in Europe. When in the last two centuries have the French, or the British, or the Germans, or the Belgians or the Italians moved in a way to unify that continent - to stand up to this kind of genocide. When have they done it?

The only reason anything is happening now is because the United States of America finally - finally was understanding her role.

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Both Sadat and Rabin paid the ultimate price for essentially the same cause.

These criminals targeting hospitals and then claiming Hamas is occupying certain floors or have tunnels underneath the building as if they captured certain Palestinians and tortu...sorry, interrogated them and they gave up that information. The audacity to think the international community is stupid, but they get away with it every time since they're never held accountable for their war crimes.

Spain's Minister of Social Rights:

God bless this lady walahi. Good for her even if it won't amount to anything. At least there is someone from Europe standing up and calling out the criminal.

The deal of rafale was conducted to bribe france to recognize elsisi as president of egypt after overthrowing morsi in a military coup.

Qatar can't supply us, there is a deal between them and the french.

Oh yeah, of course. It had nothing to do with modernizing the air force with the best available fighter outside the US. It had everything to do with bribing Macron and the French to gain their support that's why the EAF has also ordered an additional 30 Rafales coming in 2024 because the French must be bribed 10 years after Morsi is ousted, yep. And the plan to increase the numbers to a potential 75 or 100 aircraft by 2030, 17 years after Morsi is the vig on the bribe, yep, makes all the sense in the world.

Oh, almost forgot - part of that bribe is the navy signing a deal with France for one of the best frigates and a local assembly of 3 out of 4 Gowind corvettes not to modernize the navy to help secure all the EEZ and newly discovered gas fields or the Red Sea or anything like that. Same with the $1.1 billion spent of the two Mistrals, that's right! Sisi actually bought those so he could rapidly deploy his loyal military anywhere along Egypt's coast to crush any protest or uprising against him. Yes, I remember the geniuses on YouTube and from the temporary MB radio channel out of Turkey saying that hahaha. It was all about bribery for the precious French "support" to spend all that money, but not to modernize all those military branches and double the strength of the military in light of what happened in Syria & Libya. Some great, goofy conspiracy theory made up by those silly anti-Sisi MB supporting Egyptians I tell ya. :tup: Glad they kept us entertained for a little while. :lol:
More Jewish ISIS Nazism. It's so funny how EU and US, which are under a Jewish occupation, suddenly don't care about war crimes now that's it's Israel doing it and not Russia. Against a small concentration camp too. They have just made the whole world a much more dangerous place. Everyone will think they have green light to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing. Thanks to these Jewish Nazis pricks that control the US government.

I believe this is the beginning of the end for Israel.

Let's go, world!

I think you got the words right. The beginning of the end for Israel.

Israel has suffered irreversible losses from which it will never recover. It will never go back to the time before 10/7. They have lost any claim to morality and the world sees them for what they are: bloodthirsty fascists who bomb hospitals, schools and mosques. Cowardly fascists who run away from a man-to-man fight and slaughter women and children. Wimps who bomb civilians from the air. The world is watching them gloat over dead Palestinian babies and rub their hands in anticipation of stealing more land.

The ugly reality of Israel has been exposed and they're never going to feel any sense of safety again until their end comes.
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