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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

And what are Israel's nukes for? Do you ever foresee Egyptians or Syrians or other armies marching on you like they did in the formations of 1973 and before? No. They will not do so--not until you stop hiding behind Uncle Sam's protection. Why do you need the American fleet when all you are confronting is a militia from an imprisoned small strip of land? Or is it the fear of Hezbollah? Or you think your vaunted military is just a paper tiger? Any answers to those questions, please?

You broadcast your weakness to the world and yet you boast of your strengths. But baby killing using bombs, drones and artillery from a safe distance is your main strength!!
Unfortunately fighting terro is not easy and civilians pay the price most of the time. Israel called all the palastinians in the north to move to the south so we can engage hamas with minimum civilians dead
Dude, sim cards are easy to get into gaza.
basically too many Egyptian SIM Cards inside Gaza and many Egyptian cell phone towers are near Gaza also.

Unfortunately fighting terro is not easy and civilians pay the price most of the time. Israel called all the palastinians in the north to move to the south so we can engage hamas with minimum civilians dead
what if hamas moved with them to the south? they will ask pales to move to north and then hamas move with them to the north? they will again ask to move to the south? lol

damn dumb zionists.
Why we should attack Pakistan lol Most of the Israeli even don't know your country even exsit
😂 Coming from a boy pretending to be the official voice of Israel - that’s hilarious.
You live on a Pakistan defence forum because you probably are aware the passion of Pakistan people is deep - Israel know Pakistan is the only Muslims with nukes and netanshityu can’t handle the thought.
I am beginning to doubt you are an Israeli - your shit posts clearly have an indianism in them……
Aaand Israel turns on the water again…to no suprise.

Aaand egypt gets to open crossing for humanitarian aid….to no suprise.

Again, Israel did not go “full arab” but is showing restraint.

Now lets see if Hamas dares to defend North Gaza or does it continue to hide behind women and children.
Go cuck somewhere else. Check the collection of human animal ****. How many times do I have to tell you this.
We know that Germans make that kind of stuff
Dude, sim cards are easy to get into gaza.
But if you dump a million new phones on the network at the edge of Sinai, what will happen to the network? That is like all Gazans trying to get into a bus.
@Muhammed45 is saying its because of Egypt and Sisi that Iran is not able to arm hamas with the same weapons as Hezbollah. It seems Egypt current government is more anti-hamas and pro-israel.

No, I don't think so. Countries like Egypt and Pakistan and Turkey can only do so much due to their economy dependent on the West, and as are other countries in the region. Pakistan is looking for American support to get the next tranche of the IMF loan in November, as just one example.

I don't know much about Sisi--he may not be a Morsi but I don't believe the kind of weaponry Hamas got through Egypt is without Sisi's tacit approval. I could be wrong though.
Thank you. I was thinking about diesel generators stopping after a few days. Secondly, if the phones are provisioned for Gaza network, they can't automatically work on Egyptian network unless they are all provisioned. The networks have even different country codes: 20 for Egypt and 970 for Gaza. It is unlikely that Egyptian network has enough spare capacity to accept that many new connections considering it is in the Sinai desert and hence would be a low-capacity base.
That is not how mobile phones work, your mobile phone is essentially a radio receiver that functions between 900 and 1800 MHz bands, GSM or 2G as it is now referred to is deployed in blocks as small as 6.8 MHz to as large as 74.6 MHz. Even if your Sim card is from Pakistan, your mobile operator in Pakistan will have agreements known as "Roaming Steering Rules", these rules will automatically allow your phone's SIM IMEI Number to initiate a handshake with the "visiting provider".


When your sim card connects with the BTS of the visiting country, the visiting country will use the Roaming Steering rules to transfer the call based on the SQI score for the preferred network for example Etisalat or Vodafone etc, the roaming ML actions (so for example voice only/data etc) obviously there would be higher airtime charges for using this service. It is the same routing process for when you use an American sim sitting in America and dial a number in say Italy, only this time the Italian number being physically in the vicinity of the local network will piggyback on the local network to complete the call.

This is how it works:
But if you dump a million new phones on the network at the edge of Sinai, what will happen to the network? That is like all Gazans trying to get into a bus.
you think sinai is a waste land, sinai has a lot of cities and has nearly 2 million citizens without to mention the stationed troops



Are you stupid or something they massacred over 700 children and your saying they showing restraint. There is huge international pressure on them now the initial support they had has started to dissipate with pictures of dead Palestinian women and children. They are opening because of this pressure and it suits them,yet to see if something has happened on the ground or this is another lie by the apartheid regime.

Like I said. “Arab light”.

If the jews would have changed their religion in 1947, there would be no palestinians, they would have been completely bulldozed under the sand with hardly an outcry from those that are crying so hard for justice and humanity now….
basically too many Egyptian SIM Cards inside Gaza and many Egyptian cell phone towers are near Gaza also.

what if hamas moved with them to the south? they will ask pales to move to north and then hamas move with them to the north? they will again ask to move to the south? lol

damn dumb zionists.
Any indications that egyptians will take the streets demanding harsher approach and urgent action for gaza?
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