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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

UN: The situation inside Gaza is an unprecedent humanitarian catastrophe. Lynn Hastings who is the United Nations lead on aid has demanded an unconditional release of hostages and an immediate cease fire to allow aid workers to save lives.
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Time for Hamas to make a move then?
Release hostages for a ceasefire.

Like I said. “Arab light”.

If the jews would have changed their religion in 1947, there would be no palestinians, they would have been completely bulldozed under the sand with hardly an outcry from those that are crying so hard for justice and humanity now….
Changed their religion what riddles are you speaking in. The outcry is over Israel committing war crimes breaking international law, seems your fine with that when it suits.
You wont get an argument from me, I am all for releasing hostages. But I am NO BODY.

As soon as hostages are released by the Gazans, they'd be truly carpet bombed!!! What's stopping a total massacre are some American/Western hostages. Even if Palestinians get their own prisoners from Israel back, a hostage swap is likely lead to a big slaughter in Gaza, unless some kind of 'guarantees' are given by credible powers.

Biden wouldn't want any Americans dead--even if of brown skin color right now--in Gaza. Because that would look even worse for Biden in the 2024 elections to have more 'Americans' killed on top of the 13 Marines killed on 'his watch' in August 2021 in Kabul, then several Americans killed on 7 October, 2023 and then more Americans killed as hostages in Gaza. Republicans are not going to miss any opportunity for electoral gains!! That's how American politics work in a system where just a couple of percentage points would decide who'd be the next President, who'd control the Congress, and where would hundreds of billions of dollar flow due to the next govt's policies.
Time for Hamas to make a move then?
Or Israel with its pending ground offensive into Gaza?
Release hostages for a ceasefire.
Just remember that Hamas initially told Israel that it wants to exchange the hostages for Palestinians in Israeli prisons. There were apparently "more than enough" to free all the Palestinians in Israeli jails.

A ceasefire probably helps Israel more, and disadvantages the Palestinians. A ceasefire helps Israel because it helps Israel stop the multitude of losses its been taking and helps it recover from shock, but a ceasefire for Palestinians now means a ton of losses for little or nothing in return/ what socio-politico-economic benefits were extracted from Israel? Since this conflict has an "all or nothing" energy to it, i think Gazans will bargain for much more, its a no-holds bar conflict, everything or nothing. That's why i think its probably only a matter of time before the Resistance fighters flood Israel from the north, the bombings of Israeli border posts and military stations in the north is systematically blinding Israel in the north Israel border areas, and that makes the border areas, more vulnerable to infiltration by militants in Lebanon and Syria.
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Changed their religion what riddles are you speaking in. The outcry is over Israel committing war crimes breaking international law, seems your fine with that when it suits.
Ofcourse not. That why the west will pressure Israel (“arab light” ) into restraint.

It is just funny that so many posters cheering for russia (aleppo,grozny), or syria (hama) or turkey (armenia genocide) are now crying so hard when Israel does similar (well, on smaller scale/more restraint).

Hamas started this round of agression with a 9/11 scale terror attack. Gaza voted for terrorism.
They are now facing the consequences of their actions.

Israel allows them an evacuation area. Lets see if Hamas dares to stop hiding behind women and children and defend north gaza.
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