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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I always interpreted the Democrat and Republican views on foreign policy as the Yankee vs Cowboy poles that were written and described by Carl Oglesby when talking about JFK's assassination.

The Democrats, the "Yankees", are interested in their control of Wall Street financial firms and vast, multinational corporations. They are mainly from the Northeast (and Sillicon Valley) and direct the affairs of the network of interlocking institutions that comprise the “Eastern Establishment.” Strongly Anglophile, the Yankees perceive the North Atlantic industrial community as the focus of their economic, political, and cultural interests. The Rockefellers, Morgans, Harrimans, and Dillons are some examples of Yankee families.

Hence the Democrats very strong hawkish stance towards Russia and massive favorability of aid to Ukraine.

The Republicans, the "Cowboys", are interested in sectors such as petroleum, agribusiness, high-technology research and development, and defense contracting. The Cowboy members of the political-economic elite share a common cultural heritage that is largely derived from the frontier heritage of the West and that sharply distinguishes them from their Yankee associates. Unlike the Yankees, the Cowboys perceive the Pacific Basin as the focus for their essential interests and tend to be far more doctrinairely anti-Communist.

Hence, the Republicans hawkish stance towards China but softer approach to Ukraine (talking about their voters, not their leaders as aid to Ukraine is agreed to on by both sides).

@Meengla what are your thoughts on this?

The Ukrainian war does benefit military industrial complex, also a strong booster for the strong dollar.

So both Dems and establish Republicans are both favored for this plan.

Only the Trump Republicans are against it, because it has sabotaged their plan to ally with Russia to tackle against China.

Dems = Silicon Valley

GOP = Petroleum business

The Wall Street & military industrial complex are neutral & will play both sides on most of time.

8 June​

Israeli forces raided Ramallah and demolished the home of a Palestinian suspected of being responsible for the 2022 Jerusalem bombings. Clashes between Palestinians and the Israeli army erupted near his residence. The Palestinian health ministry reported that six individuals, including three with gunshot wounds, were taken to the hospital for treatment.[441][442][443][444][445]

9 June​

A 29-year-old Palestinian man was shot and killed at an Israeli checkpoint near Ramallah. The Israeli military stated he arrived in a stolen vehicle at the Rantis checkpoint. While inspecting the vehicle, the driver allegedly attacked a soldier and attempted to seize his weapon, prompting another soldier to shoot him. An investigation into the incident is underway. Hamas commented that the incident demonstrated the readiness and capability of resistance in the West Bank to confront the occupation's crimes, although the group did not claim responsibility.[446][447][448]

13 June​

Israeli forces killed a 19-year-old Palestinian during a raid on Balata refugee camp.[449][450]

Later, an Israeli and four IDF soldiers were wounded during a shooting from a car near the Mevo Dotan settlement.[449]

15 June​

Israeli forces killed a 20-year-old Palestinian during a demolition raid on Nablus.[451][452] Since the beginning of 2022 through June 8, B'tselem says that Israel has demolished 27 homes of suspected and convicted terrorists, 10 during 2023. While some commentators see it as politically motivated, Israel says that the purpose is deterrence although there is little evidence to support this and the U.S. State Department has called the practice "counterproductive to the cause of peace". Human rights groups view the policy as collective punishment and a possible war crime.[453][454][455]

18 June​

OCHA issued the Protection of Civilians Report covering the period 30 May–12 June 2023. During the reporting period, 2 Palestinians (145 year to date) were killed by Israeli forces and 1 Israelis (19 year to date) were killed by Palestinians. There were 70 Israeli military search and arrest operations in the West Bank (1628 year to date), and 16 Palestinian-owned structures were demolished (398 year to date including 112 in East Jerusalem). There were 33 attacks on Palestinians by Israeli settlers (441 year to date).[456]

19 June​

Israel shortened the procedure of approving settlement construction and gave Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich the authority to approve one of the stages, changing the system operating for the last 27 years. The United States said it was "deeply troubled" by the Israeli plans that explicitly violate previous commitments made by Israel to the Biden administration. "The United States is deeply troubled by the Israeli government’s reported decision to advance planning for over 4,000 settlement units in the West Bank. We are similarly concerned by reports of changes to Israel’s system of settlement administration that expedite the planning and approvals of settlements". Tor Wennesland, United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process urged a halt and reversal of the decisions and said "I am deeply concerned by the Israeli Government’s decision yesterday to alter settlement planning procedures that have been in place since 1996, which is expected to expedite settlement expansion. I am also alarmed by the anticipated advancement next week of over 4,000 settlement housing units by Israeli planning authorities". The Israeli press reported that the US has informed Israel that the Negev forum on regional cooperation will be postponed as a result of the Israeli moves.[457][458][459][460][461]

Israeli forces killed six Palestinians, including a 15-year-old boy, during a raid on Jenin. Dozens of Palestinians were wounded, some seriously. Seven soldiers were wounded. As troops were leaving the area, an IED detonated and disabled an Israeli vehicle. A military spokesman said that hours after the initial shootout, the army were extracting "personnel pinned down in five disabled vehicles at the scene". For the first time since the Second Intifada, an Israeli helicopter gunship was deployed. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk said he is "extremely worried by the situation" in Jenin, "including apparent executions by Israeli forces."[462][463][464][465] The following day, a 15-year-old Palestinian girl injured in an exchange of fire between Israeli troops and Palestinian militants died from her wounds, raising the death toll of the raid to seven.[466]

20 June​

Further information: 2023 Eli shooting
A 20 year-old Palestinian was shot dead in the Husan village near Bethlehem during clashes between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians hurling Molotov cocktails.[467][468][469]

In a shooting by Palestinians at a gas station near the West Bank settlement of Eli, four Israeli settlers were killed and four others were injured, including one seriously. The fatalities included a 17-year-old boy. A 26-year-old gunman was shot dead at the scene by an armed civilian, while the other fled in a car. He was located two hours later near Nablus and killed by Israeli forces. A Palestinian was moderately wounded in the shooting.[470][471][472][473][474] Both gunmen were from the village of Urif, and one of them was a member of Hamas' armed wing.[475] The group praised the shooting and stated it was a response to the raid on Jenin the day prior and to "aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque", but they did not claim responsibility.[470] Hours after the attack, dozens of settlers rioted across villages near Nablus, injuring at least 34 and torching 140 cars.[476] A few settlers opened fire at Palestinians who attempted to confront them,[477] and there were reports of settlers attempting to attack IDF soldiers.[477]

21 June​

A 27-year-old Palestinian man was killed near Turmus Aya, likely by an Israeli police officer according to the police. The killing occurred hours after Israeli settlers, some armed, set fire to houses and cars in the area. The police arrived after the settlers had left and clashes broke out with local Palestinians.[478] In a statement, the EU said "We condemn the current outbreak of settler violence across the West Bank, resulting in unacceptable indiscriminate violence against Palestinian civilians and the destruction of Palestinian property" and "We recall that Israel has the obligation to ensure the protection of Palestinian civilians in the occupied territory".[479]

Settlers attacked the Palestinian village of Al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya in what was described as a pogrom by +972 Magazine. 5 villagers were injured by live fire, a 12 year old boy on a bicycle was hit by a settler car and then beaten; 30 vehicles were set on fire; 10 homes were damaged, two shops and a gas station vandalized, together with agricultural fields, a wheat silo and telegraph poles. Similar incidents of settler violence broke out at Za’atara Junction, Yitzhar Junction, Huwara, Qabalan, and Bitin. Yesh Din reported that Israeli police and IDF soldiers were present at, but did not interfere with, the rampages.[480]

An Israeli drone strike killed three Palestinian militants in a car. The military said it had "identified a terrorist cell inside a suspicious vehicle" alleged to have carried out shooting attacks on Jewish settlements. The Times of Israel said that two of the dead were Palestinian Islamic Jihad members and the third belonged to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades while according to AP, all three were claimed by PIJ. This was considered the first targeted killing in the West Bank since 2006.[481][482][483]

23 June​

Following U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides condemnation of Israeli settler violence, National Security spokesman John Kirby said the United States is "actively engaging" with Israel on the question. A closed meeting of the United nations Security Council requested by China, France, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is expected to discuss the matter as well as the increasing violence in the West bank generally. Senior Israeli Defense officials have raised concerns over the issue pointing to Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir as a significant contributor to the problem.[484][485][486][487] Settler attacks on Palestinians reached record levels in 2022 and continue to increase in 2023 with the issue being repeatedly raised by European and US officials and latterly by Miloon Kothari of the UNHRC Commission of Inquiry who announced plans to investigate and said "We are very disturbed that violent settler activity has considerably increased in the last months and it's... becoming, in fact, the means through which (Israeli) annexation is insured."[488]

24 June​

A 39-year-old Palestinian was shot and critically injured by Israeli forces during a raid on Askar refugee camp on June 23, and later died from his wounds.[489][490]

Israeli forces killed a 17-year-old Palestinian from East Jerusalem who, according to Israeli police, fired on Israeli forces at the Qalandia checkpoint.[491][492]

According to residents, around 50 Israeli settlers armed with rifles and flammable liquid entered Umm Safa and set fire to houses and vehicles, the sixth settler mob attack on a Palestinian town during the week.[493][494]

27 June​

The US criticized Israel’s advancement of plans for 5,700 new homes in Jewish settlements and said it was "an obstacle to peace".[495][496][497][498]


3 July​

Further information: July 2023 Jenin incursion
In a military operation centered around the Jenin refugee camp, involving hundreds of troops and multiple drone strikes, Israeli forces killed at least eight Palestinians and injured dozens, some critically. The IDF said that they were engaged in an "extensive counterterrorism effort" across Jenin and in the refugee camp.[499][500][501][502][503][504][505][506] A 16-year-old Palestinian named Abdul Rahman Hassan Ahmad Hardan was reportedly killed. Despite Israel's claim that all those who were killed were combatants, video footage of the incident shows that Abdul Rahman was unarmed when he was shot.[507] A month later, a 20-year-old Palestinian died of his wounds.[508]

A 21-year-old Palestinian was killed by Israeli forces near Ramallah, according to the Palestinian health ministry.[499][509]

An Israeli man was stabbed and lightly wounded in Bnei Brak by a 14-year-old Palestinian from a village in the Jenin area. The attacker fled the scene but was captured. He allegedly said that he carried out the stabbing in response to the incursion in Jenin.[510]

4 July​

Further information: July 2023 Tel Aviv attack
Israeli forces killed two Palestinians, bringing total deaths to ten, as a military operation in Jenin continued for a second day. Thousands of residents have fled the refugee camp to Jenin proper.[511][512][513]

7 Israelis were wounded in a car ramming and stabbing attack in Tel Aviv. The assailant, a 20-year-old Palestinian from the West Bank, was shot dead by a civilian.[514][515][516]

A 22-year-old Palestinian died from wounds sustained during the Jenin assault, raising the death toll to 11.[517]

5 July​

Israeli forces withdrew from Jenin with at least 12 Palestinians and one Israeli soldier dead.[518][519] It is being investigated whether the Israeli death was due to friendly fire.[520]

6 July​

An IDF soldier[521][522] was killed after a Palestinian gunman opened fire at security forces who had stopped to inspect his vehicle near the Israeli settlement of Kedumim. The assailant was killed by Israeli forces after fleeing the scene. The attack was claimed by Hamas, who referred to it as a "heroic operation" in retaliation for the Israeli incursion in Jenin two days prior.[523][524][525][526][527]

7 July​

Israeli forces killed two Palestinians in a raid on Nablus. Israeli officials said that the men were behind a shooting attack on a police vehicle earlier in the week.[528][529][530]

Israeli forces killed a 24-year-old Palestinian near the village of Umm Safa according to Palestinian health ministry.[531]

8 July​

OCHA issued the Protection of Civilians Report covering the period 13 June–4 July 2023. During the reporting period, 32 Palestinians (177 year to date) were killed by Israeli forces and 5 Israelis (24 year to date) were killed by Palestinians. There were 139 Israeli military search and arrest operations in the West Bank (1800 year to date), and 41 Palestinian-owned structures were demolished (451 year to date including 129 in East Jerusalem). There were 84 attacks on Palestinians by Israeli settlers (525 year to date).[532]

10 July​

Israeli forces killed a 33-year-old Palestinian man in Deir Nidham. The military said troops stopped a motorist who got out of his car, threw a grenade and fired shots.[533][534]

Where is this website hosted? What are the chances it is take down soon once the war heats up? Do admins have good backups in place offsite?

He did that because Jewish run media conditioned him to believe it's America's war. And drawing parallels between a prison riot and 9/11. They are trying to incite people. They are foreign agents that need to be arrested.
@RescueRanger my brothers house is not far from this.

There needs to be a thread dedicated to this
A piece of shit from Illinois motivated by Israel-Hamas war killed a 6-year-old Muslim boy and seriously injured his mother.6 years old Wadea Al-Fayoume was stabbed 26 times by Joseph Czuba. His landlord reportedly shouted, "You Muslims must die!"

View attachment 962390View attachment 962391

Look at his face, looks like he got a bit of hell from the poor mother, child and the police. A lot more is reserved for him in prison, NOBODY likes child killers in prison.
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