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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

If @Falcon29 is silenced, I will leave the forum in protest. It is natural for a Palestinian to be unable to control his emotions from time to time when his people are being slaughtered. You are right that the above post could have been put in spoilers, moderators can edit it, or if you ask him, he can edit the post. It is very wrong to directly target Falcon when there are so many people who need to be silenced here.
That post was very mild in comparison to other ones I saw the last 3-4 days. I'm not saying I'm easy to disturb with such images,but seeing a little baby missing half the skull is too much.
I hope Egypt does not give in to opening Rafah crossing for foreigners/Dual nationals unless aid into Gaza is secured. I fear Egypt will cave in to pressure...
I hope so too.
however, Egypt is weak now, it's a fact and i'm not ashamed to say it.
we need political support from many countries like pak or turkey or malaysia to support us in this issue about rafah border and the displacement of gazans.
Old news
Israel already had 100 more strike.
I already see people cry and we just started
Well, 1 Israel has support of whole EU and US and they are doing great job....lollll... constant supply of weapon..... .come on ...

I still missed Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat.
To me Oslo Accords was the best chance for both Palestinians and Isrealis.

I hope people would realize there is no forceful solution to this conflict. Not a humanly moral acceptable one anyway,

How much more blood need to be spilled till people realize that.

the time for peace was yesterday.


This! ^^ If that doesn't define the unity and loyalty Egypt has for the Palestinians, then there's nothing anyone else can say to answer the anti-Arab sentiment that is permeating this thread.

I can confirm this from another angle: Turkish news are reporting that 3 planes of aid were sent over Egypt urgently and that the Egyptian authorities reacted very well and quickly they organized it whole process, but the Egyptian state was prevented by Israel from delivering the aid.

Israel - and indirectly the US - has condemned the Arabs in Gaza to starvation in full view of the world.








In contrast, this is what Al Arish airport was used for during the criminal occupation of Sinai back in 1973 during the Ramadan October war. The US was flying in military supplies & weapons to help the zionists fight Egypt and try to hold on to the land they tried stealing in 1967. Some more perspective for the Arab bashers.
Operation "Nickle Grass."



I hope so too.
however, Egypt is weak now, it's a fact and i'm not ashamed to say it.
we need political support from many countries like pak or turkey or malaysia to support us in this issue about rafah border and the displacement of gazans.
Under these circumstances, any Muslim country that does not support Egypt can go to hell. I say this without singling out my own country.
Just returned from the London March for Palestine. Colossal turnout in excess of 100k, just as many people from all walks of life as Muslims..
Was wolhunter around to tell you something
I hope Egypt does not give in to opening Rafah crossing for foreigners/Dual nationals unless aid into Gaza is secured. I fear Egypt will cave in to pressure...
The problem with humanitarian aid is mainly that there can be a substantial amount of weapons inside those trucks. Therefore the only solution would be to station American and Egyptian troops on the Egyptian border and thoroughly inspect every truck. That would be my solution.
Well, 1 Israel has support of whole EU and US and they are doing great job....lollll... constant supply of weapon..... .come on ...

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The constant "supply" of weapons is weird. The Israelis already have a big defence industry and I'm sure they have A LOT of ammunition and spare parts stored as well. It doesn't make any sense. Why would they need a constant supply of weapons and ammo,when they are only fighting Hamas?
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