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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Lol, it makes me laugh. He's a Jewish Nazi panicking we are showing their true genocidal character and facist face. Don't worry at all and ignore him.
am not worried, i guess we all mature people here, if he can't take the comments then he can leave, it's a military defense forum not some mommies forum.

LOL The bitch truly believes she is chosen:

As I said yesterday .. we may face confrontation between Egypt and israel or Egypt and the american fleet

channel 12 of israel : the relation between Egypt and israel reached the collapse point.

I hope Egypt does not give in to opening Rafah crossing for foreigners/Dual nationals unless aid into Gaza is secured. I fear Egypt will cave in to pressure...
If @Falcon29 is silenced, I will leave the forum in protest. It is natural for a Palestinian to be unable to control his emotions from time to time when his people are being slaughtered. You are right that the above post could have been put in spoilers, moderators can edit it, or if you ask him, he can edit the post. It is very wrong to directly target Falcon when there are so many people who need to be silenced here.
You sound like these two:


@Falcon29 is a well known buster. Am I right @Falcon29
Yes, its all over media, they are forcing them to flew and then start bombing those public exit routes.

Old news
Israel already had 100 more strike.
I already see people cry and we just started
Arafat and his fatah were weak .. some military operations from time to time that won't affect israel but look at hamas, a small military with great tactics .. put the israeli air force aside , hamas can take israel in ground battles anytime.
On this comment @cssniper I wanna mention something from a great documentary back in 2001 (or 2002),where a great and awarded documentary team from Greece when to Palestine and talked to both sides. They even had an interview with Sheikh Yassin,maybe Total Destruction will remember him,if he is old like me.

So,before they went to Hamas,the journalist talked a bit about about how Hamas was gaining popularity in Gaza. They talked about corruption in Fatah's government if I remember correctly. And then he says: "It's not the President they don't trust (Arafat),but his surrounding".

Basically,Fatah had reached a point where the inability to find a solution,along with poverty etc. had the Islamic and more populist Hamas,get more votes and a support base,mostly in Gaza of course.

Man,that documentary was epic. But I can't find it online anywhere. I do have it recorded on VCR tape and had it converted to DVD format though.
Arafat and his fatah were weak .. some military operations from time to time that won't affect israel but look at hamas, a small military with great tactics .. put the israeli air force aside , hamas can take israel in ground battles anytime.
I have to object your statement.
Maybe Fatah was not that strong in military, but Arafat and his companions fought thought difficuties.
And of course Rabin wouldn't compromise with a "weak" fatah.
Fatah or Hamas, they are the different sides of the Palestinians.
If we see the Palestinians as a whole, they have been evolving.
There is a warning that posting Graphic/bloody/dead people photos or videos on the forum,will result in an immediate ban.

You've been posting gruesome photos of dead children and people,whether Palestinians or Israelis for a week straight and nobody has done anything about it,except @LeGenD who gave you a warning and you ignored it.

@waz @PDF @Kambojaric @WebMaster

@Falcon29 my brother feel free to post what you think is relevant. Just please can you follow this process please.

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