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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

International Newspaper Front Pages:



















What I have read is, in many observant Catholic households, the children faithfully go to church and all the sacraments like confessions etc., This inculcates a belief that Catholicism is one true faith. Then they go to high school or college, meet other smart kids who are good but not Catholic or observant or non-religious and feel they have been fooled with 'true faith' dogma. Sadly, that results in revolt in many instances and the kids/youngsters become 'nones'.
It is not allowed to debate religion on pdf so i will pass further conversation but will say that you are fundamentally wrong in your approach.
He is stupid if he does.iran has nuks too saudia is under pakistan nukes cover.. world will suffer with hunger

Ukraine is gone Hamas has created big Diversion for Russia. Big big mistakes for nato if they jump in new conflict.. Russian going to win. This is master stoke played by Russian creating new war zon for usa
lol. How so?

If anything, support for Ukraine is easier with yet another foreign military support aid bill, GOP would need to pass them if they want to help their precious Israel. On the other hand, if only a slight hint of this have any Russian hand in this, even if they were not doing it directly and act as diversion, you are going to expect Israel to help Ukraine in near term and long term, the reason why Israel don't help Ukraine is because of them thinking Russia would use this to unhook the middle east, if Israel think they are doing it anyway, they will help Ukraine like how US will help

Russian Army already getting nowhere before this, you think they are going to gain momentum? There is a reason why Russia didn't even care enough to call for a security council meeting, like the many the US called during their invasion in Ukraine. Russia would not want to get any of this in their doorstep, that one thing is clear. Russia is at stalemate with Ukraine, I don't know would Ukraine managed to claw back all their territories, but one thing I do know if Russia is not going to progress further in that war. It's quite clear when the only gain in 2023 for Russia is Bakhmut and that's after 300,000 mobilised, and even then half of them already rolled back to Ukraine.
Meanwhile in India:


This is lie they sending army to fight.. this is cover. I mean fuckinh how many Japanese are in Isreal lol they thinking world is fool. They sending their sons to fight American war....
Japanese Army is a self defence force. I have friends in Japan, trust me, they are NOT interested in this conflict.

The bigger question for the Muslim World is...How the Fvck did the Arab world even consider the normalisation of ties with these Zionist savages!!!!????
It is a direct command of Allah who has prohibited us from making an alliance with these rabid dogs!!! Our leaders are nothing but cowards to stand by and watch the genocide of the Palestinians. Wooowww on to the Arabs, for a slaughter is upon you. It's being engineered and is exactly what the zionists need in order to expand their territory, yet the Arab leaders are asleep.
Ukrain is lost..... europ going to lose. Hamas Has created a diversion for Russia. Russian not gona lose this massive Opportunity.
Ukraine was lost, even without this diversion. Only the pain for Russia, would have endured for longer time. There was a reason, why they never used their air power in full. They were conserving it, for a coming bigger battle (possible again, but nothing is confirmed) with NATO.

Of course, it would be foolish of them to either way (them being involved or not) not to use this event. USA's focus will be divided, between Ukraine and Israel now.

If Russia is behind this, the geopolitics will be very interesting.
It's 2023 and it a damning indictment of the collective apathy of humanity and global powers that Palestine is still occupied:


Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel | Flash Update #7​

Format Situation Report Source OCHA Posted14 Oct 2023 Originally published13 Oct 2023


  • At around midnight on Thursday, the Israeli military ordered about 1.1 million people in the northern part of the Gaza Strip to evacuate southwards within 24 hours, ahead of military operations. As of 21:00, it is estimated that tens of thousands have fled. Prior to the order, over 400,000 Palestinians had been internally displaced due to the hostilities.
  • Most people have no access to clean drinking water after supply through the water network and the operation of water desalination/purification plants came to a halt. As a last resort, people are consuming brackish water from agricultural wells, triggering serious concerns about the spread of waterborne diseases.
  • Israeli bombardments from the air, sea, and land have continued and intensified across the Gaza Strip for the seventh consecutive day. According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, between 18:30 on Thursday and 14:00 on Friday, 382 people were killed and 1,120 others injured in Gaza. In total, 1,799 have been killed and 7,388 injured in Gaza since 7 October. Human rights organizations have expressed concerns about incidents where civilians and civilian objects appear to have been directly targeted by Israeli airstrikes.
  • Palestinian armed groups in Gaza continued firing of indiscriminate rockets towards Israeli population centres As of 21:00, no new Israeli fatalities have been reported. According to Israeli official sources, at least 1,300 Israelis and foreign nationals have been killed in Israel since 7 October and at least 3,436 have been injured, the vast majority during the initial attack carried out by Palestinian armed groups.
  • The Israeli city of Sderot will be completely evacuated within 48 hours, according to Israeli media, and many have reportedly left Ashqelon and other Israeli towns. Previously, mass displacement in southern Israel primarily occurred in small communities in the immediate vicinity to Gaza. The Israeli authorities have been responding to the needs of these IDPs (note: this Flash Update focuses on humanitarian needs in the oPt).
  • Since 11 October at 14:00, Gaza has been undergoing a full electricity blackout, which has brought essential health, water and sanitation services to the brink of collapse, and exacerbated food insecurity.
  • Between 130 and 150 Israelis, including soldiers and civilians, some of whom are women and children, as well as some foreign nationals, have been captured and forcibly taken into Gaza. The Secretary-General called on Wednesday for the “immediate release of all Israeli hostages.” Hostage-taking is forbidden under International Humanitarian Law.
  • Over the past 24 hours, 13 Palestinians, including four children and one woman, were shot and killed by Israeli forces across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, bringing the Palestinian fatality toll since 7 October to 43.
  • Yesterday, the OPT Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) launched a Flash Appeal calling for US$294 million for 77 humanitarian partners to address the most urgent needs of 1,260,000 people in Gaza and the West Bank.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsTo learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.
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Tbh this is true. Only Pakistan can say something.
Pakistan can at minimum establish a redline. It can for example say “Gaza is our redline and we won’t allow a genocide on our watch” or something like that.
It doesn’t cost any dollars to use your mouth.
Pakistans economy and situation is shit anyways. Can’t get any worse. Sanctions will be a positive since dollarkhor elite can’t build properties in west.
Only one leader could have done this he died long ago.
This was said over 11 years ago....yet the Arabs are sleeping. Israel is itching for a regional war as it needs to expand its territory and build the temple. What better way to do it then to appear as the victim when it is in fact the genocidal aggressor. May Allah decimate the Zionists.....the time will come when even the rocks and trees will speak against the Jews.

Internet connectivity continues to deteriorate


Prior to the conflict the average downstream on ADSL+ and FTTH technology was estimated at 64mbps:


US fears Israel has no plan for how to contain fallout from looming invasion of Gaza​

  • The Biden administration is pressing its ally to think beyond the immediate goal of eradicating Hamas
  • No clear endpoint in Gaza risks fanning Israel’s worst crisis in 50 years in to a regional conflagration the US and its partners would struggle to contain

When a family dies under Israel’s bombs, part of Gaza’s history disappears​

The Palestinian Ministry of Health reports at least 20 families have been killed, and entire neighbourhoods lie in ruins.

Editor's note - graphic content: A morgue worker arranges body bags at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on October 12, 2023, as raging battles between Israel and Hamas continue [Mahmud Hams/AFP]

By Mohammed R Mhawesh Published On 13 Oct 202313 Oct 2023

Gaza City – In the midst of harrowing numbers of Palestinian deaths and injuries under Israeli bombardment is a smaller figure: 20.
Twenty families have been erased from Gaza’s cohesive society, in which everyone knows everyone else going back generations.

All the living generations of the 20 families have been wiped from the civil registry, as Palestinians say.
For seven consecutive days, the Gaza Strip has shaken under relentless Israeli air attacks. On Thursday, Israel said it had dropped 6,000 bombs on Gaza, or an average of 1,000 per day.
The death toll in Gaza has now risen to at least 1,799 Palestinians, 60 percent of whom are women and children, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. A further 6,388 people have been wounded.
Entire neighbourhoods lie in ruins and blackened rubble. The Israeli army said it is bombing in response to a surprise attack on Israel by the armed wing of Hamas last Saturday, which killed 1,300 people and wounded more than 3,000.
Israel’s declared aim is to eliminate Hamas and dismantle its infrastructure, but it is the civilians trapped in the densely populated Gaza Strip who have borne the brunt of Israel’s bombing.

‘I saw death today’​

In the Jabaliya refugee camp, 31 members of the Shihab family were killed in an attack. Other families had come to their building to hide, thinking it was safe.

A total of 45 people were killed in the attack on Jabaliya. The youngest victim was a two-month-old baby.
In Deir al-Balah, at least 15 members of the Azaize family were killed – some of the dead could not be found in one piece.

In Gaza City, Hassan al-Batniji lost his entire family in one attack.
Asmahan al-Barbari’s Gaza City home was bombed after she and her family returned to it, thinking they were safe.
Al-Barbari said everyone had rushed out of the house when they got an SMS warning from the Israeli military that they would be bombing the house.

“We grabbed our emergency bags that are always ready by the door, and ran,” she said. “After we stayed away for the usual time, we headed back, thinking the danger was over.”
Al-Batnaji’s house was bombed in the middle of the night as the family lay sleeping. “We [found] ourselves buried under the rubble in the dark,” he said. “I screamed their names to find out if they were still breathing.
“I saw death today. It didn’t take my life. [It took] my family’s. I wish I was killed too. … I will mourn them for the rest of my life.”
His neighbour Mahmoud al-Shanti told Al Jazeera: “We were about 30 people in our house – elderly women, children – because so many families had fled their damaged areas to escape the violent attacks.”
Al-Shanti, al-Batnaji and al-Barbari were all at Al-Shifa Hospital being treated and hoping to find safety.

Al-Shifa has emerged as a comforting spot for many of Gaza City’s residents, who go there seeking news, an internet connection or a few minutes or electricity.
It is struggling to treat everyone, however, as Israel has stepped up its 16-year blockade of Gaza and is refusing to let necessities in, including food, water, electricity and medicines. The “complete siege” means there is a severe lack of the most basic and essential medical supplies.

Adding chaos to panic​

Overnight from Thursday to Friday, the Israeli army dropped leaflets over Gaza ordering Palestinians to leave northern Gaza and Gaza City and head south.
Just over one million people live in the area Israel wants to clear, and while thousands did head south, many people stayed where they were because they could not arrange transport, chose to stay in their homes or heeded a call by Hamas to ignore Israel’s demand.
Israel’s attacks on residential areas have filled hospital corridors with injured people, some falling to the floor due to the lack of available beds, surgical rooms and intensive care units.

At the moment, much of the discussion being had to solve this situation has revolved around the idea of humanitarian corridors to allow Palestinians to leave Gaza. The suggestion to open an overland crossing into Egypt was rejected by Cairo, which did agree to open the crossing for humanitarian aid.
But Palestinian officials in Gaza argued that the urgency of the situation demands more immediate action to stop the bombardment and prevent further deaths and human suffering.
Health Ministry Director Munir al-Barsh said the Israeli air attacks have “criminally and systematically targeted residential blocks”, which means that a majority of the victims are civilians.
“The bombing is targeting everyone, including homes, health facilities and ambulance crews,” he said at a press conference on Thursday.
Israel says it will keep on targeting Hamas and resistance groups in Gaza.

Palestinians in Gaza are left living under the falling bombs and in the destruction, facing hunger, the lack of clean drinking water and the potential spread of infectious diseases.
As the number of victims rises and more and more families disappear from Palestine’s rich tapestry of history and culture, there is a bewildered note to the mourning as people try to come to grips with what these disappearances mean.

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Ukraine was lost, even without this diversion. Only the pain for Russia, would have endured for longer time. There was a reason, why they never used their air power in full. They were conserving it, for a coming bigger battle (possible again, but nothing is confirmed) with NATO.

Of course, it would be foolish of them to either way (them being involved or not) not to use this event. USA's focus will be divided, between Ukraine and Israel now.

If Russia is behind this, the geopolitics will be very interesting.
Actually, if Russia is behind this, then I really don't know which is worse.

Essentially if Russia is behind this, they are literally asking Hamas to attack Israel and sending thousand or hundred of thousand of Palestinian to died just to create a diversion. To a war have nothing to do with Palestinian or Muslim in general, and Hamas would have to be stupid enough to accept that request, for what exactly? To bail Russia out?

This is not genius in any level, if this is indeed true, then Russia is downright evil, and Hamas is downright stupid..And for Russia to piss off one of the most important US allies that so far stay outside of this war in Ukraine........Maybe you see some strategic value in it? I don't
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