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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Something has been burning overnight in Ashkelon Oil Port - Israel.
So much talk that will do this and that :-) lol
Friends, gaza is gone. After hamas pogroms Israel will make gaza look like Dresden. If the Arab countries love them so much they should host those Isis supporter. We just started

The humiliation of Israel goes beyond killing Palestinian civilians while Hamas is still in the war front with them.. they also failed in their media propaganda.. no matter how this end
Hamas carry out a perfection war tactic on the isreal and still have enough chance to do

This is why the border has been Sealed:

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Absolutely disgusting.
Muslims helping their Muslim brothers but zionist sisi seals the border knowing A HUMANITARIAN CATASTROPHE AND GENOCIDE IS HAPPENING IN GAZA.
F*ck sisi. Hopefully the people of Egypt put him in his place.
Who needs enemies when your so called “friends” are like this.
How many times have you Arabs tried to destroy Israel? Each and every time they defeated you in the most humiliating manner. You people have no unity, you're more happy killing each other.

Let's put numbers to that. If we are killers, then we want equal opportunity to kill.
So much talk that will do this and that :-) lol
Friends, gaza is gone. After hamas pogroms Israel will make gaza look like Dresden. If the Arab countries love them so much they should host those Isis supporter. We just started
Am hearing about some decision, that is still not ratified by your Govt

That Gaza will be divided into three parts, North Middle and South - after which Hamas will be cleansed out and these three parts will be made into separate parts? That this proposal is awaiting Cabinet approval?

Is this true possibly?
Absolutely disgusting.
Muslims helping their Muslim brothers but zionist sisi seals the border knowing A HUMANITARIAN CATASTROPHE AND GENOCIDE IS HAPPENING IN GAZA.
F*ck sisi. Hopefully the people of Egypt put him in his place.
Who needs enemies when your so called “friends” are like this.

The Muslim leaders of this world are the worst. All of them. We have seen their henious faces.

I find it ironic that there's mass protests in most of these countries, given that for the better part of 20 years they've been killing each other...have they all of a sudden just realised who their real enemy is? As much as I despise Israel, I respect their strong national identity and unity, despite the differences they have. This is why a nation of a few million can effectively subjugate the entire Arab world. The Arabs only have themselves to blame. In a few months time, they'll go back to slaughtering each other in Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, etc.

No doubt. The weak link here is Arab unwillingness to stand up for Palestine.
An interesting track earlier this morning: An RAF A400M in Amman going to Cyprus?
Historical background for the Arab-Israeli conflict

Arab Countries vs Israel

Palestine vs Israel

now HAMAS vs Israel

The Palestinian Cause lost support over the decades

The perception that just HAMAS is a terrorist organization and that it attacking Israel is spreading around the world

Arab Countries
-- Iraq and Syria were turned into failed State by USA and The UK
-- Egypt and Jordan are under American control
-- USA mediated an agreement between Israel and S.Arabia , Bahreyn , The UAE on Arab–Israeli normalization

-- Pakistan and Indonesia dont care about Palestinian Cause anymore
-- Turkiye can not stop USA-The EU-İsrael pact ... If Arab Countries , Pakistan and Indonesia left Palestinian Cause alone

The Abraham Accords Declaration​



Israel never had such support in history ..... RIP Palestinian Cause
The first step to liberating Palestine would be getting rid of all these treacherous Zionist lover leaders. Deal with the munafiqeen first then attack Zionists.
The Muslim leaders of this world are the worst. All of them. We have seen their henious faces.

No doubt. The weak link here is Arab unwillingness to stand up for Palestine.
Will Pakistan send its forces to Gaza the way Pakistan army support Kashmir cause being an Islamic nation?

Yes if the Americans pay they will but to fight on Israel's side.

Useless story, but its such a small world: my grandmother's house in Lahore was originally owned by a Jewish family who sought refuge in Lahore during WWII.

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The original photo of the house
The wheels of fate that resulted in Hazel’s affiliation with Pakistan were moving on a long winding road even before she was born. “My parents were fleeing from Hitler and I will forever be grateful to Pakistan for giving us the refuge we needed back then.”

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Dr. Herman Selzer and Kate Selzer were a young couple studying medicine together when they had to leave Germany, where, after 1933, Jews were not allowed to study medicine.
They made their way to Italy, where they graduated from the University of Rome. But Europe was no safe place for Jews during that time and someone in passing mentioned the crown jewel of the British Empire — India. Dr. Herman Selzerwho had completed his studies, left Rome and took a ship, from Naples to Palestine where his parents and siblings had resettled after fleeing Europe, and then sailed to what was back then Ceylon [modern day Sri Lanka] from there. Through there they arrived in India.”

In India, Dr Herman soon found out getting work was easier said than done. “Here he was just another European doctor and they had more than enough of them. It wasn’t until he came to Lahore that he found a place to start a medical practice.”
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Hazel Selzer

In Lahore, the Selzers had their first daughter, naming her Hazel. A son, Michael, followed soon after.

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Hazel visited Lahore almost every year to see her birth city and her home in Pakistan, sadly she passed away last year. The Selzer family are very good friends of our family, SO WHEN SOME INDIAN and PRETEND Israeli's make assumptions on this forum about people, they should just STFU!

The old house as we call it, is still kept as it was when my grandmother purchased it:
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@LeGenD @PakFactor @Dalit

Beautiful house.
In Sha Allah the rulers of Egypt will pay dearly for this in this world and the next.
May Allah raise sisi with his Zionists friends of the day of Judgment.

These stupid Arab rulers. They don’t know they’re the next target. This does not end with Palestine. The Zionist flag has Nile to Euphrates on it. Zionists will go to any lengths to try to achieve that.

It’s just like how NATO knows if Ukraine falls next is rest of Europe. Arabs should have same mentality. If Palestine falls that Arab neighbouring states will also become history.

The Arabs have it coming. The land scavenging won't be limited to Palestinian land.
Just in case one is wondering... Just because bible say that this land belongs to Jews the Liberal/Secular and people who don't believe in God are lining up to support the claim of Jews to inherited this land which they also took from someone else. The Secular/Godless West is fighting and propagating to push a religious claim, we are living in a strange times indeed.

The paper moves from archaeological discoveries to biblical records, quoting Genesis 10:1-20 that shows “the Arabs, Hamites, Canaanites and Jebusites were the original inhabitants of the land of Palestine, including the area of Jerusalem.” Canaanites and Jebusites were there long before (at least 2,000 years before) the Jews, and even long before Judaism was revealed.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/original...ab-muslim-jewish-jerusalem.html#ixzz8G67iTjXW

Ancient origins of the city​

The earliest traces of human settlement in the city area, found on a hill to the southeast, are from the late Chalcolithic Period (Copper Age) and Early Bronze Age (c. 3000 BCE). Excavations have revealed that a settlement existed on a site south of the Temple Mount, and a massive town wall was found just above the Gihon Spring, which determined the location of the ancient settlement. The name, known in its earliest form as Urusalim, is probably of western Semitic origin and apparently means “Foundation of Shalem (God).” The city and its earliest rulers, the Egyptians, are mentioned in the Egyptian Execration Texts (c. 1900–1800 BCE) and again in the 14th-century Tell el-Amarna correspondence, which contains a message from the city’s ruler, Abdi-Kheba (Abdu-Ḥeba), requiring his sovereign’s help against the invading Hapiru (Habiru, ʿApiru). A biblical narrative mentions the meeting of the Canaanite Melchizedek, said to be king of Salem (Jerusalem), with the Hebrew patriarch Abraham. A later episode in the biblical text mentions another king, Adonizedek, who headed an Amorite coalition and was vanquished by Joshua.

According to biblical accounts, Jerusalem, on the frontier of Benjamin and Judah and inhabited by a mixed population described as Jebusites, was captured by David, founder of the joint kingdom of Israel and Judah, and the city became the Jewish kingdom’s capital. This has been dated to about 1000 BCE. David’s successor, King Solomon, extended the city and built his Temple on the threshing floor of Araunah (Ornan) the Jebusite. Thus Jerusalem became the place of the royal palace and the sacred site of a monotheistic religion.


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