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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

zionist defence minister just openly proclaimed they do not want a war with hezbollah.

Hezbollah would have attacked at the same time as hamas if they wanted to go all in from the beginning

However they have been attacking zionist positions daily, and causing casualties

This will force half the zionist army to stay idle on its northern flank to defend against a potential hezbollah incursion

Hezbollah will continue to attack and harass the zionists to distract them, all the while being fully ready to unleash hell if thr zionists cross ‘red lines’. ( major attack)

That will give hezbollah the casus belli it needs to unleash hell , while still claiming they are defending lebanon

Zionists only respect power… they will genocide you if you are weak… this week has shown how you deal with Zionists. And its not by pulling your pants down, getting on your knees, and begging european colonists not take everything, but leave some scraps for us( the ‘moderate’ position)
Martyrdom Of Three Members Of Al-Qassam In Northern Palestine

Sunday 15 October 2023 - 20:14


Al-Qassam Brigades published a statement and announced the martyrdom of three of its members during an operation to infiltrate from Lebanon to northern occupied Palestine.

On Friday, October 13, after infiltrating northern Palestine, these three men clashed with the Zionist army and retreated. On October 15, they succeeded in blowing up the border fence and attacked the Israeli army post in Margaliot settlement. During this conflict, Israeli planes bombed the position of this group, as a result of which all three of them were martyred.

A piece of shit from Illinois motivated by Israel-Hamas war killed a 6-year-old Muslim boy and seriously injured his mother.6 years old Wadea Al-Fayoume was stabbed 26 times by Joseph Czuba. His landlord reportedly shouted, "You Muslims must die!"

Demonstartions isn't enough, it is time for action:-

These Nazis in Israel have gone absolutely Nazi:-

Adviser to Netanyahu's wife calls for torture of Gazans to death amid heavy blow from Hamas​

Sunday, 15 October 2023 9:09 AM [ Last Update: Sunday, 15 October 2023 9:13 AM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

A Palestinian man carries the body of a child killed in overnight Israeli shelling in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on October 10, 2023. (Photo by AFP)
An adviser to the wife of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made an inflammatory statement amid the raging war on Gaza, calling for torturing the Gaza residents to death as the Tel Aviv regime has suffered a heavy blow in last week’s Hamas military operation.
Tzipi Navon, a close adviser to and office manager for Sara Netanyah, fantasized about torturing the Palestinians in a post on her Facebook page, saying it was not enough to "flatten Gaza," but rather its residents should be captured and tortured "one-by-one" by pulling out their nails and skinning them alive.
Expounding on the horrific torture that the occupying regime should subject the Gazans to, Navon said their male genitals should be removed and fried.
"Save their tongues for last, so we can enjoy his screams, his ears so he can hear his own screams, and his eyes so he can see us smiling," she added.
Navon also reiterated unsubstantiated claims made by the Israeli regime’s fake media reports about the decapitation of babies by the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas in its Operation al-Aqsa Storm last weekend, the largest military operation against the illegal entity in decades.
The Gaza-based movement and its military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, categorically denied the allegations of beheading babies in a statement on Wednesday, saying they do not attack civilians.
The al-Qassam Brigades and the resistance only attack the military and security apparatuses of the Israeli regime, which are legitimate targets, the statement added.
Hamas frees Israeli woman, two children amid fake news it beheaded babies
Hamas frees Israeli woman, two children amid fake news it beheaded babies
Hamas has released a video showing the release of an Israeli woman and two children who were captured during the group’s surprise attack against the occupied territories on Saturday.
The Israeli military admitted that it cannot officially confirm the claims, yet endorsed them.
The Gaza Health Ministry said 2,329 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed and 9,714 others injured by Israeli strikes.
This comes as more than 420,000 people are displaced within the Gaza Strip. A total of 270,374 out of 423,378 internally displaced people are now in UN shelters and schools.
At least 15 hospitals have been damaged by Israeli shelling and air raids.
The UN agency for Palestinian refugees said its shelters in the enclave “are not safe anymore” and warns that water is running out for the 2.3 million residents of the blockaded territory as the Israeli regime prepares for a ground offensive in the coastal area.

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Both parties are now clingy to Israel until their last breath.

Dem is running by a bunch of liberal Jews who are at odds with the far-right Likud that is the persistent ruling party in Israel.

GOP is your traditional Israel lover as their interests are always aligned together as Israel is the indispensable tool for the petro-dollar, and the GOP always represents the interests of the big oil companies, and they want the petro-dollar to rule for eternity.

The Dems once wanted the petro-dollar to be replaced by the green renewable technologies controlled by the liberals from the Silicone Valley. Now China is obtaining the jewel from the crown, and the Dems are also super mad at China for stealing their original idea.

Now the green renewable project of the US has failed, therefore both parties have to support Israel till the end for the sake of their own existence.

That's why Israel is always so cocky and complacent, because they know that the US elites will stand with them till the end.

I always interpreted the Democrat and Republican views on foreign policy as the Yankee vs Cowboy poles that were written and described by Carl Oglesby when talking about JFK's assassination.

The Democrats, the "Yankees", are interested in their control of Wall Street financial firms and vast, multinational corporations. They are mainly from the Northeast (and Sillicon Valley) and direct the affairs of the network of interlocking institutions that comprise the “Eastern Establishment.” Strongly Anglophile, the Yankees perceive the North Atlantic industrial community as the focus of their economic, political, and cultural interests. The Rockefellers, Morgans, Harrimans, and Dillons are some examples of Yankee families.

Hence the Democrats very strong hawkish stance towards Russia and massive favorability of aid to Ukraine.

The Republicans, the "Cowboys", are interested in sectors such as petroleum, agribusiness, high-technology research and development, and defense contracting. The Cowboy members of the political-economic elite share a common cultural heritage that is largely derived from the frontier heritage of the West and that sharply distinguishes them from their Yankee associates. Unlike the Yankees, the Cowboys perceive the Pacific Basin as the focus for their essential interests and tend to be far more doctrinairely anti-Communist.

Hence, the Republicans hawkish stance towards China but softer approach to Ukraine (talking about their voters, not their leaders as aid to Ukraine is agreed to on by both sides).

@Meengla what are your thoughts on this?

So much crying as usual
This time it will not work for hamas
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