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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The egypt corridor is only open for .foriegners, no palestini welcome from egypt, ....reminds me of colonel gamal nasr,...... later president...and his free army coup against king farouk,
It is not, update yourself, no exit before entry of humanitarian releif
The problem with humanitarian aid is mainly that there can be a substantial amount of weapons inside those trucks. Therefore the only solution would be to station American and Egyptian troops on the Egyptian border and thoroughly inspect every truck. That would be my solution.
No one step his foot on our borders except us.

if the situation really gone worse and you want war, so be it.
am not worried, i guess we all mature people here, if he can't take the comments then he can leave, it's a military defense forum not some mommies forum.
He doesn't care about graphic pictures. And when I posted the link it was censored on Twitter. He wants to silence this forum because we played a big part in exposing the 40 dead babies hoax. Which was being used to commit genocide. He's a JDL terrorist Mossad agent. And is no Greek.

And he's dreaming. They already tried their trump card yesterday. I know how to deal with these Nazis.
There we have it folks!
View attachment 961838

Better to be cautious than to have something unpredictable happen.

How about sending UN peacekeeping force to ensure Israel follows International Laws too? Why is this not a solution especially when we have many verified reports of violations from Israel?
That wouldn't be a bad idea either. As long as there's a group of people who can inspect each truck individually. You can't let trucks into the country without any inspection especially from a state that's not exactly trustworthy, I'm talking about Egypt.
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